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Opening Words..

No your eyes are not deceiving you!! What you are seeing is real just like my thought's on what i'd do to twister if me and her where alone for a few hour's ha ha. Yeah baby!! Nathan Slade is back in the XHWF.. Are you surprised? Are you memorized!! Are you bedazzled that your TV Icon is back in action!! But let's fucking face the fact's here, XHWF made me what i am today and it will always' be my BITCH!!

But to be honest i'm glad i'm back, i missed all the crazy shiznit that went on while i was out clearing my thought's, getting my hunger back, my thirst for what's really and truly mine for the taking and that's something i've dreamed of getting since the day i joined this great fucking establishment!!

The World Championship the only belt i want to see around my waist, can't accept any substitute that's for fucking sure, but good thing's come's to those who wait and i'll wait my chance hell everyone know's i fucking deserve my shot just like the next guy!! But first thing's first ladies, I have to go one on one with the man who gifted me my first victory here in the XHWF. That's right Kid Kash..

I can see you now building your own very personal pair of brown colored briefs' am i right? But don't threat it kid because i won't waist much time on giving you the beat down that you deserve!! Yeah that's right i still remember that fateful day you claimed to get screwed outta our match but this time it will be different, there will be no god damn screw job's because i will personally see to it.. I END YOU!! Because you see even though my hunger and thirst has returned, my attitude has changed for the better I still kept a close eye on this joint even though i was away and it seem's that I failed to do something while i was here.. I needed an attitude adjustment and that's what's happened, i woke up and smelt the damn coffee. I realized your's truly needed a mean streak and now i've got it. You think i give a shit what anyone of you think of this huh? Think again because a new storm is brewing here in the xhwf and it start's with the former cruiserweight champion Kid Kash...

Welcome to Sladeville Byatch!!

Real Facts..

The scene open's up to a hallway, it's cascading marble floor's shimmer as the light's which hang from the ceiling's cast their bright beam's, the wall's are decorated in a modern style white wall's with metal frame picture's. The camera take's a closer look at the image's in the frame's and we see there of non other than the Tv Icon himself.. "The Real Deal" Nathan Slade in various matches in his short lived career in the XHWF. We now begin to move toward's a door which has a light illuminating from the bottom crack of the modern looking door, we see a shadow pass by and then again. The door start's to swing open slowly squeaking it obviously need's an oil of some sort. The camera slowly walk's into the area which is known as chateau de Slade. We open up into a large living room area where a hot looking blonde chick sit's on a leather sofa, she's wearing barely anything apart from a bra and panties'. She's looking over in the direction of the bathroom, we know it's the bathroom because we hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Out walk's Slade dressed in a pair of black knee length short's he walk's over to the sofa and sit's next to the blonde who's starting to rub his shoulder's, Slade seem's obviously stressed

Hott Blonde Chick: What's the matter Nathan? You seemed a little stressed tonight!!

'The Real Deal' Nathan Slade: Nothing much babe, I just got word that my #1 fan left XHWF and to top it all off i have to face Kid Kash on my fucking return!! What a screw job, Madison and Viper think's they can treat 'The Real Deal' like a god damn jobber!! I'll show em.. trust me Smirk's I'll show em all Nathan Slade is one bastard you don't want to fuck about!!

Hott Blonde Chick: What you going to do? Nothing crazy like walk out on them again!!

Slade laugh's and leans forward turning his head looking at the chick

'The Real Deal' Nathan Slade: Ha ha you gotta be kidding me, I made that mistake once not again, XHWF is and always' will be my home, there the joint that made me what i am today. I'm just going to prove why i deserve recognition and believe me that's exactly what's going to happen at hangover guaranteed.

The sound of a phone ringing can be heard from somewhere in the room, Slade get's up to one knee and look's about

'The Real Deal' Nathan Slade: Where's the phone babe?

Hott Blonde Chick: Oh here it is babe

The blonde then reaches under her ass and pull's out a shiny nokia 8850 which is vibrating, Slade take's it from her and slides the front down answering the call

'The Real Deal' Nathan Slade: Hey how's it going lil guy? ..... Glad to hear bro you making much cash? ..... Fucking awesome Jefro, fucking awesome ..... Yeah it's true i'm back in the xhwf, what can i say i missed the dump ..... ha ha nah bro i ain't boned twister yet ..... I got to face Kid Kash bro ..... yeah don't threat anything he's ass is good as done for come hangover ...... Nah i don't think i'll need along for the ride this time bro, you stick to pimpin out your lil hoe's .... I've got a plan anyway's so it's all good .... aight dawg take it Ez ..... make sure you send me a hoe every now and then aight!! ..... Peace ya horny lil fucker

Slade slide's the front of the cell up and lock's off the call and kneels there thinking for a few moment's

Hott Blonde Chick: Hey Nathan i'm going to bed, you joining me?

Slade stands up now and look's at the hot blonde chick with a smile on his face

'The Real Deal' Nathan Slade: Yeah babe, let me just clean up for ya

The blonde give's a look as if to say you better tiger, she then stands up and disappear's out of the camera's view, Slade then walks back into the bathroom pulling a string which turn's the light on which illuminate's around a mirror. The camera focus's in on the reflection of Slade who's just staring aimlessly as the picture fade's

Final Words..

So it seem's in 3 day's i get to make my in ring return in the XHWF against the very man i defeated the day i debuted here in the xhwf, a fitting return hell no it's not!! The mean's to a end maybe so.. Maybe it's just my punishment for walking out on the xhwf or maybe it's just a test to see what i'm actually willing to do in my bid to become the word champion. Who know's? not the fan's.. no one does. The only thing i do know is the fact that i'm going to make the impact i so rightly deserve.. but i'll let each and everyone of the xhwf superstar's decide whether i did or not.. not that their comment's are greatly needed, i know what i have to do and it begin's at Hangover!!

Sladeville has returned home!!