My favourite food. [10/04/05]

- Wafer

- Tastes like wafer.

note: wait until it loads completely.

My Paypal [04/04/05]

Look yonder, to your left... a Paypal button. It is meant to be clicked, not 'not clicked', but rather clicked. That is very basic. Now is the best time to express one's kindness!

Update: I'm trying to purchase this ring for my loving mother, whose 50th birthday is just around the corner. That piece costs USD$349.99, but so far, I have only USD$200.00. Can someone give me USD$150? Click on "Donate by Paypal" above. Thanks!

G-mail Invites [28/03/05]

International giant search engine: Google is building a mailing system called Google Mail (or G-mail). With storage space of 1000MB, you will no longer need to delete mails, but rather place them in your archive for future use. If you wish for an invite for G-mail, contact me at

Tribute to Graduating Class of 2005 at Mae's Secondary! [11/03/05]

I made a new wallpaper. Check the portfolio.

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