The Merry Christmas Teddy

This is Robert's tag idea and we put our heads to gether and came up with a very nice tag...the graphics and idea belong to Robert

This is a very big tutorial and has a lot of work so please save often and be prepared

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Robert

Let's begin


Open your supplies in the text and shrink to your a new canvas 600x450...big but we will re size your teddy bears and copy and paste each one as a new layer on to your new this is tricky...what you have to do is close off all layers of teddy and click on layer #1...duplicate it for as many letters that are in your them where you want them around your canvas....they don't have to be in a's your choice... when you have them where you want them ...layers> open the next box and do the same and place each box directly on top of the previous layer...making sure there is no jump...they have to be set right on top....when done close off the first layer and with the second bunch of boxes...layers>merge...continue doing this untill all the boxes have been placed...all done! Good...

Add a new layer and flood fill with name it background and drag it to the bottom of the stack...duplicate and drag down ...background...drag down box 1......layers>merge... do this with each box layer, we need a background on them all

Open teddy layer 3...Add a new layer and type 1 letter at a time ,each letter on it's own layer...size 48...colour... your choice... I did stroke set at 1... fill set at red.....I then took my magic wand and selected inside the fur and flood filled it with white (this is optional, your choice) .... place each letter in teddy's so

Add a new layer and do the same with the second letter placing it in the next teddy's hand...when you have done all letters... close off the teddy layer and with just the text layers open...layers>merge... close off and re name text 1.....add an inner bevel with these settings

With the teddy 5 layer open repeat the text only this time have it hanging from teddy's hand

...when all letters are hanging...close off teddy and add the same inner bevel

1)Duplicate and drag down...teddy 1...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down...teddy 2 ...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down...teddy 3...text 1...layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Duplicate and drag down...teddy 4...text 1...layers>merge...close off and re name

5)Duplicate and drag down...teddy 5...text 2....layers>merge...close off and re name

6,7,8,9)Duplicate layer...5... 4 times re name each layer... you should have 9 layers altogether

Open all 9 layers and save as

Open AS shop and find your graphic and open in AS.... open your my tree...with my tree open edit>select all....edit > on your graphic...edit>select all edit>paste into selected make sure it is higher than your teddy before you click to place it...remmeber the teddy's are going to pop out of their on the merryxmaslights...edit>select all...edit>copy... click on your graphic...edit>select all...edit>paste into selected your lights at the let's make it smaller... edit>select all....animation re size and I made mine 400...edit >select all animation frame properties set at 25....


Thank you for trying my tut and thank you Robert for sharing



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