Christmas Girl

This is a cute little Christmas tag made by Robert, it is very easy but does have a lot of layers

Written byİDorothy


Tag by Robert


Open the font and shrink it to the template in PSP....close off all layers except the layer 25....add a new layer...with the text tool... size set at 14...font baby blocks..(or your choice of a christmas font).....line set at 1... stroke set at deep red...fill set at deep green...caps lock on....type your name... re name text.... place your name next to the girl....add an inner bevel with these settings

let's add a background to this one ...add a new layer...flood fill with white...selections>select all...selections>modify...contract by 10... selections>invert.....flood fill with your colour.. I chose green.....add the same inner bevel... ..selections>select name drag your background layer and your text layer to the top of the stack..

This is what your layer palette should look like

1)Open frame 1....Duplicate and drag down under frame 1...background...layers>merge> visible...close off and re name

2)Open frame 2...Duplicate and drag...background...drag it under frame 2...layers>merge...close off and re name

Now do this with each layer until you get to layer 20..

20) Duplicate and drag down to under layer 20...background....duplicate and drag down text...layers>merge>visible...close off and re name

Continue on like this with the rest of the layers

Open all your layers and save as

Now wasn't that easy and a cute little tag too

Open your graphic and click on edit>select on animation ...frame properties set at 15

And Your done!

Enjoy your tag...thanks Robert for another nice and easy tag



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