Unexpected Honeymoon


It had been two months since they had taken their vows, but life had only become more complicated for Kid and Louise.

Louise had finally convinced her new husband not to go fight for the south and his home state of Virginia, using the knowledge that she would follow, and that his leaving for the confederacy would destroy many of the friendships they had formed over the past two years. The threat of Louise following proved to be the deciding factor, since he knew that she would, since she had pulled off living as a boy successfully for years. Teaspoon Hunter, the pair’s former stationmaster, had pinned the Silver Star of deputy onto Kid a month ago. Teaspoon was very proud of this young man that he had watched mature.

He had learned to control his temper, and always wanted to "Do the right thing".
Louise, who had an amazing way with horses, decided she would try her hand at being a breeder/trainer. Kid though the breaking might be a bit dangerous, but he had learned from past experience that it was of no use to try and keep Lou from doing something she has her mind set on. Besides, she could always turn the argument around on him becoming deputy.
Unfortunately, This arrangement had prevented the two from spending much quality time together. With the war quickly approaching, their was no end to the drifters and deserters looking to head west, bringing with them trouble, and giving the sheriff and his deputies plenty of work. This meant Teaspoon and Kid alternated nights staying in the Jail.

Teaspoon held a bag of mixed emotions about the man he pinned the star on. Kid and Lou were like his own. He had watched them grow and fall in love, finally putting aside their respective demons, and finding that the future looked brighter with them together. He knew that he had to do something to give the new couple some precious time together. Having been married six times gives a man a little insight on what makes a marriage work, and on what makes one not work. He went to Rachel and they formed a plan.

"Now, Kid, I have some things I need to have picked up in Seneca, and I can't have it look like the law is getting it. So, whats I want you do is take Lou with you, kind of like it's just a family trip." He told Kid.
"Teaspoon, you know I don't like getting Lou involved in this type of thing." Kid told his mentor.
"It's not anything dangerous, Kid, I just want to be inconspicuous like." Teaspoon reassured him.
"Okay, but if there's trouble, we're turning around." Kid told him.

Katy and Lightning were waiting for them when Kid and Louise walked out of the house. Rachel had packed for them under the guise of needing to leave quickly. Louise looked at Rachel, who was trying to act like nothing was up.
"You two enjoy your trip. And have fun!" She called as they rode away.

Kid and Lou rode into Seneca as the sun began to set. The sky blazed a fiery red and gold. The road quickly led them to town, and they settled the horses into the livery stable near the hotel Teaspoon told them to go to. Grabbing their bags, they went to check into the hotel.
"May I help you sir?" The desk clerk asked.
"Yes, we need a room." Kid told the man. He signed the register and the clerk recognized the name.
"Oh yes. We've been expecting you. Right this way." and he had the bellboy take their luggage. They were led to a large suite. The clerk told them
"Everything has been taken care of." and to enjoy their stay.

"Well, Kid, It looks as if we've been set up." Louise told him. She strolled over to a table by the window that held a little note. It read:

"Dear Kid and Louise,
Enjoy your stay. You are paid up for a week,
so take your time. I hope you don't mind that we went behind your back to set up this little honeymoon for you two.
Have fun for goodness sake.
Teaspoon and Rachel"

"I don't mind at all, do you Lou?" Kid wrapped his arms around his wife, kissing her neck.
"It was so nice of them to do this for us. It feels like years since we've been truly alone." She said, twisting in his arms to face him. He started to walk forward, backing her to the bed.
"Yeah. I know what you mean." He gently pushed her onto the bed and lay down upon her. "I think we need to get you undressed." He told her, making Lou blush.
"Who would have ever thought you would be so bold." Louise teased.
"Woman, you haven't seen bold." He told her. He quickly divested Lou of her clothes, and went to her bag and pulled out two cotton scarves. He tied each around a wrist, and then secured her to the bedposts.
"Kid," Lou began.
"What were you saying about being bold?" Kid asked her as he brought his mouth down to worship her very core. The pleasure and excitement of it made Lou weep. She couldn't escape, not that she would want to, the rasp of his tongue on her sensitive flesh. She yearned to join herself with him, and urged him to enter her. When he did, Kid all but slammed into her. She gasped at the action. Kid laid still inside her at her gasp.
"I'm sorry sweetheart. It's been awhile. I want to make this last." He told her as he began to move slowly in and out of her.
Louise rose to meet each of his sinuous strokes, the intensity of it all bringing tears to her eyes. Kid kissed them away, proud in knowing that they were caused by pleasure and love, not pain and anger as had been the case all too often with them.
Kid sensed the tension building in his wife, and could barely contain his control as her sheath milked him. He drove into her quickly, and in a glorious moment, they both climaxed, first Louise, and then Kid allowed himself to join her.

They lay together, bodies still joined, the sweat on their skin glistening in the candleglow.
"Kid, this is just not fair." Louise whispered. He looked at her and smiled sheepishly as he reached to untie her.
"We both know that you could have untied those yourself if you had really wanted to." He said. Louise looked at him wickedly.
"What, and ruin all of your fun? You had just better watch yourself, it may be you next." She teased. The thought brought to mind an erotic image that caused Kid to bite back a groan.

The two dressed and had dinner in the hotel dinning room Louise wore a dress Rachel had made for her that was similar in style to what Rachel usually wore. It showed just enough cleavage to be revealing, but not enough to be risqué. She had pinned her hair up, fully knowing that Kid would be removing each one before the night was over. Kid looked at his beautiful wife. She had Mischief in her eyes, and desire raced through him.

After they finished dinner, Kid and Louise took a walk in the moonlight. Lou tugged Kid into a darkened ally and kissed her husband.
"I love you so much,' she told him, " I just don't know why I was so stubborn."
"Hey, I'm just as bad as you are." He replied, nibbling a trail down her neck. "I think we need to get back to the hotel before we cause a scene." Kid took her hands in his and brought them to his mouth. He kissed her wedding band in a tender gesture. He looked longingly into her eyes, giving her the same shy smile that he used to give her before they had married, when they had to sneak around.
"Let's get back to the hotel." He said, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm and they strolled back. They reached the lobby and Louise stopped her husband as they approached the stairs.
"Kid, would you give me a minute before you come up?" She asked. Kid knew she was up to something.
"I'll wait a few, but I can't tell how much longer than that I can give you." He told her. She kissed his cheek, and then hurried up the stairs to their room. Kid headed to the desk.
"Excuse me, but could I get a bottle of Champagne and two glasses?" Kid asked the clerk. The man went to procure the items and Kid handed over the Money. Turning to head upstairs, Kid walked slowly, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt and loosening his tie. He reached the room and knocked on the door, and then he walked in.

The room was bathed in candlelight. He didn't see Louise, but suddenly her hands were behind him, sliding his coat from his shoulders, caressing as she went. Still behind him, she took the tie from around his neck. Then she began to unbutton his shirt, removing that. Not able to handle this gentle torture any longer, Kid turned around to face his wife. His breath caught in his chest.
"Do you like it, Kid?" She asked coyly. She was a confection in silk and lace. She wore a cream silk negligee that lifted her breasts up and together. Panels of lace showed inticing veiws of flesh, while the silk clung to her. She had on cream stockings and garters, which enhanced her shapely legs. Heeled slippers adorned her feet, and a robe that did nothing to cover her completed the outfit.
"Kid? Honey, I asked if you like it." She said again. Kid merely nodded a yes. She took the bottle and the glassed from his hands and set them down on the table next to the bed. She bent to uncork the bottle and gave him an enticing view of her bottom in the process. The "pop" of the cork brought Kid back to his senses.
"You look amazing. I may never let you leave this room. Where did you get that?" He asked. He asked. Louise sauntered over to him, putting a filled glass into his hand.
"I had ordered it for our wedding, but it took a little longer to get here than I thought it had. Rachel must have put off giving me the package."
Kids hand reached out and slipped the robe from her shoulders. He looked her over hungrily, the need sharp in his eyes. Louise took the glass from his hand and set it back down on the table. She led him stand next to the bed, and she removed his trousers. She pushed him back to sit on the edge of the bad and took a pillow. She dropped the pillow to the floor in front of him, kneeling onto it.
Louise looked up at her husband with her bottomless brown eyes before she bended her head to take him into her mouth. She caressed him with her tongue, licking every single inch of him. She suckled him, feeling his pulse race in the vein she ran her tongue along. She grasped him in her hand and worked him up and down.
Kid wrapped his hands in her hair, and, as predicted, removed every pin holding it in place. Then, suddenly, he grasped her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. Just as swiftly, he pulled the confection from her body, leaving the stockings and garters. He laid her back on the bad, and reached out for a glass of Champagne. He dipped a finger into the glass, and then trailed the bead from her ear to her neck. He dipped his head and then lapped the moisture from her skin. Not satisfied, he tipped the glass to drip over Louise's breast. He suckled them clean. Louise gasped and arched her back to give him more, moaning her pleasure. He tipped the glass again, pouring the remaining contents across her stomach and between her legs, licking the trail clean.
Louise stiffened for a moment as he reached her bud, the climax building in her. Kid lifted her legs and placed them over his strong shoulders, feasting on her. The taste of the Champagne combined with Lou's own nectar was overwhelming. He looked up into her eyes and, Kissing her spot again, moved her legs from his shoulders and traveled the length of her to claim her lips.
"I love you Lou,' he breathed into her mouth. "I love it even more when you're ridin' me." He finished naughtily, and rolled onto his back. He pulled Louise on top of him.
"Just remember that you asked for this." She told him as she lowered herself onto him. Still swollen from his previous ministrations, she felt every inch of him as he entered her body. She gasped as he touched the very mouth of her core, and began to ride up and down his length.
Kid loved to watch her like this. Her hair, once shorter than his own, now fell past her shoulders. Her breast, much fuller than he ever would have believed, rising and falling with each stroke. He marveled at how much he loved to have her now that they were married as to before. He had always been so tense. Having to not only conceal that Louise was really a girl, but not truly feeling free about making love to her without the bonds of marriage. He supposed that knowing that all was now as it should be with them made his passion for his wife all the greater.

His climax was nearing, and he wanted to see her eyes as she came. He pulled her down to him and stared into her eyes.
Lou felt the end was near as Kid tugged her down to him. With a sharp upward thrust, he spilled into her while his thumb manipulated her into a blinding climax. She collapsed upon him, stilled joined with his body. She buried her face into his neck, and smoothed his hair back from his face.
"Thank you." She whispered. Kid turned to look at her.
"It still amazes me that I have you. I am so lucky." Kid told her.
" I think I would have to say the same thing for myself." Louise told him. Together they drifted to sleep.

The next morning the two went for a leisurely ride doubling up on the horse. They rode bareback, and Katy did not seem to mind. Louise leaned her cheek against Kids back, an arm around his waist. Kid suddenly reigned in Katy to a stop, and Lou looked ahead to see a familiar face blocking their path.
"Jesse! What are you doing in Nebraska?" She exclaimed. Jesse's brother Frank and his gang looked at the two skeptically.
"We have some unfinished business to deal with, or should I say that I have unfinished business. If you don't mind my asking, how is Allison?"
Kid's jaw clenched at the mention of his cousin's name. Lou put a calming hand on his shoulder.
"She's been better. She's getting over you, Jesse. Seems you have made quite the impression on her. Why don't you just leave her alone?" Kid bit out.
"Kid, I love her. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I just need to see her again. Just once. I'm goin' alone, and I'm not gonna do anything to make Teaspoon bring me in, unless you are going to do that for him." Jesse told the Kid.
"You promise to leave them outside of town?" Kid asked, pointing to the group of men behind Jesse.
"You have my word, no problems." Jesse promised.
"And what about you, Frank? Do I have your word as well?"
"Yeah, we'll stay clear of Rock Creek." The man drawled.
"Jesse, she's really starting to get back to normal. Please don't get her hopes up. Make sure she knows that right now, you and her is not a good thing." Louise told him. Jesse nodded his agreement. Kid nodded a good bye and turned Katy back towards town.
"One more thing." Jesse called out to them. Kid turned Katy.
"You two look real happy, and I'm sorry." And Jesse walked back to the gang. Kid prodded the horse into a trot. They came to a stop in front of their hotel. Kid helped Lou down from the back of the horse.
"Kid, I'll understand if you want to go back to Rock Creek now.' Lou began. "In fact, I think we should."

Kid nodded in agreement.
"I'll get the horses ready for the ride home. Why don't you get our things together?" He suggested to his wife. Lou nodded and headed into the hotel.

"Kid, Louise, what are you doing back so soon?" Allison exclaimed as she approached her cousin and his wife.
"I'll handle this, Kid." Low told him softly. She dismounted from Lightning and walked into the house with Allison.
"He's coming back here?" Allison said disbelieving. "Is he crazy? My god Louise, what am I gonna do?" She paced back and forth across the parlor.
"You will get through this. You know, Jesse's coming by himself. Maybe we can convince him to stay, before there is no turning back.'
"Louise, we both know how unlikely that is to happen." Allison told her. Kid walked in the house and put an arm around his wife.
"So, how are we doing in here?" He asked. Allison looked at him.
"Kid, has he gone insane? Why is he coming back here?" Alli asked her cousin.
"He said that he just wanted to see you again. I figured we may as well let him come, at least this way we are prepared. Both he and Frank agreed that the gang will stay away from the town." Kid told her.
"He won't risk coming in broad daylight. Do you want us to be here, Allison?" Louise asked quietly.
"No, this is between Jesse and Me." she told them.

Kid and Louise laid in bed that night, half asleep. Louise snuggled into his arms, and he kissed the top of her head. What he wanted more than anything was to be able to settle down with his wife, start their family, and live the simple life of a horse farmer.
Being a sheriff's deputy was just much too dangerous. And it meant spending way too much time away from Louise. There were rough times ahead for the young west, and being in Law enforcement wasn't the safest way for a body to stay alive. He fell asleep knowing what he had to do in the morning.

The first thing Louise notice when she awoke was the burning smell of coffee. Kid must be cooking, she thought. She made her way to the kitchen, only to watch Kid try to do five things at once. Lou moved in to help him out. He smiled that crooked smile.
"Guess I should do one thing at a time, huh."
"Uhmm, Yeah, I'd say so. But thank you for tryin'." Replied Lou as she poured half of the coffee out and added water.
"Lou, I've made a decision, and I want to tell you first." He told her as they sat down to the unburnt remainder of breakfast.
"That sounds like a good idea. See, I told Jimmy that you could teach an old dog new tricks.' she teased him about his penchant to do things that involved her without telling her first. Kid looked at her. "Am I gonna like this, Kid?"
"Yeah, I think you will. Honey, I'm going to the office to see Teaspoon." He began.
"That's your decision?" She interrupted. Kid looked at her with a 'please don't interrupt me' look.
"Sorry." She finished, looking sheepishly at her husband.
"What I was going to say, was that I'm gonna turn in my badge." He finished. He sat in the silence as his wife absorbed what this meant for them.
"Are you sure about this, Kid?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm sure." He told her. Lou rounded the table and sat on his lap.
"No more transporting prisoners, no more guarding bank shipments, no more nights away from home, away from me?" Louise asked.
"Exactly. So, do you like that?" He asked with a smile.
"Oh yes! More than anything, you mealy mouthed coyote." she told her husband with enthusiasm.

Allison walked into the kitchen as Lou cleared the breakfast table. She set the dished down as soon as the young woman entered the room.
"So, did he show?" Louise asked.
"No, but he left me a note asking to meet him tonight." Allison offered.
"Alli, be careful, please. Just remember the last time. No matter what you feel for Jesse, the road he has chosen to follow is not one he will be able to leave easily. He's made his decision about you, and I for one agree with him. The worst thing to do would be to go with him. I hate to sound like the Kid, but it just isn't safe." Louise told her.
"I will be, Louise. I won't be going anywhere with Jesse James. Not now." Allison promised.

"Why Kid, didn't expect to see you back so soon.' Teaspoon said when Kid walked in. "I hope you didn't have any problems that made you come home."
"No, nothing like that. I did a lot of thinking, and well, I'm real honored that you picked me as your deputy, but I have to quit Teaspoon. I'm real sorry." he told the older man. The office was silent, and Teaspoon sat back in his chair and tipped his hat back on his head. Finally, he spoke.
"Well Kid, I must say, if I had made that same decision years ago, I might still be married myself. I'm proud of you son. It takes a big man to put his priorities in order."
Kid looked at the man he regarded as the father he always wished he had.
"You mean that Teaspoon?" He asked.
"Wouldn't of said it if I's didn't mean it, Kid. So, tell me, what are you gonna do now you're not the deputy?" Kid smiled.
" I think we are going to try our hand at raising horses. Since both Lou and I are good at it, we might as well. We just have to find the land, build a house,' Kid began to frown as he realized how expensive this would be. "I guess I'm gonna have to find another job." He finished.

Teaspoon chuckled as he pulled a letter from his desk. Kid looked at him.
"What's so funny?"
"Well, it just so happens that I know of some property that I think would be right perfect for you and Louise. Real cheap, too. Already has a house and barns and a real nice corral on it."
He handed the letter to Kid.
"What's this?" Kid asked.
"Why don't you open it up and read it Kid, I do believe all of your questions will be answered."

Kid opened the letter, and soon, his jaw dropped in stunned disbelief.
"I can't believe this. It's a dream come true. I can't believe that Sam and Emma would do this." Kid told Teaspoon.
The letter deeded the Sweetwater station to Him and Louise.
"And why not?" Teaspoon asked.
"Teaspoon, that's just way to much." He said. Teaspoon pulled a packet out of his desk drawer and handed them to Kid. It contained the deed, all signed over to Himself and Louise.
"It arrived yesterday. I guess you could call it Kismet that you decided to quit. I was planning on firing ya." Teaspoon winked at the man.
"I can't believe this." Kid repeated.
"Why don't you go tell your wife, Kid." He suggested. Kid nodded in agreement.
"I'll go tell Lou." Kid replied, and in an uncharacteristic move, Kid went and hugged the older man. As Kid left, there were tears in Teaspoon's eyes.

Lou was in the corral working a new horse when Kid rode up. He tied up Katy and ran to his wife. Louise walked to the gate and as soon as the gate closed, Kid picked her up and swung her around.
"I take it your talk with Teaspoon went well." She teased her husband. Kid thrust an envelope into her hands.
"Read this." He told her. She opened the envelope and began to read the pages.
"Oh my God, Kid,' She said looking at him. "This is a miracle."
"I know. Teaspoon said that it came yesterday. He also said that he was going to fire me if I hadn't of quit yet." He joked.
Louise touched his sleeve.
"We'll have a home for Teresa and Jeremiah."
"And our own." Kid added, bending down to kiss her.
"We're really gonna do it, aren't we." Lou said seriously.
"Yeah, I do believe we are."

Two weeks later…

Jeremiah and Teresa ran around the yard as Lou walked out onto the porch to stretch. She was amazed at how quickly she and Kid were able to move back to the station. Kid and Buck were off looking at horseflesh to stock the farm with, and Allison, the children and she had the job of putting the house to order.

Buck had decided to move back to Sweetwater with her and the Kid. The memories at the station were good ones, back before he had lost his best friend. He thought that he could get on with his life away from Rock Creek.

Allison had nothing holding her in Rock Creek, either. She met with Jesse the night Kid and Louise found out about the house. They had met in the barn like he had requested. He told her that even though he didn't agree with his brother frank and his friends about robbing banks and such, he did believe in the cause. Allison told him that as long as he was with the gang, there could be nothing between them.
"Jesse, don't expect me to wait for you." She told her former beau. And then he turned and left the barn without another word.

Kid and Louise came to the house alone that first night, and proceeded to christen the house in their own special way, making love in Kid's old bunk in the bunkhouse. This is where they had met and fell in love. It seemed only fitting that this be where they raised their future family. Louise laid her head on her husband's chest, listening to his heartbeat, and hearing all the familiar sounds of the station. The windmill in the distance, the crickets chirping their own mating call. The creak and bang of wood against wood in the barn. To believe that this was all theirs was a dream come true.

Jeremiah and Teresa were thrilled to learn that their sister and her new husband had come to take them home. Lou gave the Mother Superior a hug.
"Thank you for being here for my family when I could not." Louise told the Nun.
"Louise, My child, you have become a beautiful woman. May God bless you and your new family all of your days. It seems that my prayers for you were heard and answered." The woman told a teary eyed Louise.
Louise was roused from her wandering train of thought by the footsteps approaching her from behind.
"Looks like everything is working out just fine for ya, Lou." Lou spun around at the deep, gently voice that she knew so well.
"Jimmy!" She squealed as she hugged her husband's best friend and worst antagonist.
"I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon." She told him.
"Yeah, well I heard that Rock Creek lost their deputy, and I had to find out what happened. I'm glad to see it was this. Kid may be slow, but he figures it out eventually." Jimmy laughed.

Lou joined him, walking around the yard.
"I'm glad you found your way back to us."
"I'll always find my way back to you people. You all are under my skin, kind of like a tick." He smiled as she narrowed her eyes at him then swung an arm at his midsection.
"For that, you have to eat my cookin'." She stated.
"Oh,' He groaned. "Maybe I should have stayed in Rock Creek." They heard a commotion in the corral.
"Well, sounds like Kid and Buck are back." She told her friend s they moved towards the corral.
"So, has he told you his name yet?' Jimmy teased.
"Yep." She told him.
"You're not gonna tell me, are ya?" He asked.
"Nope." Louise smiled and ran to the corral. Kid was still astride Katy when he saw Jimmy and Lou. He hopped off the horse and walked to the pair. He gave Lou a kiss and greeted his best friend. Lou went into the bunkhouse to get dinner ready.
"Appears married life suits you Kid.' Jimmy told him, shaking his friend's hand.
"It sure does. Best thing ever to happen to me." Kid smiled. Jimmy stood there quietly, just taking in the familiar surroundings.

"How've you been, Jimmy? We haven't heard anything of you in a while now. Where have you been keeping yourself?" Kid asked as they walked to the barn to put Katy up for the night. Kid handed Jimmy Katy's saddle.
"Well, I've been holed up with a friend for a while." Jimmy told him with a grin.
"Really, anyone I would know?" Kid asked. "A saloon girl from Regret, Angel.' Jimmy told his friend. "Seems we were both in need of some quiet. Been staying in Cheyenne, out in Wyoming.
"Well, don't stay away from us too long. I need someone to fight with.' Kid told him.
"Come on Kid, I smell dinner burnin." Jimmy teased.
"Hey, at least it’s better than your cookin,' Kid tossed back. "Not to mention Lou looks better in an apron than you."

Jimmy slapped Kid on the back jokingly as they went inside.

The next morning, long after the sun came up, Kid and Louise lay together in their bed. As they faced each other, Lou reached up to stroke her husbands face.
"I've always loved you." She whispered tenderly.
"And I will always be in love with you, Louise." Kid replied. They basked in the knowledge that all was well, for the moment anyway.


Welcomed surprises

Email: jennkeyser@hotmail.com