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*Have a free market economy
*Become a military power
*Have libraries filled with innovations, history, and works of art
*Fight to purge the lands of the followers of Omnus
*Have a legion of Knights and Crusaders across TerVarus to aid the weak and destroy evil

Race Issues : Any of the banned races will be killed if found in our territory. Outside the limits of Sanctus, however, we are neutral towards the lesser races, and will not start combat. If a lesser race commits a crime against a citizen of Sanctus, he will be hunted down and executed.

Religion Issues : The only banned religion is Omnus, and followers of Omnus will be aggressively hunted down. It is the duty of all troops or Templar to kill any followers of Omnus, and it is the duty of all regular citizens to report followers of Omnus to the Red Branch. All other religions are allowed, and a church will be built and a priest appointed once a particular religion reaches a sufficient number.

Ranks and Branches for Sanctus

Gold Branch: Leadership. All members of the gold branch are directly under the king, and make up the best and strongest of the nation

King (1st) (1/1) Lord (2nd) (1/1)

Marshall (Advisors)

Aegis (Personal guard to Gold Branch members)

Red Branch: Religious branch. Organizes churches for the various allowed religions, and each allowed religion has a sect in the temple. Has a force dedicated to wiping out Omnus.

High Priest/ess (0/1) (Leader)

Priest/ess ( In charge of an individual church in a settlement. They are governed by the High Priest/ess. Responsible for the caring of the church.)

Templar (fighting rank)

Silver Branch: Military. Broken into divisions based on type of force.

Commander (1/1) (Leader)

General (2/5) (one general in command of each legion: Vanguard, Reserves, Navy, Magi, Special Forces)

Sergeant (Field leaders, commands ships)

Soldier (Basic fighting rank)

Blue Branch: Social branch. Represents workers, manages city guards, trades with other towns, plans social events, manages guilds and guild conflicts, and keeps the economy stimulated.

Councilor (0/1) (Leader)

Director (Appointed by Councilor, job varies case by case)

Regulator (Patrols the streets, prevents crime, brings offenders to justice)

White Branch: Knowledge. Includes Mages, Scientists, non-battlefield healers, and Scholars. Maintains Libraries, Gardens, Laboratories, and other magic or learning related buildings.

Sage (0/1) (Leader)

Scholar (Librarians, Gardeners, Scientists)

Field Agent (Travels, gathers hard to find materials, reports all findings to Scholars)

Black Branch: Thieves, assassins, and other shadowy figures that work for the nation. No representation on the council, leader answers directly to the king.

Grandmaster (Leader)

Enforcer (Assassin or thief that works for the King)

Special Citizen Titles

Squire: Citizen who desires to become a Knight, but hasn’t completed the tasks.

Knight: Honorary member of the Gold Branch, and supported by the state. Knights are citizens that have completed a journey across the land, helping others in need.

Crusader: Journeys across the land, preaching about the true Gods, and reporting disciples of Omnus to the Red Branch.

Laws for Sanctus

1) No Orcs, Raknar, or Vipers will be allowed in our territory, unless they are prisoners and guarded.

2) Any bandits found by Sanctus troops will be killed, the stolen goods returned if possible, otherwise confiscated.

3) Followers of Omnus will be executed.

4) Killing any citizen of Sanctus will result in execution

5) Stealing from another citizen will require you to compensate for the stolen goods, work to compensate, or be banished.

6) Revealing tactical information that threatens the lives of any person, citizen or military, will be considered treason and the person will be blacklisted.

7) Treat all citizens with respect. If you have an argument with another citizen, contact a member of the Blue Branch to help you sort it out.

Economic and Innovation Rules

1) Any person who is eligible for citizenship will be allowed to open a business inside the city. No citizen will be allowed to corner the market on any product.

2) Innovations will not be covered by monopoly laws, and a citizen that patents an innovation will be allowed to use this information as he wishes, as long as it does not endanger the well being of the settlement.

3) Land outside the walls can be privately owned, and leased to farmers for a fee. No one will be allowed to own more than 1/5 th the total land, and if landowners are found to be working together raise prices, they will be fined.

4) A tax of 10% will be levied on all goods sold by Sanctus merchants.

 Rules of War

1) Show mercy to prisoners of war after battles with lesser races. No mercy will be given to followers of Omnus, since it is a chosen path.



1) Any citizen will be taught any language they desire, for free. The Scholar that teaches the language will be compensated.

2) As long as it conforms to the rules, any guild can set up its headquarters in Sanctus. Conflicts between guilds and other settlements will be settled by the Council.
