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Skinning / Meshing

During that time, we've moved no further than an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping...Ok, help me out here... I'm pretty new to the world of mesh-warping and stuff, but...

I've found ways to add ruffs to the necks of my Blackadder characters, but I can only do it using SimPose. Then I used good old Paint Shop Pro to alter head skins for Percy and Baldrick. Finally, I used SimShow to put Kate in her 'Bob' costume. Why can't I add a ruff to Blackadder and Percy permanently?

The result looks pretty good in Paint Shop, but alas, not in the game itself.

Any thoughts? Email me with your skinning / meshing expertise.


Life without you is like a broken pencil... pointless

'Kate'? Isn't that a bit of a... girl's name?

Um... it's short - for... Bob.