July 15th, 2003
Site has been updated.  New buttons and now the contact and screenshot pages are up and running.  We still have not filled up all the officer positions if anyone is interested in becoming an officer, even if you are not yet a member of the guild.  We will give you a short trial period then move you right into the position of Chosen (rank 1). 

The Fallen slowly went inactive over the past 6 months or so.  I am now working on getting back up and running to what it used to be.  We were once number 2 of the top 25 Warrior Clans on the Camelot herald for Albion and Number 7 for all three Realms. 

Please go to the Forums or Contact me via Email if you are interested.

July 4th, 2003
This is the home of the Dark Age of Camelot Guild The Fallen.   We are expanding, as of right now there are no Level restrictions. We are accepting anyone, but you will be on a two week trial, then we decide if you should stay.   If you are interested in Joining and in Albion on the Percival server Email me! We are currently looking for a logo too, if anyone would like to draw one.  The reward will be a promotion to a high level position in the guild. 

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Artwork and screen shots Copyright © 2001-2003 Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission of Mythic Entertainment.

Mythic Entertainment, the Mythic Entertainment logo, "Dark Age of Camelot," "Shrouded Isles," the Dark Age of Camelot and Shrouded Isles logos, and the stylized Celtic knot are trademarks of Mythic Entertainment, Inc.
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