What has come to pass

The Rise of the Witch God Amantus Actinus

And The Telling Of Many Strange Things Brought about In His Presence.

As related by his former servant; Aamarlain The Fallen Wizard.

I was in the year of the Dog Star preparing an elixir for the late King Apandoah of the destroyed continent of Salienhamb.

In it I placed an extract of derivated oil of cotton. Though I was the first to make such an extract I could not foresee the ruin that the following expoundments of it would to bring for so many.

As I mixed the blend for the king the cotton extract was necessary due to his allergy of milk. A plant substitute therefore seemed relevant for mine and his needs. The elixir I extrapolated was designed to allow Apendoah to produce a son in his endeavor for a suitable heir. After years he had many daughters but they were not allowed succession and he did not want his linage lost.

The gambit I undertook apparently worked and a year later the desired son was born to the great revelry of the nation. The word spread rapidly and one day a great black Witch Man from a foreign shore arrived to question my success. He questioned me greatly and was not impressed until I enlightened him as to the invention of my Cotton Extract and its import in the mixture. After that he left and I forgot him while in my new fame proceeded to lose track of all work.

The King heaped me with great honors and titles and I lived as an advisor on the stars and such; more in celebrity than in my trade.

Two years passed and as I slowly reestablished my workshop I entered on a plan to produce yet another extract this time not of plants but of the mightiest of beasts the Great Whale. The sailors I hired, after many difficulties, managed to procure one for me a medium sized male that was still living when it was brought to me. After some quick examination I discovered that the generative organs of the beast were as I suspected not unlike those of men and I proceeded from there.

I had the beast killed and proceeded to take from it the procreative life force of the large intestes. Now that I had the stuff thatwas needed, I was free to proceed in producing the same previous elixir as I had made for the king but replaced the derives of cotton with the derives of the whale. The mixture I created was sold for a great price to those who could afford it and I found many travelers from afar coming to procure just a few drops. Another year passed and my appointments increased until once again summoned by the King I traveled to the Capitol.

The king was furious at what I had done and showed me a written demand for my cessation in practice. The Warrant had been issued by the High Order of the Promentine Clergy, backward louts all of them.

The Promentines were, at that time, a powerful religious order whose followers made up the bulk of the populace. They had every intention of trying me for the greatest of heresy in my claiming what they believed to be the province of and the reserved power of their god. The King had fear of their numbers, and thus submitted to their demands while in due course, I was to be placed under arrest.

I informed the king that large quantities of my elixirs were hidden in a great many places and that I would have to lead the king’s recovery efforts of such for their further destruction. The king who trusted me allowed such and at my first convenience I escaped and stowed away on a ship traveling to the far south.

I had plans of finding the great witch man and continuing my profession under his care. After another year of searching I found my man and he was more than willing to host my efforts if I divulged all my secrets to him. The arrangement was not to my liking and I informed the man so and that I would find another host.

To my great dismay I was taken captive by him and given powerful potions that were intended to loosen my tongue. The potions were strange and had effects unlike any I had previously encountered. They were mind altering and the intrigue I found in them was enough to cause me to instantly change my mind and come to a willing agreement.

The Witch man named Amantus Actinus was pleased and set me up in practice. I was not to market my undertakings but to defer to his office and simply reap the rewards. The arrangement was to my liking since it would not impose the previous distractions that had befallen me in my former life.

The years passed and the discoveries I managed were numerous all this to the pleasure of my host. Amantus all the while continued in his own work and established a great following. His acolytes expected a great return for devotion at first but as usual thre were many who's devotion was manifest in it’s prostrations of themselves to his will. They offered themselves for experimentation and many died to further the efforts of my host.

After some considerations Amantus gave me several live subjects and wished me to delve into my almost forgotten previous research into the procreative natures.

I took to my own experimentation on the live animal specimens I had been given and in a short while found that through certain extrapolative means I could alter the traits in the offspring of the test animals. After informing my host he proceeded to hand me several living humans for more beneficial research.

I started by having them engage in the sexual process and found that I greatly enjoyed the simple watching of the thing and would often take a female for my own pleasurable use after a period of such.

As it happened once again I lost my way and I fell into a daily routine of voyeuristic gratification followed by my own self release upon one of the subject females.

It was during one such occasion that Amantus happened by. I had fifty subjects all acting out my desires in unison and I watched as usual. Amantus while noting the lax process guided my intention when he saw that there was a large supply of ejaculated drippings pooling on the stone floor. He pulled me aside and asked me to wait two days then having the process repeated catch the vaginally excreated drippings in a large bowl. He was excited that I had accidentally exposed the process of extraction from the puretical perspective in harvesting the extractions derived through the actuality of union.

I did as bid and continued the process for several days acquiring a significant supply of the desired fluids which I had taken the trouble to cool under ice as I believed it to enhance the power of the extract.

I delivered the resultant mixture to Amantus and went back to my voyeuristic machinations. After some time my host had me repeat the process but expounded upon the same by having me also acquire the derivates of many animal specimens as well to add to the concoction.

This turned out to be of great difficulty so I having become desperate cut corners and added some quantity of base mater to the mix in order to expand the delivered content.

Time passed and I forgot the procedure as I involved myself once again in experimentation with the mind altering compounds that were available to me through my host. At this time for the most part Amantus left me alone and I existed in a dazed reallity driven by the compounds more than self.

It was one such day that my altered mind bad me to write in my note book my present machinations. I then having remembered my former life and unfair banishment from my native land forwent any plesant thoughts as I picked up the book. Having fallen into a rage at my former transgressors the High Order of the Promentine I wrote what I felt at the time for the necessity of their demise as an orderand further the evils of their homeland. My rambling made no intelligible sense as I read over them the next day so I dropped the notebook and forgot it.

For the next several months I traveled in search of some new enlightenment and upon my travels found that there was a large cult dedicated to the furtherance of my host.

They were as adamant as were the Promentines of my old homeland and had hoisted Amantus to the elevation of a god on earth. I found this to be amusing at the time but it returned some very short time later in a most dread form.

Upon my return I discovered that my host had been going through my notebooks and had taken some great interest in my delirious ramblings concerning my old homeland and the Promentines. I had known that the Monarchy of my new home had been supplanted by the followers of my host but was horrified to discover that Amantus had embarked in my absence with a great army bent on a conquest of my old homeland.

I never saw him again after that but much later in life having heard many stories of his conquest and subjugation of those peoples I traveled by ship toward my old home to find it totally destroyed. In its place were only a few small islands inhabited by the amalgam of mine and Amantus’s horrible work.

There were no real humans left they had been changed into horrific winged and crawling creatures of many colors. All animal life was perverted there as well. There were no longer any pure creatures except a few specimens of far flying birds.

The strange race of Brown colored winged men I encountered there could speak and expounded to me the story of what had happened. My master performed some magical rite after his conquest and made the peoples to partake of his evil will and undure his end product based upon my research.

The effect caused them to orgy in imposed lust for such a time that most died from their own disregard of self care. Amantus at that time believed his work there to be complete except for his further intent to befoul the very land.

As it turned a few of the Promentines had escaped into the mountains and as Amantus intoned his magic they had already proceeded his effort in setting in motion their own.

The result was beyond my knowledge to explain but became manifest in the actual destruction of the continent entire leaving only the few small islands that I had found later. Most living things were destroyed with the land including Amantus and his army of followers.

As the years have continued to pass I have decided make this writ of what I know of the circumstances of the incidents that created such a place as the strange islands I now hold in my mind. I have found that the place being so strange as it is to exists well beyond the natural heaps the world upon me.

I have dubbed it the forbidden and made great effort to dissuade any travelers going there more out of guilt than any actual fear of the place. I did not wish for my shame to be witnessed. Still it; that unredeemable place persists as a terrible reminder of what foolish men can bring about when they suppose themselves to be godlike in wisdom.

The aftermath still follows as Amantus’s cult grows in power and increases exponentially as I grow old. I know that this to is my doing for it was I that handed him that power.

Having changed my career and relocated my home to the north I learn that the peoples of the south have renamed the land for my former host calling it in his name Actinia. The people of my new home the Brindel Empire have followed this news with the making of all surnames, even that of the King forbidden. They somehow believe that furtherance in name is now to some great purpose an evil because of the renaming of the southern lands from such.

Words of strife now close from the south as the Actinian conquest continues its northerly way. The only respite is that the false god conquest does not still carry with it the evil that was Amantus of old. That part died with him during the destruction of my old homeland.

Still I fret at my part in this tale but no real amends can be made as the damage is long ago done. For my part, I leave this chronicle in hopes that others may find in it the wisdom to forgo the dark arts and live simple lives.

This is the last offering of Aamarlain the Fallen as I have decided to pay for my sins with my life. I go now to offer retribution for my part in the evils I have here related.

With eternal regret I die.


CONTACT ME AT; dmckim62@hotmail.com

