Translated by Teresita Perez
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The Missing Chapter from The Great Controversy

About this book

At age 20, I was loaned the book The Great Controversy in Spanish. Chapter 13 made a great impact in me. Sometime after that I learned that that chapter was not part of the English original. It was included in the Spanish translation with the approval of Ellen G. White. Hence The Great Controversy in English has 42 chapters and in Spanish it has 43. The extra chapter in the Spanish work is chapter 13. It is my prayer, as you read this translation, that, as expressed in tracts from the Reformation, faith elevates you to God, and love causes you to reach down to humanity, while still abiding always with God.

Historical background

The original writing of this work is the result of the research by Clarence C. Crisler, secretary to Ellen G. White, and Harry Harvey Hall, manager of the Book Department at Pacific Press. Their work was presented to Mrs. White for approval and translated into Spanish by Pr. Eduardo Forga from Peru. The work of brothers Crisler and Hall that, with Mrs. White's permission, became part of The Great Controversy in Spanish, is titled El Despertar de Espaņa (The Awakening of Spain). Unfortunately, the English original of their work has since been lost. This background was told to me by Timothy Poirier, Vice-Director of the Ellen G. White Estate, just prior to my translating and publishing this work.

Emails from the General Conference

Jan. 2, 2013
Dear Mrs. Perez:
Thank you kindly for sending us a copy of The Missing Chapter.  It now has a place in our research library where it will be utilized by visitors.
Benjamin Baker, PhD
Assistant Archivist
Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
  Feb. 25, 2013
Dear Sister Perez:
Thank you for the booklet The Missing Chapter from The Great Controversy. I read it with interest and it is now in our library.  Keep up the good work and the Lord bless you.
With kind regards and best wishes,
Gerhard Pfandl, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Biblical Research Institute
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

ISBN: 1572582642
Copyright: 2004
Price: $8.95 (US)
Binding: Paper Back
Pages: 54
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Email: women1844 [at] gmail [dot] com