by Teresita Perez

Her patience braves his shortcomings.
Her grace decks his rugged ways.
Her smile melts cold ire foaming.
Her strength bears the weight of pain.

She captures light and beams rainbows,
coos in tender melodies.
When she arrives, grief and pain go,
builds heartwarming memories.

She'll crown him, fulfill his needs,
turn destiny into treasure.
The peace she'll impart him leads
only to success and pleasure.

Her heart beams searchlight of love,
murmuring softly, "Be mine."
To the one she's thinking of,
beacons that the hero shine.<

Her feminine air: a halo.
Mercy at her core resides.
She fears and worships God, ergo,
he'll find honor by her side.

Will he ever yield the blindfold
obstructing his way to glee?
For she can destroy the stronghold
that binds him, and set him free.

She offers that which brings blessings,
satisfies, calms, cheers, secures.
With plenty of only best things,
her love oozes and allures.

Heaven long favored a fine bond,
turned an angel into lady.
Will he tend the precious diamond?
(I'm crossing my fingers.) Maybe.

Copyright © 2003, 2020 to Teresita Perez

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