by Teresita Perez
All chapters open and close
like a labyrinth of gates.
They forever interpose
in the crossings of our fate.
The chapters belong to those
who come into our existence,
their uniqueness to expose,
each from their respective distance.
We share a moment or many,
walk together for awhile.
Their essence is ever plenty
to leave a mark at each mile.
Then the road does soon divide.
Much astir awaits the heart.
It is time to say goodbye.
One traveler's chapter starts.
We then lose sight of each other,
our own journey to advance.
Though time separates us further,
perhaps we may meet by chance.
But if not, to He Who Is,
a prayer for you I'll raise.
"Keep them safe, content, at peace,
and ever shine on their face."
Copyright © 2000, 2020 to Teresita Perez
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