AUGUST 24, 1992
by Teresita Perez
H ammer and nail up those boards.
U se the masking tape. Fast.
R ace to the grocery store.
R un. Supplies just won't last.
I nsanity. It's the weather.
C andles and water? Ran out.
A ll lines are long. Talk is whether
N ews of the hostile weather
E xcel what is all about.
A ccelerating.
N ot deviating.
D etermined to keep his path.
R aging like a mad beast,
E yeing us for a feast,
W ild, angry winds lash his wrath.
H ell broken loose!
I t's the big one!!!
T here goes the roof!!
S orrow. Woe.
O ff comes the door.
U proots the trees.
T he demons roar.
H ide under this.
F right in the dark.
L isten... It's over.
O utside? Let's take a look.
R ugged the heart
I s inhaling sober.
D eformed, torn apart,
A town has turned spook.
A ftermath: Chaos.
N o power. No water. Much rain.
D on't cry. Heard they might pay us.
W ith it we'll rebuild again.
E veryone's helping our lives to mend.
S haring is how we forward press
U nder primitive conditions.
R estoring. Doing our best.
V olunteers, God bless your mission.
I t all served to bring us much closer.
V ictory! New friends! Ring the bell!
E ach loss has now made us wiser.
D awning in hope, we're here. All is well.
Copyright © 1992, 2020 to Teresita Perez
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