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I.      Project Title:  English in Action

  II.                  Project Justification:

a.     Vision:  The English in Action project will serve as an instrument to create bilingual individuals ability to face the challenges and opportunities of the new millennium.

b.     Mission:  Offer the students of third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade the necessary technology devices to develop the skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing the English language.

c.      Project Conceptualization: Our school focuses in bilingual education to prepare students for the demands and challenges of the new millennium.  To reach this objective it is necessary to adopt new ways of integrating the English language into all the study areas of the individuals.  The Department of Education has the goal of integrating the use of technology in the teaching and learning process within the public schools of our country; for that reason we request a $300,000.00 budget to develop the project named English in Action in our school by August 2001. 

This project had been designed for the purpose of develop the skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing the English language of and effective and pleasant manner.  The following English Program standards of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico reinforce this project:

                                                              i.      Auditory Comprehension-Standard 6: Student listens to and demonstrates comprehension of messages, dialogues, stories, communications, advertisements and simple verbal communication.

                                                            ii.      Oral comprehension-Standard 7: Student uses the acquired language to engage in oral exchange of ideas. Student interacts verbally in appropriate context using critical thinking skills such as relating, classifying and sequencing.

                                                          iii.      Reading comprehension / Literacy appreciation-Standard 8: Student reads to enjoy him / herself, obtain information, interact with concepts and ideas, and enrich his / her vision of the history and culture of people throughout the world.

                                                           iv.      Written communication-Standard 9: Student writes to convey meaning, transmit messages and express thoughts and feelings.  Student writes creative stories, biographies, journal entries, demonstrating written communicative competency.


        The students will not only have the opportunity of immersing in the English language but they will also familiarize with the use and management of different technological tools. 

        The development of this project requires among other things the acquisition of hardware, software and other material, personnel training and to plan enrichment activities within the school and in the community.

        Our school has 299 students, 18 teachers, a principal, a counselor and a secretary.  In the first stage of the project only the students from third to sixth grade (174 students) will be the beneficiaries of the program and the two English teachers of the school will supervise the project.  Is expected that all the school personnel, parents and other community members get involved in the project of one way or another and contribute to its success.  Hopefully this project will open doors for other instructional innovations in the near future.

d.     Projections:  (2 years)

                                                              i.      Understand and appreciate the importance of learning a second language.

                                                            ii.      Improve the individual’s performance of the English language in a 100%.

                                                          iii.      Develop the ability of communicating with confidence.

                                                           iv.      Adjust the project to benefit early elementary, later elementary, middle school and high school students as well as parents and other members of the community.

                                                             v.      Hire new and more prepared personnel to keep improving the quality of the educational services.

III.                Action Plan

a.     Work Plan:




Accomplishments Indicator

The student will learn and develop Reading/Literature skills.

-Use knowledge of less common vowel patterns.

-Use knowledge of homophones, synonyms and antonyms.

-Use word-reference materials including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.

-Use phonetic codes to decode meanings.

-Expand vocabulary through listening, reading and writing words that reflect both general knowledge and specific subject-related vocabulary.

-Demonstrate independence in using phonetic, structural, and semantic strategies to read more difficult text.




-Teacher on charge.

-Computer software.

-English and Spanish dictionaries.



-Student progress in the subject.

(Homework and test grades)



Develop the skills of listening and understanding.

-Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and paraphrasing what is said.

-Listen for details, main idea, sequence, setting, and characters.

-Respond to questions from teachers and other group members.

-Use subject related information and vocabulary.

-Listen to and record information.

-Follow multi-step oral directions.

-Organize information gathered in-group activities.

-Ask questions to clarify viewpoints, to elicit additional information, and to raise new perspectives.

-Teacher on charge.

-Computer Software.

-English and Spanish dictionaries.



-Student progress in the subject.

(Homework and test grades)


-Oral presentations

Develop effective English communication skills.

-Ask questions of teachers and other group members.

-Explain what has been learned.

-Contribute to group discussions.

-Speak clearly using appropriate volume, tone and rate.

-Express ideas orally with fluency, elaboration, and confidence.

-Use gestures to support, accentuate, or dramatize verbal message.

-Communicate as leader and contributor.

-Teacher on charge.

-English and Spanish dictionaries.



-Student progress in the subject.

(Homework and test grades)


-Oral presentations

Develop effective writing skills.

-Develop a plan for writing using a variety of strategies.

-Edit final copies for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences, and spelling.

-Exhibit a rich emergent vocabulary through varied writing experiences.

-Organize writing to convey a central idea.

-Write several related paragraphs on the same topic using and effective introduction, body of the paper and conclusion.

-Vary sentence structure.

-Use language appropriate for purpose and audience.

-Teacher on charge.

-Computer Software.

-English and Spanish dictionaries.



-Student progress in the subject.

(Homework and test grades)


-Oral presentations

-Written presentations

Familiarize with the use and importance of using different technological tools to enhance education.

-Use computers to prepare stories, letters and other type of written material.

-Learn to use the computer tools to edit material.

-Create computerized art to communicate ideas and thoughts.

-Use of computerized instructional software to solve English grammar exercises.

-Learn how to do research and obtain information thru the computer.

-Look for information, reports or news about technology.

-Use computers to communicate in English with students of other schools.

-Teacher on charge.

-Computer Software.

-English and Spanish dictionaries.

-Student progress in the subject.

(Homework and test grades)


-Written presentations


b.     Schedule of personnel and students:

In the first phase of the project the two English teachers of the school will supervise the program.  The two teachers as well as all the school personnel will receive training on technology and instructional software before starting the program in order to have a prepared team ready to contribute to the project success.   The personnel will learn how to use the English instructional software and other useful programs such as Word, Excel, Access and Power Point.  They will also receive workshops about Internet, PC and hardware maintenance, information security and how to use other technological equipment such as scanners, zip drives, CD ROM’s, etc.

Students will be required to attend the English computer lab twice a week for an hour as a part of their English class requirements.    The teachers will have six groups (first to sixth grade).  The teachers will teach the students of first and second grade during the first two shifts of the morning.  One of the English teachers will take his/ her groups (3-1, 4-1, 5-1 and 6-1) to the English laboratory on Mondays and Wednesdays and the other one on Tuesdays and Thursdays (3-2, 4-2, 5-2 and 6-2).  On Friday all the classes will be given in the classroom. 

For upcoming semesters the school will hire new personnel to assist the English teachers in their laboratory and to teach and train parents, personnel and other community members during the weekends.                                                                   


c.     Calendar



Project divulgation within the school

January 2001

Classroom preparation

February-March 2001

Equipment acquisition

April 2001

Equipment installation

April 2001

Employee trainings / Instruction

May 2001

Network development

June 2001

Software installation

June 2001

Classes begin

August 2001

Parent and community members orientation

August 2001

First approach of the Students with the project

August 2001


IV.               Budget



Price per unit

Total Cost

Dell Dimension XPS B933 Pentium III Processor 933 MHz 128 MB 20.4 GB Ultra ATA Hard drive (722 RPM) 19” Trinitron Monitor




DELL LATITUDE C600 Pentium III Processor, 700 MHz, 64 MB SDRAM, 6 GB Hard Drive, 9.5 MM




Server Power Edge 2400 Pentium III, 733 MHz Processor, w/256 k, Full Speed CACHE 12MB SDRAM




QMS Magi color 6100 GN, 192 MB, Prnt 12 PPM, Color 24 PPM




Biel’s Scanner





Video CAM




Personal Digital Camera




Zip Drive 250 MB




Data/Video Projector




Apollo 35 mm Slide Projector




Portable Projector








Toshiba 36” TV




Binder System




Swivel Task Chair




Mobile Computer Workstation




Adjustable height workstations




Printer Stand




Binder/ Office equipment cart




Deep Full Suspension Files








Assembled Storage Cabinet








Ceiling Projection Screen




TV Wall Mount




VCR Bracket








Keyboard Control Set




Automatic Printer Switches




Bi-directional cable




Webster Dictionary








English Instructional Software




Windows NT




Microsoft Office 2000




Diskette box




Zip Disks 250 MB




Black Ink Cartridge




Color Ink Cartridge








Eraser Cleaner




Writing Markers

5 packs




5 packs



Transparency Jackets








Installation and Maintenance expenses








Miscellaneous Expenses









V.                 References

Borst, W. (1996). Guidelines for Writing in APA Style.  [On-Line]. Available:

Departamento de Educación. (1996). Estandares Programa de Inglés.  Puerto Rico.


                             Macksoud, S. (1999). “Haciendo la Propuesta”. Puerto Rico.


Michigan Department of Education. (1998). Overview of English Language Arts Content Standards.  [On-Line]. Available:


Unknown.  (n.d.). Reading English Language Arts. [On-Line]. Available:




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