The REAL Motivating Factor & Inspiration Behind The Zeal of ACM

Point To Ponder Upon:

The Fundamental and/or Pentecostal Protestants teach that spiritual understanding and rehabilitation MUST take place ON THIS (imperfect) SIDE of The kingdom... Instead of During The 1,000 year rein of Christ where there is said there is going to be: A Resurrection of BOTH the the just and unjust. That 'if' one dies BEFORE they are saved then they are INSTANTLY CONDEMED TO HELL FOREVER. Or if the 'Rapture' comes and they and not come to accept Jesus as their personal Savior then they will be "Left Behind."

Hyprocrisy Displayed Amoung Fundamental & Pentacostal Protestants Claiming Concern Over JW's Fear Tactics of Armageddon Against Non Memebers

The complete hyprocrisy lies in that the ACMs/The Fundamental and/or Pentecostal Protestants often make Jehovah's Witnesses their prime targets of attck claiming that the JW's often teach that all who fail to embrace the JW's take on the Bible will(A) Die at Armageddon and (B) will cease to be all togethre, NEVER to be resurrected back to life again. Yet, ACMs/fundamental and Pentecostal Protestant teach that all who fail to embrace the Fundamental Protestant take on the Bible will (A)Get "Left Behind" during the 'rapture'(B) and/or will get tossed into hell forever.

Do Fundamental/Pentecostal Protestants actually think that their threat teaching of hellfire and getting "Left Behind" is suppose to, some how, be LESS emotionally destructive and "cult-like", and some how 'better' than the JW's Armageddon???

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Read About How The Churches Have MIstranslated the word Hell for the Hebew word SHEOL Which menas
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