Hare Krishnas
Is much like the Hindu Answer to Christianity. Unlike most Hindu branches, Hare Krishnas rests of the idea that Krishna is the highlest reflection and incarnation of Brahma,Amlighty God. Hare Krishnas believe that when they chant the words,of Hare Krishna it is like saying the Lord's Prayer and praying for God's Kingdom to come. Hare Krishnas became popular in the late 60's and early 70's when Beatles star George Harrision became one and even wrote some some about his devotion to Lord Krishsna.
Back in these early days HKs were more seen in the public and displayed in this photo. They would often be seen at airports signing, dancing and chanting the name of Lord Krishna. These days the HKs are more low key and mostly dress in regular clothes. They may stand out in front of post offices or markets and in much the way of Mormons or JWs, they will try and circulate books and booklets on Lord Krishna.
Unitarian Universalists
THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS are so tolernat and diverse that they often confuse their own members. UU's have been at the forefront to promote equal rights of all. They also are outstanding to help the natural environment. It is a fact that those they are Liberal Christians, liberal Jews,and Deists amoung the UUs..they are outnumbered these days by Humanists. There are constant dispute because of this. Many often complain that though UUs are great at teaching Social Justice...theologically,they do not teach much else...Never the less...still there is NO reason to lump UU's nor the peaceful Bahias nor the cheerful Hare Krishnas long side Killer CULTS like Jim Jones!