Contemporary Music Vs. Chrasimatic Style of Worship

This is a picture of Jehovah's Witnesses singing their old-fashioned sounding "Kingdom Melodies" Hymn.

Confusion of Contemporary Music Vs. Chrasimatic Religion

One main reason that so many conservative or non-chrasimatic based Christian religions might be affraid of contemporary music is because of how more than often contemporary music is used alongside chrasimatic or highly emotional-based branches of Protestantism.

Many have commented being turned off at what they have observed as Pentecostal or chrasimatic groups using upbeat good sounding music to stir up people or what they call "mood music". Thus they view Pentecostals as minipulating people's emotions by using upbeat sounding music in hopes of candy-coating over their odd chrasimatic behavior...Thus they are turned off, seeing this as a purely emotion driven and anti-intellectual tactict of coexing people.

Many non-chrasimatic groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Old Presbyterians fear contemporary sounding music becuase they think it's one and the same as Pentecostalism.

Many have noted that Penecostals were using modern sounding music way before others did, as early as the 30's and 40's when they would use a swing sound while other Protestant churches only used organ music.

It is true that Pentecostals were using modern upbeat music long before any others were and it is true that Penecostals and chrasimatic churches are known for their use modern music to emotionally coex people in hopes that you might come to be won over to their usual style of worship.

However, while individuals, including myself my reject chrasimatics, we must reason how while many times those such as Pentecostals and Chrasimatic church may indeed use contemporary music to emotionally coex people or even as an attempt to mask over their strange chrasimatic behavior...candy-coat so as to make it more digestable...that does not mean that EVERY one that likes or uses contemporay sounding music in worship is using or playing such good sounding music as a purely Pentecostal or a chrasimatic ploy to merely to mask any odd or overly chrasimatic emotional behavior...although in these overly old fashioned churches may have been lead to conclude so.

I KNOW for a FACT there there ARE NORMAL NON-chrasimatic churches that DO use contemporary sounding music during their services and while the music is upbeat, the people there may clap their hands to the beat but they do NOT raise their hands in the air, jump up and down, nor do they shout anything or speak in tounges. They ARE contemporary but they are NOT chrasimatic at all.

This is a picture of an old fashioned style Presbyterian church singing their old style organ church hymns.

To forbide contemporary sounding music at your religious services simply because Pentecostals or chrasimatic churches use them or abuse them is like swearing off never to use herbal teas simply because you may have observed the majority of those involved in Eastern religions of New Age doing so. They are many things that others we may not agree with may do or use but does not mean those things they use in themselves are bad. Rather, it means they WAY THEY choose to use them we may not agree with. For example, just because a Christian may use a herbal tea to heal his or hear sore throat that happens to be made by Hindu owned company does NOT mean that person is practicing Hindu religion rather instead Christianity. Likewise, just because a non-chrasimatic Christian likes, listens to and even preforms contemporary Christain music...that perhaps chrasimatic church bands may also happen to play...does not mean that this person suppports chrasimatics or is a Pentecostal in nature.

Have you comments for me you may send them to:

The Earth Eden Project P.o.Box 142 Ojai,CA 93024

Comments calling me "worldy", "heathen","spiritually weak","rebellious", or other Jerry Felwell type comments will be prompty and eternally thrown in the trash.