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Name: BrandiE-mail:
City: Tolland, CTCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 13-Dec-2002 01:58:03

Hi Kevin. I wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed your site. 
I found out that I have AS in August this year. 

It would have been a lot easier if I had found out before 
struggling through high school but I survived. 
I am still soaking up information about AS and 
I enjoyed the personal feeling of this site. 
Yours was a nice change of pace. Keep up the 
good work and best wishes for the future

Name: ClaireE-mail:
City: CroydonCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 9 May 2003

I really appreciate this website. I recently
read an article on Asperger's. People are so
ignorant. It annoys me for when I am at school
(Yes, I am suffering under the torture), I see
these people acting like Sheep, following each 
other in giggly herds, (the girls), or 
mindlessly kicking a ball about (the boys). They
think swearing is cool and call people spastics
and retards. This is just ignorance. Even a 13
year old like me can understand that. Please 
keep up the good work.

Name: Steven IrwinE-mail:
City: AtlantaCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 10/05/2003

I am 34, undiagnosed, was looking for some
personal experiences with AS, and found your
site to be the goldmine. It takes real courage
to write about yourself.

Name: Lilly
City: Holland, MichiganCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: Wednesday 06/11/2003 1:50:59am
Thank you Kevin, My daughter has been 
diagnosed with AS. She is 11 years old and doesn't 
understand what this means yet. Your site will help both 
of us to have more understanding. 
God bless you and thank you.

Name: Suzy McHaleE-mail:
City: MelbourneCountry: Australia
Homepage: Date: 14/03/2004

Hi Kevin!

I've been visiting your site since last year
and you explain Asperger's very well. I only
read about the condition in 2001 and thought 
that some of the descriptions sounded like me.
I've not been professionally diagnosed but I 
think that I have many of the traits. I am
uncomfortable with social interaction and haven't
had a successful life. I wonder if things had been
different if I had been diagnosed as a teenager
(I was born in 1970) but AS hadn't been heard
of back then.

Name: Fern Iva KentE-mail:
City: New York CityCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 29/04/2004


After reading this and other related matierials,
I can now see that I have it. I have known for 
a long time that there was something "different"
abut the way I related to others and my 
environment but didn't know what to call it or 
how to access it.


Fern Iva Kent.

Name: KristinaE-mail:
City: Los AngelesCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 05/08/2004

I have just been diagnosed with Aspergers and
from reading your website I found that your 
past to have been very close to mine. I do have
an idea for a job for you though. I am a parent 
advocate for children with special needs.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Name: martin mangan
City: croydonCountry: england
Homepage: Date: Wednesday 14/09/2005 9:24:59pm

I am a 41 year old man in the process of being diagnosed with aspergers. 
Keep up the good work Kevin, it is a good job there 
are people like you, to educate people.

Name: joanne chua
City: hougang, singaporeCountry: Singapore
Homepage: Date: Tuesday 09/06/2005 9:49:18am

Hi kevin, nice work on your homepage. very informative and detailed. 
i am working on a paper on autism. came across your website in one of my text. 
quote you a couple of times in my report, 
hope you are okay with it!
thanks and best wishes!

Name: Cath
City: WarringtonCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: Friday 08/26/2005 11:30:14am
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences.

I am a social worker and am trying to help a lady who we think has AS.

This lady is very frightened and anxious as she has had major changes in her life.
She is sadly now in a psychiatric hospital and we are not sure how to help her.

Your writing has helped me to understand more about AS and hopefully will 
help me to help this woman.

Thank you a lot


Name: Rach
City: GrimsbyCountry: UK
Homepage: Monday 08/15/2005 4:13:09pm

Hi Kevin,

your website has kept me busy and through it I can understand just how A.S affects you. My son is 10 and has Asperger Syndrome.

Thanks for sharing you life with us. Well done Kevin!

Best Wishes

Name: Jaycee SemradE-mail:
Town/City:Omaha, Nebraska Country:USA
Homepage: Date: 06/09/2006
Message:Just wanted to say you have a wonderful website packed full of information.

Name: Jennifer WillcoxE-mail:
City: Fulton NY Country:USA
Homepage: Date: 15/01/2009


I have a 13 year old son that lives with AS. 
While on the internet tonight I found your website. 
Thank you for sharing such personal stories. 
I did chuckle a few times at the way you worded 
your facts as it was like I was hearing my son 
tell me these things. My son is very much like 
you that I am going to share your website with him. 
His likes and dislikes are very much the 
same as yours. Maybe after seeing your 
website he might want to do his own.   

Name: lizzieE-mail:
City: RotherhamCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 4/02/2009

Hi Kevin, Just had a quick look at your web page. 
It looks good. 
I will be back for a good look later.  
Thursday 07/10/2003 9:51:05pm Name: Victoria Homepage: E-Mail: Town or City Norwich Country England Comments Your website is very detailed and interesting. I am 19 years old and also have asperger's syndrome. I am currently doing a degree in computing science ( I have just completed my first year). Like you, I also find it difficult to find a job. Earlier this summer I was trying to look for a temporary office-based job, as a data entry clerk or typist, just for the summer.I took my CV to almost every employment agency in the city, but none of them have offered me a suitable job, in fact they hardly ever contact me. So sometimes I phone them, but they always say they have nothing suitable at the moment. I have also applied for a few non-agency jobs, but have been rejected from them. I have been to 2 interviews so far this summer. I applied for a temporary job by emailing my CV to the personnel assistant, and I didn't hear from her for over 2 weeks. Then this evening I got an email from her, saying that the department has read my CV, and I am unsuccessful on this occasion. It was a summer job especially designed for students to gain work experience. I thought that I met all the requirements for the job, but the lady didn't even explain why my application was unsuccessful. Searching for jobs is quite a depressing experience, so now I think I am just going to get on with enjoying the summer and not worry about it any more this year. One of my hobbies is designing websites, and my dream job is to become a web-designer. I try to learn something new every day, and I update my site frequently. Next year, when I have learnt more, I will write to some local web-design companies, and ask if I can do a week or so of work experience there. One of the good things about website design is that if you can't find a job, you can always work freelance, and that is what I might do if I find it difficult to get a job once I graduate in Summer 2005. Tuesday 06/24/2003 0:39:25am Name: Darien Homepage: E-Mail: Town or City Springfield, Illinois Country United States Comments Nice site!!! I am a 25-year old graduate student in Environmental Studies. I also have Asperger's syndrome. I was diagnosed last year after I fell into depression and not being able to maintain 2 jobs. I have always had eccentric habits and ticks..I have always talked to myself, rocked back and forth, paced the floor and had obsessions such as maps, historic or plain facts, nature and the environment. I got into trouble at my two jobs because I didn't communicate or came across as un-motivated because I was too quiet. I was teased often as a kid due to my eccentricities. When I got older and went to college, I was able to work harder and conceal them a bit but they still, even with that work came out. When I get irritated or uncomfortable with people, I go silent and won't drove my mother crazy. I take medication now and it helps. It's going to be a tough road now from here on out but I will make it. Tuesday 06/03/2003 9:24:15pm Name: Carol Smith Homepage: E-Mail: Town or City Wickford Country Essex Comments What a wonderful job you have made of your site - so thorough and interesting. I am a wife who suspects my husband has the condition, but he refuses to discuss the subject with me - I can only hope he finds this site and takes example from you. I will certainly be logging on again to read more - (too much in one go!) Best wishes to you.

Name: Lauren WessonE-mail:
City: BarnsleyCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 20/03/2009

Hello again, I met you a few years ago when 
you spoke to me at priory campus. I recognised 
you from your photo on your website. It is interesting 
to read your point of view. Your website is straight 
forward with no crap. Good luck with everything and 
if i see you again i will say hi.   

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