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Name: lynnE-mail: Bea
City: mentorCountry: US
Homepage: Date: 27-Nov-2001 01:58:03

I found your website informative & interesting. I 
have a son who has Aspergers & I believe my 21 
year old daughter has it also. She has not been 
diagnosed yet. It hasn't been 
too much of a problem while she was young. 
however, it has been nothing short of a nightmare 
the last 3 years. My main concern for her 
is: staying employed & obtaining & maintaining 
health insurance, her safety & if she should 
become pregnant. The people she hangs out with 
have a lot of serious issues. She needs a peer 
that could be a mentor to her as well as a role 
model. But that AIN'T going to happen because the 
average kid her age does not want to be around 
her for long. This is why I am trying so 
hard to get help that is effective for my son 
before it is too late. I am still in the 
process of getting help for her, it is very 
daunting & exhausting!! I wish the very best to 
you, don't be discouraged. You are still young and 
the future may hold much promise. 


Name: Laura RootE-mail:
City: Knoxville, TNCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 19-Nov-2001 15:30:21

I have a 12 year old who was diagnosed at 7 yrs. 
of age with ADHD.  Now that diagnosis has been 
changed to Asperger's.  Some of my son's AS 
characteristics are similar to yours.  The one 
quirk that I'm having a hard time controlling is 
his rudeness. Hopefully, through time and 
therapy I can get it under control. Thanks for 
this website.  

Laura Root

Name: antoninaE-mail:
City: new yorkCountry: US
Homepage: Date: 14-Nov-2001 23:28:32

I have wondered at times if I have some traits 
of Asperger's Syndrome and am now reading up on 
it. I have a friend who does have it, and 
reading your site gave welcome insight to his 
challenges. Best wishes to you.

Name: RigelE-mail:
City: MedfordCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 8-Nov-2001 22:28:04

Before I tell you how cool your site it, notice
that a few signatures down is someone else from
Medford, OR.  I don't know who that is, but it
sure is nice to see that I am not alone in this
town :o)

Your site is very nice, I was self-diagnosed at
24, but not officially diagnosed until I was 26,
and I had some of the same problems that you did,
I also have the problem of people not believing
me...if I had a nickle for every time I heard
"well you are just a little odd, not autistic"
...LOL...have a great day, keep up the wonderful

Name: carolE-mail:
City: SheffieldCountry: south yorks
Homepage: Date: 26-Oct-2001 19:19:06

Kevin, thank you. You are pure "Gold". You are 
truly an inspiration to other sufferers. God 
Bless you.  Carol xx

Name: Christina GE-mail:
City: Country: USA
Homepage: 25-Oct-2001 16:44:33

What a great job you've done! Have bookmarked 
your site as a favorite and will put a link to 
it on my site as well. Great job on getting the 
word out! :)

Name: Nickala MartheE-mail:
City: LawtonCountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 22-Oct-2001 01:21:11

I enjoyed reading your website very much. My son 
Adam, was diagnosed with Aspergers this past 
spring at the age of 13. Myself and his teachers 
had thought that he was unusually shy and would 
outgrow it. I only wish that we would have known 
sooner. Adam is extremely bright and is in his 
first year of junior high, the first term has 
just ended and he had made all A's. He has told 
his teachers that he doesn't want special 
treatment(feels that would be cheating). He 
doesn't want to even discuss Asperger's. I will 
try to encourage him to visit your website. 

Name: Terri LawrenceE-mail:
City: Country:
Homepage: Date: 21-Oct-2001 17:09:06

Thank you for all the information you have 
shared with me.

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