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Name: CarolE-mail:
City: ReadingCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 14-Mar-2002 06:14:29

I teach in a resource on a mainstream school for 
pupils with AS. Well done for producing such a 
personal and informative web site. All the best, 

Name: melanie brookesE-mail:
City: fleetCountry: uk
Homepage: Date: 8-Mar-2002 12:45:54

Very informative - thanks for letting us in on 
your experiences

Name: ColleenE-mail:
City: BurnsvilleCountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 7-Mar-2002 04:32:59

As a mom with a son who was recently diagnosed 
[he is now 14] I could not stop reading. Thank 

Name: Kim VanZyllE-mail:
City: Carson City, NevadaCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 3-Mar-2002 01:40:14

Hi Kevin, I am a special ed. assist. & a high 
school & am checking out AS as a possibility for 
a student. You sound like a remarkable young 
man, and your humor had me laughing out loud!! 
Good luck to you, sincerely, Kim VanZyll

Name: catherineE-mail:
City: edmontonCountry: Canada
Homepage: Date: 27-Feb-2002 17:08:47

I was blown away Mr. K. a great web site, my 
son Stephen has Aspergers and I sure he would 
love to chat with you if you have a spare 
moment.thanks his mom

Name: Hannah GoldenE-mail:
City: MichiganCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 26-Feb-2002 21:03:00

Thank you for all of your work on this website.  
I am so thankful that you have done this.  I 
needed to know a lot more.  I just found out two 
days ago that my love one has AS.  I now know 
how to be helpful.  It means a lot to me.  Thank 
you!  Hannah

Name: JenniferE-mail:
City: Ball Ground, GACountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 20-Feb-2002 13:40:43

I really enjoyed reading all the information you 
have on your site. My son just turned 10 and 
he was diagnoised 2 years ago with having AS.   
I always worry about the kind of man he will 
grow up to be...... thanks for releiving some of 
these worries.     

Name: JanineE-mail: Cuncarr_Janine@hotmail>com
City: wellingtonCountry: New Zealand
Homepage: Date: 12-Feb-2002 01:34:33

Its a good website how do you make your own 
website as i like to make my own website i also 
have aspergers sydrome and am 17 this year(2002) 

Name: janiceE-mail:
City: sacramento ca.Country: united states
Homepage: Date: 10-Feb-2002 13:58:58

I have noticed a similarity between yourself 
and my children in behaviors. I noticed that 
you did not touch upon visual acuity in 
refererance to the clumsy coordination.  Hence 
the eye contact in social situations.  Without 
the visual impact it appears that the neurons 
will not fire for the socialization.  Also I 
have had some success with removal of excess 
minerals in my younger son.  He had a hair 
analysis performed 2? years ago and had copper 
and alumunim toxicities.  We have managed to 
decrease them from 300 to around 120 percent 
toxic.  His behavior is greatly increased 
because of it.  Last week, I submitted another 
analysis it will take about 10 more days to get 
the results from that.  I have seen a 
difference but only time will tell what will 
become of this.  I can tell you that he is much 
more tolerant of others.  It is difficult but 
he definitely makes an effort.  

Name: AnneE-mail:
City: Country: United States
Homepage: Date: 8-Feb-2002 12:55:38

Kevin, my 15 year old son has AS. Your web site
was very helpful, and I am definitely passing a
link to your "school days" page to his teachers
who have no clue what he is going through. Thank you.

Name: TerrieE-mail:
City: BirminghamCountry:
Homepage: Date: 6-Feb-2002 05:48:08

i am currently at college and i am hoping to 
become a Special Support Assistant in a 
mainstream or SEN school.  i am doing an 
assignment on A.S and have found Kevins website 
very useful. thanx Kevin

Name: Ivor CaesarE-mail:
City: London Country: England.
Homepage: Date: 3-Feb-2002 07:56:14

Thank you for the data and the easy to read 
layout. I am not sure if my son aged 7 and a bit 
has autism or some related illness, having an 
insight such as you detail may prove useful.   

Name: Paul Briggs E-mail:
City: RotherhamCountry: south Yorkshire U.K
Homepage: Date: 2-Feb-2002 14:46:10

Many thanks a great site----the information is 
for my sister Denise and her daughter Lisa who 
is (i think) 9 years old and was diagnosed about 12 
months ago. Sorry i cant give u E-mail i cant 
work it my home address is 23 Orchard 
Place, Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 1HQ.

If you have any information please send and i would be more than happy to refund the cost. Many thanks Paul.
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