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Name: j nichollsE-mail:
City: londonCountry: england
Homepage: Date: 1-Aug-2002 17:49:28

i have 7 year old twin boys, they have always 
been different from other children i have 2 
older boys of 12 and 11. I thought it was 
because of being twins they were very shy 
toddlers would not talk or look at anybody, 
except my husband and their brothers. they even 
went through a time from 18months to about 3 
when if there dad was home from work i wasnt 
allowed to do anything for them like make a 
drink dress them even give them a cuddle. Going 
to school was a nightmare. They put them in the 
same class them seperated them. They only got 
close to 2 other children and hated there 
teachers and school. they would both hide under 
tables although one has a very nasty temper and 
swears and kicks at the teachers. We still have 
not had a proper diagnoses. We shall be seeing a 
specialist soon. They have great problems 
reading and writing but i know how bright they 
are. They are quite good with maths though. They 
now go to a special unit one day a week for 
behaviour problems. I am looking into ADHA and 
Asperger I have found this site very interesting 
but wonder do my boys problems sound familier to 

Name: Tertia SandersonE-mail:
City: BrisbaneCountry: Australia
Homepage: Date: 26-Jul-2002 00:30:47


I have an 8 year old son with Aspergers and I 
just wanted to say that this site is wonderful!  
It has given me hope that my son will remain as 
quirky, delightful, adorable, special as he is 
now.  It found some very interesting facts and 
will showing my son this site! Thankyou so much!

Name: Jessica E-mail:
City: St. Charles, Missouri, Country: USA
Homepage: Date: 25-Jul-2002 17:10:19

hello, i just wanted to tell you that i have 
enjoyed your website.  i am doing this for a 
report and am facinated with Autism and 
Aspergers, probably because i can relate.  i use 
to feel like i was stuck in a bottle and i could 
feel all the presure around me but i wasn't 
able, i did not know how to releave any of the 
presure.  this might sound goofy, but i have 
been dealing with a lot of mental angish 
throughout my life, it's great to know that im 
not alone, i'm not crazy.  anyway, thank for 
pouring your life out on the web, you help more 
people than your aware of. Jessica

Name: Patrick McKnightE-mail:
City: VancouverCountry: Canada
Homepage: Date: 22-Jul-2002 05:00:12

just want to say that you've got a great 
webpage Kevin. I'm a 22-year-old with Asperger 
Syndrome and I can certainly relate to your 
problems at school and with employment.

I remember when I was in Grade 1 having 
difficulty following oral instructions.  
Instead of clarifying these instructions, my 
Grade 1 teacher singled me out for ridicule in 
front of the class by pointing out my 
eccentricities, thus condoning teasing. The 
kids took it from there. I think this was the 
first time I felt bad about myself and realized 
that I was different from other kids. It's 
an unfortunate fact that bullies can sniff 
out Aspies a mile away and make life miserable 
for them. I can recall many incidents of 
teasing during school when the teachers 
looked the other way. Often employers are 
looking for someone who is fast and 
friendly; a team player. I can understand 
why they can would want this, but dammit, we 
Aspies need work too. Many employers don't 
seem to understand that social skills do not 
come naturally for everybody and mistake 
this isolation for snobishness. 
When employers get tired of us, they let us 
go and we accumulate a series of bad references 
that makes it harder for us to get work again. Employers need to learn to accept 
people who are different.

Name: JE-mail:
City: New OrleansCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 17-Jul-2002 17:32:22

Hi Kevin, great site!  My name is J, I'm 26 
years old, and I believe that I might have 
Asperger's.  Your site will help a lot of 
people.  Thanks!

Name: ann dysonE-mail:
City: BunburyCountry: Western Australia
Homepage: Date: 16-Jul-2002 12:49:29

I think my 18 year old son has Aspergers.
I hope it is as then we can put a name to it and 
he can stop feeling as if he is alone in the 
world. He has had problems very much like yours. 

Name: kathy barberE-mail:
City: MelbourneCountry: Australia
Homepage: Date: 13-Jul-2002 06:39:18

Thanks Kevin  You are a sweetie!  I have learned 
a lot from your website and feel a lot better 
about this AS ting.  I have had many hours of 
testing by a psychologist who diagnosed me ADD - 
inattentive type and Asperges Syndrome, and it 
scared the living daylights out of me. I'm sure 
I will calm down and work through what it can do 
for ME!!! Thanks again, Kathy (age 57)

Name: HeatherE-mail:
City: Colorado SpringsCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 11-Jul-2002 13:12:37

Thank you for intoducing me to your site.  It is 
very interesting to gain a prespective of AS 
through an adult.  My son is only 5.  There is 
not alot of resources in Colorado for Autism but 
I am doing all I can including the GFCF diet.  
My son is allergic to a lot of other foods also 
and he to is a scimmpy eater like you once 
were.  From what I gather, you are now a young 
adult aged 26.  I had my son when I was 18 and 
his father has never been very interested in 
him.  I last heard from him 2.5 years ago.  I 
ofter wonder how this is going to effect his 
adult life.  Keep up the good work of informing 
people daily.  Seems like I do the same thing.  
Thanks again and Good Luck! 

Name: Lesley MullerE-mail:
City: AdelaideCountry: Australia
Homepage: Date: 11-Jul-2002 08:59:33

Thank you for the information you have put on 
your website. It is very helpful. We think our 
grandson may be autistic and we can see some of 
the autistic traits in him mentioned on your 
By sharing your life, you have helped me 
Thank you Kevin, God bless you, Lesley

Name: Alison BloodworthE-mail:
City: SheffieldCountry: England
Homepage: Date: 6-Jul-2002 14:45:47

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you today at King 
Ecgberts for the conference. You were an 
inspiration to me. Keep safe and remember me to 
your mum!

Name: Lynn GibsonE-mail:
City: BostonCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 4-Jul-2002 22:08:50

Your site was extremely interesting. I'll send 
you an email.

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