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Having outlined the similarities, I will now state the differences. AS is a developmental, functional, sensory, interaction and communication disability. Psychopathy is a chronic and severe personality disorder. People with AS are not manipulative. They are too rigid in their thinking to be opportunistic. They find it hard to be something they are not and don't possess instinctive social intelligence. If they are like this, it is usually learned behaviour that they have acquired in order to fit in, or have adapted as a result of watching other people over years. With Psychopaths, it is instinctive and innate. They usually display it from a much earlier age.

ALL psychopaths are potentially dangerous. Just that not all of them are. The majority of Psychopaths ARE dangerous, but in different ways. Many psychopaths typically get kicks and enjoyment out of doing things such as torturing animals or bullying younger children. They can get emotionally or even sexually aroused by reliving the moment.

This type of behaviour would be unpleasant to most people with Asperger's Syndrome, who are usually law-abiding and if they ever do commit crimes, it is because someone has tricked them into it or have said they would be friends with the person with AS if they do it, or in some cases, to gain revenge on someone who has committed an offence against them, as many inherently feel a strong sense of justice from within. Some people with AS may commit a crime because it is related to one of their obsessions or routines. Psychopaths don't care much about justice and fairness, unless it is related to them or their egocentric desires and needs.

In many cases, it would be almost comical, if it wasn't so serious, to watch many people with AS's bungling, inept responses when they get caught, and how they would react in a police station. This would contrast with the responses of a Psychopath, who, if caught, would often display little, if any emotion and would attempt to rationalize or justify their actions, although again, they have been known to fake remorse or simulate emotion or mental illness if in extremely severe trouble or when they have been cornered and there is little chance of getting away with the offence, or offences that they have committed.

Psychopaths aren't obsessive, unless again it is related to their needs and desires. They aren't hypersensitive to touch, sound or taste or have fine motor skill problems. Their fine and gross motor co-ordination is the same as NT's.

Whereas psychopaths have no regard for other people's rights, they know what they are. Aspergers don't understand them, but respect them once taught. Psychopaths are often naturally very deceitful and devious. Those with Asperger's rarely are naturally. Those with AS tend to be predictable and prefer a fixed routine whereas psychopaths are often impulsive and unpredictable.


Whilst many Psychopaths are very intelligent and gifted people, they are mainly time bombs and you are best off keeping away from them. Unfortunately you will often never know that unless you ever get involved with or meet one, and then, you realise it is too late.

Some say that Psychopaths would make good Soldiers due to their fearlessness, impulsiveness and recklessness. Perhaps they would, but weighed against that would be their egocentricity, selfishness and unreliability.

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