and more girls

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Nicknames: nik, nicarugua, curly. D.O.B. April 25th 1983 NIkki attends Albright college in Reading where she is on the swim team, enjoys lifeguarding and working out at the Y with Kimmi. Drives a black neon that may have a familiar stench left in it from the beginning of the summer. nikki is single but would proibally rather be with her new found love from school, shes got rings not only on her fingers or toes. IS the tannest of the group. Isnt scared to show a little nipple.


NIcknames: Courtsy, monika, and whatever ryan calls her. D.O.B. April 21st Laura can be found either babysitting, babysititng for ryans family, or with her long term boyfrined, Ryan. Laura loves to vacation, recently went to FLorida, with Ryan. SHe has a love for Nsync, especially Jusitn Timberlake. Attended the all girl school IMmaculata, but is looking to transfer. ENjos laughing at jen's jokes, doesn't like her hair very much. Will probally be the first of the group to get married.


Nicknames: Overreactor, Jess who? D.O.B. April 15th, 1983 Jess can be found in MIssourri where she moved with her sister for the summer. None of us have really seen or tlkaed to Jess since christmas, we all miss her and wish she would call us. She attends valley forge christian college and from what we hear loves it and made great new, better friends than us. We hope jess gets in touch with us soon. Has a boyfriend.