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Orlando Bloom

My view

I was never into liking someone simply because an entire group of people (in this case a very large group) liked them. So, why did I make a fan page for Mr. Bloom? Two very important reasons:

1.) Because I like him, a lot (^.^)
2.)Because I can

And that's that. Lol.

I like the T-shirt and jeans look on Orlando.


Full Name: Orlando Bloom
D.O.B: January 13, 1977
P.O.B: Canterbury, Kent, England
Height: 5'11
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Deep brown
Ouch!: To date, darling Orlando has broken his back, his nose, both legs, an arm, a finger, a wrist, a toe, three ribs and has cracked his skull three times

Want more?(I know you do) Go to Orlando Bloom online or check out the links page. There's stuff on the joined page.


These are but a few pics, for now, I'll be getting more for future site updates.


