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You Know You're Obsessed With Dilandau When...

I've decided to turn this into a sort of quiz. See how you score and determine whether you are clueless, normal, insane, or in need of a life (there is a difference) Ready? Take the quiz and goodluck! (If you can't keep score in your head, you can use a piece of paper, a calculator or do this with a friend, but don't cheat, otherwise, what's the point of taking this quiz?)

Question 1. When you think of Dilandau, you think of...
A. Fire
B. Escaflowne
C. Censored!
D. Golf (huh?)

Question 2. What do you think is Dilandau's best quality?
A.His looks
B.His sense of style
C.Quality? He's a menace to society!
D.The way he burns things. Hehe.

Question 3. Do you try to model your friends/boyfriends/girlfriends after Dilandau.
A.No, I do know where to draw the line
B.Of course, he's the greatest!
C.I don't have any friends. I'm all alone....
D.Not intentionally, but there is (insert name), I think he/she was dropped as a baby.

Question 4: If someone messes with you, how do you deal?
A. I take a deep breath and try to deal with it rationally
B. I call on my bigger friends for a hand
C. I pull out my sword and it's "Chop!"
D. I run, okay! I'm not about to get my outfit ruined!

Question 5: How many quotes of Dilandau's do you know by heart?
A. 1, but it's my fave quote
B. 2 or 3, no biggy
C. I've memorized virtually every word he's ever said. In English, Japanese, from the movie and's like having a little piece of him with me in my head...
D. Quotes? Give me a break!

Question 6: What would you do if you had a mecha/guymelef?
A. Payback time!
B.I'd sell the baby and be rich
C. Tour the world
D. I'd tell everyone it was a gift from Dilandau-sama

Question 7: How do people describe you?
A. Assertive yet easy-going
B. You can't pry my mirror out of my hand
C. Not the type of person you want to meet in a dark alley
D. None of these apply....thank God!

Question 8: If you could ask Dilandau one thing, It would be,
A. Who does your hair?
B. What drugs are you taking?
C. What are you doing tonight?
D. Wanna see where I tattooed your name?

Question 9: How do you deal with anger?
A. I'd talk about it
B. I get even with those who anger me
C. Angry? Me? Never!
D. I sit alone in my room, staring at the wall.

Question 10: How many episodes of Escaflowne could you watch before going insane?
A.)10, at this point I'm bored out of my skull
B.)2, I just can't get into it.
C.)15, but I'd be sleep deprived and very hungry
D.)26, and then watch it all again!

Okay, now to see the results!