Why Dilandau Albatou?
Okay, I've never been a gusher, that in my opinion being defined as someone who goes, and I quote, "Oh...my...God...he's just, sooooooooo, so, so, CUTE, *giggling*" Uh uh, not in a million years. Though I do have reasons for making a website, and I'd like to play down giggly fan girl status, (though if you are a giggly Dil fan girl, *shrugs* It's your site.)
1.) He's fascinating
Think that's the opinion of a typical overly obsessed webmistress/webmaster? Could be, not that I've been paying attention. I find him fascinating simply because he's the most interesting of the Escaflowne characters. There's egotism yet insanity, loneliness and viciousness, and if you don't know, he was once someone's little sister. (Don't know who's? It's around, trust me.) I don't think any of the other characters share his range of facial expressions either. The way he goes to looks of extreme terror to sheer rage to overly arrogant is great anime art work in my opinion.
2.) He's cute
Note that this is my second reason for liking the character, and not the first reason. Why? Because looks do not equal depth, even in anime. There are a flush of exquisite looking characters who are as 2 dimensional as they are drawn, leaving them at best, to be admired for beauty, but then not that relevant otherwise. (I refuse to give examples, since I do not want my new guestbook to be a haven for flames. Some people are so touchy ^.^) He's cute. He knows he's cute. He's completely insane but by God, he still manages to hold onto this, "I'm living proof that there is a God" attitude, that wouldn't go good with anyone else but him.
3.) He's a bad boy
Are you tired of all the promotion the sugar coated "heroes" get. There are some attention deserving bad boy anime characters who are very convincing yet neglected. Thankfully I don't have use Dilandau as an example. He's definitely receiving his fair share of attention. Now, is he boyfriend material? Probably not. For the hardcore Dilandau lovers who read that statement and went, "What?", You have to admit, a murderous, pyromaniac, with an extremely big ego, slap-happy habbits, and a very dirty mouth wouldn't exactly be Mr. Right, let alone the kind of guy you'd bring home to the folks for dinner. Still, in those rare (and I mean rare) moments where Dilandau would appear a bit vulnerable, even huggable, you can't help but like the guy.
4.)Um...it's my God given right?
No, I'm not being snappy, but it rings true for anyone about anything. I like Dilandau, a lot, which is why I set up the page, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. It also is a nice way to sum up my points without dragging on and on. I do have a life, and I'm certain you do too.
So....why do YOU like Dilandau? Tell me and I'll post it on the site.