my lists
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.....lists about me.....


Things I absolutely adore:
First, foods:

  • chocolate!
  • cheesecake
  • Sobes
  • milk
  • macaroni n cheese
  • Brazilian pasteils and fried mandioca
  • baklava, minus the walnuts
  • brownies
  • Oreo Cake
  • Chocolate Suicide Cake
  • pasta
  • Pringles
  • Cheetos
  • Cadbury Bunny Eggs
  • Peeps
  • Milky Ways
  • twice-baked potatoes
  • pancakes, waffles, french toast, any breakfast foods!
  • graham crackers with vanilla frosting
  • mangoes
  • watermelon
  • raspberries
  • asparagus sauteed in olive oil with garlic and Italian seasonings
  • artichoke dipped in garlic butter
  • garlic, in general
  • fudge
  • Stephens hot cocoa
  • soft pretzels from PretzelMaker
  • chickpeas
  • strawberry-banana daquiris (virgin, of course)
  • Zuka Juices (No, I don't mean Jamba Juices. I HATE Jambas. I LOVED Zukas!)
  • real fruit popsicles
  • dippin' dots
  • canned fruit
  • wheat thins
  • EZ Cheese!

    Other things!:

  • amusement parks
  • swimming pools and waterslides
  • ice skating
  • roller skating
  • horse back riding
  • capris
  • sandals
  • flip-flops
  • sunglasses
  • loud hip-hop music with the windows rolled down in the car
  • slippers
  • movies
  • dancing
  • jazz pants
  • jazz shoes!
  • velvet leotards
  • flexibility
  • cereal (oops, that's a food, huh?! Just can't stay away from foods!)
  • sprinklers
  • rosebushes
  • birds chirping
  • staplers
  • stickers
  • talking to people
  • going out with friends
  • animals
  • my handsome bunny!
  • the movie "Newsies" and the movie "Dirty Dancing"!!!!
  • writing poetry
  • hoping to get published
  • being half-Brazilian
  • Kaysville
  • kids
  • my families

    I HATE:

    Things I absolutely loathe:
    First, foods:

  • hamburgers
  • any kind of nut (no, I actually do like Pistachios and Cashews okay)
  • tapioca pudding
  • lemon anything except yogurt
  • artificial watermelon flavor
  • artificial blueberry flavor
  • blue raspberry anything--what's that all about? Raspberries are not blue!
  • mushrooms!
  • onions
  • seafood, especially shrimp, crabs, clams, etc...
  • sour cream
  • Coke
  • coconut
  • beans (unless they're with rice and ground mandioca powder)
  • biscuits
  • cranberries, grapefruits, and juice of either (although I really like Sobe Cranberry/Grapefruit Elixir--weird, I know)
  • cottage cheese
  • plain ice creams
  • ham
  • spam
  • canned green beans
  • canned any vegetable
  • cooked green peppers
  • cooked tomatoes, tomato sauce, juice, etc...
  • steak
  • mustard

    And now, other things!:

  • work
  • being ignored
  • being yelled at
  • toenails unpainted
  • cheap shampoo
  • cuticles
  • Fran Drescher
  • silence
  • calling people on the phone
  • clumpy mascara
  • the color teal
  • the movies "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns"
  • Star Trek
  • Science-Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • the whole Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings hype
  • O-Town
  • getting a dumb song stuck in your head
  • waking up 6 minutes before the alarm rings
  • recognizing people who you know have no idea who you are
  • scotch tape that is frosty and not clear
  • night classes
  • being alone
  • grades
  • the words "puss" and "spore" and "vomit"
  • being thirsty
  • leotards and pink tights
  • dark rooms
  • being too cold or too hot

    My true Love

    What I love about my husband:

  • his blue eyes- I really can see forever in them. I look into his eyes and I see him as he is now. He is young and adventurous and we laugh all day long. I see him as he will be, a loving father who spoils his girls and teaches his boys how to be gentlemen. I see him a tired man waiting up for his teenagers to come home on a Friday night. I see him as his first child goes away to college, gets married, has a baby. I see him old and worn, graying, and loving me more than ever.
  • his smile, beaming across his whole face- in his eyes, his cheeks, and in the little wrinkles that appear.
  • his hands, strong yet gentle. When he holds me I know that I am safe and secure. When he touches me I feel feminine; pampered, loved, and esteemed. He holds my hand in his and my soul is caressed.
  • the way he looks at me. Genuine, almost with tears in his eyes, telling me that I am the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. Telling me that he thanks God for me every morning and night, and all through the days. Telling me how blessed he is to be married to me. Telling me what a great mother I will be.
  • the way he dances. He looks right at me and we have a conversation. Not with words, just with our bodies. With our bodies and with our eyes and with our smiles. The world disappears, and no matter what's going on around us, or in our lives, nothing matters except that we are young and in love.
  • when he brings me breakfast in bed, even if it's just cold cereal and orange juice. he gets up and "goes to the bathroom," and the next thing I know he is standing over me with a tray of food, still in his underwear and with hair rumpled.
  • when he sings for me. And I know that he trusts me so much that he will do that, even though he hates his voice so much.
  • his laugh. I love when I can make him laugh so uncontrollably. I am the only one who can do that. I love that.
  • being wrapped up in his arms, knowing that he will never leave my side.
  • sleeping next to him. And I can hear his heartbeat, knowing that it beats only for me. I can feel his warm breath on my neck. I sleep, leaving myself completely vulnerable and trusting.
  • the way I trust him, with my life, my love, my deepest secrets, and the side of me that not many people know. I trust him with everything that means something to me, and even those things that don't mean so much. I trust him enough to sing him to sleep and stroke his hair when he is sad. I trust him enough to show him all my writings. I trust him enough to put my happiness in his hands. I trust him enough to believe when he tells me he will never leave me. I trust him, completely.
  • sitting next to him in church, knowing he is dedicated to the Lord. Knowing that he will help me raise our children righteously. Knowing that we will live together for eternity, husband and wife, creating worlds together, king and queen, priest and priestess.
  • the way we look together. I have to admit, we look dang good together.
  • the way his little "bangs" get so blonde in the summer.
  • his arms and his chest, in all their manliness.
  • the way he smells, even when he's not wearing cologne. I think only I know that smell of his, distinctly his and no one else's. I breathe him in.
  • when he dresses up in his black three-piece suit.
  • when he dresses down in his new jeans and his red t-shirt.
  • or basically whatever he is wearing. or isn't... ;)
  • how he always does the dishes, even when it's my turn.
  • the way he speaks Spanish.
  • his little accent, and the way he says words like "cold" or "cauliflower"
  • how he feeds my bunny when I am too tired to go downstairs.
  • how he sometimes bring my toothbrush, with toothpaste already on it, a cup of water for me to rinse my mouth with and a cup of water for me to spit in, and my contacts case, solution, and glasses to me when I am too tired to get up and get ready for bed.
  • how he entertains my whimsical little desires, like eating dinner on the roof or driving up the side of the mountain to look for deer.
  • that he puts up with my family, and even loves them. And he tells them that. And prays for them.
  • that he puts up with my country music moods, and Tim McGraw playing loudly at all hours of the day.
  • how he never takes off his wedding ring, even to take a shower.
  • how he lets me choose half the time, or more. Even though I hate making decisions, I like that I have the freedom to. I like that he sometimes forces me to choose even when I don't want to. He is helping me become the person I want to be.
  • that he packs me a lunch every day.
  • how when it's cold, he goes outside early and scrapes the snow off the car and warms it up. That way I won't have to be cold when we leave for school, or wherever it is we're going.
  • how he sometimes encourages me to splurge on a new shirt or pair of pants.
  • that he sometimes suggests going to the mall to find me new khakis for a date, simply because he knows it will make me happy.
  • how he's always trying to make me happy.
  • that he encourages me to try a little harder, be a little better, and do a little more, in the gentlest, most loving of ways. I am slowly becoming the person I see inside of me. He has seen that person in me, and he has seen how much I want to become her. And so he wants me to become her, too. And he knows just how to help me get there. Together, side-by-side, we will go everywhere and do everything. We may not travel to the ends of the Earth, or become rich and famous, or live a daring, exciting, brave life, but we will be happy. We will laugh, we will smile, and in 20 years, in 50 years, in 100 years, we will still love.