1. Make sure you are using Civilization III version 1.17f on a PC. If not, the mod will not work. You can download the 1.17 patch if you don't already have it.
2. Make backups of the following files: civ3mod.bic, buildings-large.pcx, buildings-small.pcx, units_32.pcx, resources.pcx, science_ancient.pcx, science_middle.pcx, science_industrial.pcx and science_modern.pcx. Please see below for information on where in the folder tree they are located.
3. Download all the unit graphics that the mod uses. You don't have to download the Stand-alone units at the bottom of the unit list. Extract each zip into its own separate folder in your CivilizationIII\Art\units
folder. I highly recommend using Winzip 8.1 because it'll make your life a whole lot easier.
So, you've saved all the unit zips to your
folder. Now, select all the zips, right-click on them and in the winzip menu, choose [extract to here]. Now all the folders will be created for you automatically! It should look something like this.
4. Just one more file to download -- the main mod file.
civ3mod.bic should be placed in your root CivilizationIII
resources.pcx and the two extra files go to CivilizationIII\Art
The four 'science_'
backgrounds should be placed in your CivilizationIII\Art\Advisors
buildings-large and buildings-small to CivilizationIII\Art\City Screen
(what you do with the readme I leave up to you).
The eight government icons need to be in CivilizationIII\Art\Civilopedia\Icons
After that comes a very long list of building, resource and unit icons to be placed in their corresponding CivilizationIII\Art\Civilopedia\Icons
units_32.pcx is very important
- put it in CivilizationIII\Art\units
together with the Phalanx folder.
Then you'll notice five wonder splashes, which should go to CivilizationIII\Wonder Splash
And last but not least are two text files to be put in CivilizationIII\Text.
If you do the same as I recommended for the unit zips -- with the m3_mod.zip in your root Civilization III folder (same folder as civ3mod.bic) right-click, winzip menu, extract to here -- the files will extract themselves correctly in the folder-tree without you having to move stuff around. Again, please be sure you have backuped all files listed above.
Have fun!
Please email me with any comments, complaints, bugs or anything else you feel like telling me.