JESS: I'm so glad that we're friends and that we managed to keep our elementary school promise and always shop together! ;) Congratulations on your pregnancy! i can't wait til Jenna Sage is born!! I will ALWAYS be here if you ever need a babysitter - or if you want to leave the baby with mike so we can go shopping! :) I love you!

RACH: Spraycheese, i miss you so much!!! I wish I could be at camp with you! It's just not the same at home without you! :( But at least you have Casey and Rakel to keep you cheery! I hope you have an AWESOME summer & that we can hang out as much as possible!! i am SO lucky to have a sister for a best friend :) I hope you know how much i love and respect you. I will ALWAYS be here for you! Big Jon promised to be your body guard while you're at camp since I won't be able to protect you from mean guys like Dave when you play dodgeball! lol

CARO: wow, where do i begin? we have been through so much and have grown so close! it is AWESOME that we can live thousands of miles away from eachother and still be best friends! I can't wait to chill with you this summer! You're 21! WOOHOO! "I love you very much" (Paul, the gay guy from that frickin sad movie) haha ;)

LIZ: congratulations on graduating! I hope you have a great summer! by the way, have you ever gone "running through a field..."? lol - i love ya, girl! hope to see you soon!

GINA: i'm glad that you still work at Hell (Kohl's) so we can see eachother once in awhile! i hope you have an awesome summer! give me a call so we can hang out sometime!

DAVE: hey welchy! oh my gosh i never realized how much of a skank you were! try to stay away from Haskel, ok?! i know it's difficult but golly, you're being more gay than Wags and that is just CRAZY! lol! i hope you have a great summer at camp! we should definitely hang out on the weekends - but i'm not sure if i can ever be your DOA partner again after Rach & Wags almost beat us! That was a close game! Oh and Beware of the butt! LOL

RAKEL: awww my little Rakel is the Assistant Cook at camp! I couldn't be more proud! lol ;) I hope that you have a ton of fun this summer & that we can hang out on the weekends! i'll always remember "my father's house" hahaha

BEN: i'm really glad "my first time" was with you - at wing night, that is! haha - oh and now McDonalds! hey, don't be mad about the new bridge cuz i had to make sure it was safe for you to cross! ;) and i guess you can still be my quilting buddy but i'm gonna have to beat you senseless if you say one more thing about that skank! speaking of skanks, i can't believe you check out flare-pants with dave right there! flare-pants wasn't wasn't even wearing those hot white skin-tight pants! LOL! you guys really do make a cute couple but not as cute as you and dave! haha! and by the way, YOU lie to ME all the time, not vice versa! never forget your motto: "LET'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT: I'M NOT" i can't believe you finally admitted that you're gay! lol

DAVE: hey, maxam! when are you going to introduce me to your lesbian friend kathy from bcc? LOL! i can't believe you said that, you're so mean! haha! Every time i hear a baby screaming in the mall, i still think "dan, stop crying!" lol :) i'm glad that we're still friends and i hope we can hang out sometime soon! "oh, sir! i saw it! some angry member of the ktichen staff! did you not tip them? the terrorist ran that way! i'll get them! it was a run-by fruiting!" LOL - i love that movie! :)

DAN: you need to stop crying in the mall! oh and from now on, i'll try not to be so dazed while i'm driving! by the way, i'm working on that menu! like the phone commercial says, "a dollar can go a long way!" but you somehow have to convince me that you deserve a better discount than Wags! lol

JON: hey Jonny! you are great to make out with but i'm never watching Smallville with you again! haha! i can't believe you even tried to tell me online what was going to happen! you're such a jerk! oh and you still don't have me convinced that you are "big wags"! lol

KAWZ, ERIN, JAMIE, & MEG: hey girls!! oh my gosh camp was so great with the four of you there! i'll never forget *toothpaste* *yeah toast!* *the bears* *fred* or any of our other HILARIOUS inside jokes! if you go to camp this summer, i'll definitely come visit! but if not, we should all meet up sometime and hang out! I love you all and can't wait to see you!!!

SAM: I hope you have an awesome summer! God bless!

ANDREW: i know that's not a rUmor but don't worry, i won't tell a soul! well, except for Mrs. Upchurch - she has a right to know! ;) i'm glad we've become good friends and i hope that you will someday get over your prejudice towards black women! lol

JEFFY: i'm proud to be one of "your skanky friends"! lol - have a great summer! we'll have to play Stip-bowling sometime! haha :)

SARAH: yo Homeslice! word up? ;) I'm so happy that we are friends! especially since you used to be so stuck up! haha jk! I really thank God for our friendship and am so happy that you live across the hall! I can't wait to hang out with you this summer - and don't worry, i'll come visit you this summer at Disneyland (AKA the cafe) - the happiest place on earth! :) "Cover me! I have to..." LOL! I think we should guy find random guys at Darien Lake and take their pictures! haha! Our Song: "I'm about to take my key and Stick in the ignition" LOL! Oh my gosh I can't believe Joshy had your baby! I'm so happy for you two! I'm sure Nat Jr. is the cutest baby ever! lol

CASEY: hey wifey! "state copper whopper with cheese!!" haha! i'm so glad you're coming back to Practical!!! We DEFINITELY have to get an apartment 2nd semester! That way we can get drunk and have sex with all of our PBC buddies whenever we want! LOL! hey, when are we geting our Mercedes Benz? hehe! oh and Darien Lake rocked but you need to come up for a visit sometime soon! we need to have another chat about the "holy holy righteousness", sketchiness, & *major eye-rollage* LOL! I luv u, girl! :)

KYLE: hey K-hole! i'm so jealous that you work at Hollister! that's such a cool store! almost as good as American Eagle ;) it was great hanging out with you this year! i'm glad that we're friends and that you let me steal your cell phone! hey, that one name i changed is pretty accurate, don't you think? haha! have a great summer! :)

JOSHY: congrats to you and sarah on the new baby! "Let Freedom Ring" LOL! oh & beware of tamborine-playing gypsies! haha! and let's try to never think about fat people having sex! ewww! lol! you'd better come back to Practical next year to rescue me from boring Seavey classes! If not, i guess i'll still hang out with you - even if you are a lowly BCC student ;) Seeya tonight on the corner! oh and please please please don't cut your eyelashes! :)