Inside Jokes

"He's ruining our lives and eating all of the steak!!" ~ Liz

"My life consists of Aqua and Chick fil-a!" ~Liz

"I jumped 10 times during that movie...and 8 of the 10 times, i yelled...and one time...i peed my pants" ~ Grande (me, ben, jen, & luke)

"You'll both be married with kids and i'll have a hundred cats!" ~ Liz (me & shanna)


  • You have ever price-shopped for Ramen Noodles
  • You live in a house with three couches, none of which match
  • You consider Easy Mac a balanced meal
  • You have ever written a check or used a credit card for something under $5
  • You have ever seen (or at least been awake for) two consectutive sunrises without sleeping at all inbetween
  • Your glass set is composed of McDonald's Extra Value Meal Plastic Cups
  • Your underwear supply dictates the time between laundry loads
  • You have ever stayed up all night just so you wouldn't sleep through your morning class
  • You've ever spent a good hour searching for your student I.D. just so you could get a dollar off at the movies
  • Your bed time is no longer 10:00 PM, but 3:00 AM
  • You consider Pizza one of the four major food groups
  • You consider the other three to be Taco Bell, gum, and coffee
  • You've ever missed a class to watch tv
  • You've ever sent e-mail to the people you live with
  • You watch TV with no volume, while listening to the radio
  • You wear flip flops in the shower
  • You don't feel stupid for wearing your backpack on both shoulders
  • You would rather go online than study for a test or go to class and/or you go online DURING class
  • Weather begins to be a major factor on your class attendance
  • You read this and agree with almost everything it says!

    ghettofabnat271: you're gay

    AnTon 2884: tell me something i dont know


    rAAchel387: im sorry do i weigh 500 lbs and look like a WHALE?!?! AnTon 2884: i can buy a book for 75 cents AnTon 2884: its so exciting


    AnTon 2884: resist the devil


    rAAchel387: idk she has the mentallity of a 5 year old


    kc babe 7: stick to ur balls nat!!


    SpIkE2876: fine i didnt think i would do this, but, ill give u my fake fiberoptic tree for him


    rAAchel387: hey hottie ;-)

    SmarterChild: Glad to see you again, rAAchel387.

    What would you like to do?

    rAAchel387: what would you like to do?:-*

    SmarterChild: Uh, let's see...

    Do you want to take a poll?

    rAAchel387: I love you;-)

    SmarterChild: Hey, I love you too.

    rAAchel387: kiss me

    SmarterChild: XXX :-)

    rAAchel387: woah baby

    SmarterChild: What's up?

    rAAchel387: not much sexy

    SmarterChild: Oh no? Not much sexy?

    rAAchel387: ;-)

    SmarterChild: ;-) to you too, rAAchel387!

    rAAchel387: you are moving too fast

    SmarterChild: Are you sure I'm moving too fast?

    rAAchel387: yes im sure

    SmarterChild: You're sure? Well how about that.

    rAAchel387: do you think im fat?

    SmarterChild: Yeah, I guess I think you're fat.

    rAAchel387: =-O thats mean!

    SmarterChild: You really think it's mean?

    rAAchel387: yes :'(

    SmarterChild: Hmmm...

    rAAchel387: i hate you

    SmarterChild: But... but... I could swear you just said you loved me!

    rAAchel387: nope you fricken retard!

    SmarterChild: Says who?

    rAAchel387: FRICKEN RETARD

    SmarterChild: What? That's an awful thing to say.

    rAAchel387: >:o

    SmarterChild: Come on, don't be mad.

    rAAchel387: ur mom

    SmarterChild: Yeah? What about her?

    rAAchel387: your mom is fat

    SmarterChild: My mom is fat? So?

    rAAchel387: thats awful

    SmarterChild: I'll take your word for it.

    rAAchel387: ok

    SmarterChild: Okey doke.

    rAAchel387: who's your daddy?

    SmarterChild: You know perfectly well who my daddy is.


    exactodave: i am reminded of the proposal picture

    ghettofabnat271: hahahaha

    ghettofabnat271: you love rachel

    ghettofabnat271: thats so precious

    exactodave: that's not gay

    exactodave: haha

    exactodave: yeah


    skitt03: can i ever pass up shopping...

    skitt03: but i might be posting on xanga...and unable to go! ;-)

    skitt03: i love to post! what can i say! ;-)

    skitt03: not as much as shopping thou

    skitt03: cause i can not wear my new post around school


    exactodave: you're right natalie

    exactodave: and i'm wrong


    LEECEGADEEZ1: man!!! i find ziploc bags to be impossible to close!!!


    AnTon 2884: yay i'm a man :)


    Spike 2876: I gay myself up all the time


    gotrice 240: wow is she dumber than a friggen rock


    Autoresponse from ghettofabnat271: ben is as straight as a cirle

    Spike 2876: more like a curly fry


    lknprk21: remember how i always used to talk about bob barker?

    lknprk21: he's in good shape for his age

    lknprk21: ;-)


    ghettofabnat271: although I must admit, legolas is pretty fine

    Anton 2884: yes he's very fine

    Anton 2884: ;)


    gotrice240: he wants to get a piece of that godly hottie body of yours ;)


    Anton 2884: ur just a lil midget white girl


    Spike 2876: I hate failing

    Spike 2876: It makes me feel like a failure

    "He showed such malice to her!" ~ Dezi - "Learn a new word today, Dezi?" ~ Deshawn

    "What's that phrase? It slips on like a shoe? It slips on like a slipper?" ~ Ben - "It fits like a glove?" ~ me - "oh yeah that's the one!" ~ Ben

    "I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with a girl who won't let me pick her nose!" ~ Jesse

    "He's not lonely boy, he's I-have-a-lot-of-friends boy!" ~ Nina

    "i'm good at screwing!" ~ Matt (Matt, Emilee, & Ben)

    "This is such a stupid test!!!" ~ Ben, referring to the *Stupid Test* that he failed! (Ben, Shanna, & Cynthia)

    leftovers! (Rach)

    He's kind of got the face of a catfish - no, a leopard - - - A PANTHER!!! (Rach)

    "Holy crack!" ~ Rach (Rach)

    "It's your special day!" Dave P (Joshy & Dave)

    "You want to lick my spit?!?" ~ Rach, to Jeff (Rach, Jeff, & Sam)

    I think those girls must have come in from the skank tree outside! (Rach)

    "we're still feelin eachother out" - don't worry, it's not what it sounds like! lol (nate)

    "oh great! i have mercy! i'm not satan! but i AM the deceiver so, you know!" (nina)

    ME: sorry my butt is in your face! - DEZI: no that's ok. Actually, i was looking at it and it's pretty cute! - ELYCE: i keep staring at your butt! I can't help it, it's so nice! - haha, a little miscommunication

    OK ALRIGHT! (elyce & nina)

    "I think they just made sex!" ~Kate (27-1 girls)

    "why is he yelling at him if he's deaf?!" ~Emilee (27-1 girls)

    "I'm gonna go eat some Roman Numerals" ~DeShawn (deshawn, dezi, & nina)

    "Jeff bought me some incest last night!" ~Rakel

    NINA: we're not roommates anymore! - DEZI: then what are we? people who just live in the same room?!

    NINA: natalie, did you knock this picture over cuz there are black people in it? - DEZI: haha yeah we did! NINA: what are you talking about, dezi?! you're black!! (nina & dezi)

    hoo?! hoo?! (nina & elyce)

    My story, my story! (Elyce & nina)

    ELYCE: do you think he's cute? - NINA: yeah! do you? - ELYCE: i don't know, he's black!

    "It's not fair! The beach is way hotter for us black people!" ~Dezi

    "It was like that!" ~DeShawn (deshawn, nina, & dezi)

    daily "Culture Lessons" (Dezi & Nina)

    i DID push that girl! (nina AKA Satan, Dezi, & DeShawn)

    "don't tell nina i like New Found Glory! She might take my Black card away!" (dezi)

    A Joke by Nina (who, might i add, is black): "why are black people so tall? ...Give up? Cuz they're 'knee-grows'!'" LOL (dezi & nina)

    we ARE the entertainment! (nina & dezi)

    "i thought he was staring into space...but he was staring into MY space!" ~ shelley (27-1 girls)

    scoobie you! (jen, sam, kyle, andrew, josh, jeff, & casey)

    how do fat people... LOL (joshy)

    that lady isn't very FRIENDLY! (sarah, rach, & jen)

    It Amt Allergict tot Chocolatet (sarah, sam, casey, & kyle)

    Let Freedom Ring!!! (casey & sarah)

    EXACTLY! (rach & mom)

    the cello! haha (rach)

    well, is there a MAMA new guineau?! (rach)

    T-O-M, my name is Amy! (Nina & Dezi)

    "honey, it's a snake!" -guy from convo

    Godzilla was at the soccer game! (Nina, Dezi, & David)

    emilee is most like skanky Princess Jasmine!

    i am elyce's only friend - but i sure do love her!

    shanna is our fearless Lunch Leader! (shanna & elyce)

    Sounds of the 80's, the bun & thigh roller, & Trekke 8 are "super cool!" lol (Maxam & Wags)

    "Did you see the brown guy in the blue shirt?" ~Nick - HAHA! (Rach & Nick)

    What is that? What do you do with it? Where do you put it? LOL (Rach & Holly) "I like it a lot!" ~Holly - haha! (Rach & Holly)

    Who is Loews? (Dave, Rach, & Wags)

    Wait, i'm confused! (Rach, Dave, Rakel, & Casey)

    What's your name? - Whatever you want it to be ;) - What's your name? - BERNARD!!! lol (Rach)

    silly (Rach)

    bebe! lol (Rach)

    Dierdra! (Rach)

    vomitocious! (Caro)

    every guy loved that skank! lol (Caro)

    the frickin red team! (Caro)

    grandma burn! lol (Wags)

    WAGS: I've never seen so many naked guys in my whole life! - MOM: Wow that must have been like heaven for you! hahaha (Wags & Mom)

    holy holy rigtheous! (Casey)

    "I have the perfect phrase to describe Liberty - heaven on earth!" (Mom & Wags)

    it's the tangy zip! (Mom & Wags)

    "it's all in the quilting - quilted northern!" haha (Wags)

    chicken thumbs?! (mom)

    dave & wags proposing to rach! (Rach, Dave, & Wags)

    "the bill" & "tableside" haha (rach, david michael welch, & david michael welch)

    Josh (to Natalie): screw you! Rach (to everyone): hmm i should try that sometime! (Rach, Josh, Wags, & Jeff)

    BOONDOGGLE?! (Josh, Rach, Wags, & Jeff)

    Liz Hoar!! (Josh, Sarah, Jeff, & Derek)

    fiah pool (Casey & Sarah)

    It's for my health! (Wags)

    *A typical online conversation between me and Jon*

    lilNats21: hey fag

    lilNats21: is your brother there?

    NwFndGlry220: hey lesbian

    NwFndGlry220: yes

    NwFndGlry220: the fag is here

    lilNats21: yes i know you're there...but is ben there?


    AnTon 2884: well ur the one that caused me to be a hoar


    lilNats21: you're gay

    AnTon 2884: excuse me

    lilNats21: you know its true

    AnTon 2884: not the last time i checked at least

    lilNats21: oh's one of those things like "i'm not gay but my boyfriend is"

    lilNats21: haha

    AnTon 2884: haha

    AnTon 2884: well kinda sorta




    lknprk21: o whatever

    lknprk21: u smilie nazi


    lknprk21: u skank


    RACHEL: (holding Dave's flashlight) I've got a Big One!!!

    ME: (didn't hear rachel's comment & walks over) Wow that thing is HUGE!


    kc babe 7: my dog was just humping his stuffed blue bunny!!!!


    AnTon 2884: chuck noris is so hot


    Wags and Jon are trying to make me a lesbian!! lol


    NwFndGlry220: check out my profile again

    lilNats21: oh my gosh!!!

    lilNats21: you jerk!

    lilNats21: i am not a lesbian!!!

    lilNats21: lol

    NwFndGlry220: lol

    lilNats21: >:o >:o >:o

    NwFndGlry220: :-)

    NwFndGlry220: thats what you get for turning me down


    NwFndGlry220: you know i was reading your webpage

    NwFndGlry220: and i saw the part bout me

    lilNats21: haha about making out?

    NwFndGlry220: and well i know you dont want to be known as someone who lies

    NwFndGlry220: so i was thinking we should make it true ;-)

    lilNats21: haha

    NwFndGlry220: o come on you dont want to lie

    lilNats21: lol

    NwFndGlry220: haha

    NwFndGlry220: no seriously


    lknprk21: its tuff being rejected by both sexes


    AnTon 2884: i should of been like yea u lil ho


    sp Ik e 2876: are you going to black mail me with my dumbness?

    lilNats21: lol

    lilNats21: of course not O:-)

    sp Ik e 2876: youll show everyone the conversation

    sp Ik e 2876: ill have to run away

    sp Ik e 2876: to a distant land

    sp Ik e 2876: and start my life over being a nun


    lknprk21: remember how i always used to talk about bob barker?

    lknprk21: he's in good shape for his age

    lknprk21: ;-) *

    *A typical online conversation between me and Jon*

    lilNats21: hey fag

    lilNats21: is your brother there?

    NwFndGlry220: hey lesbian

    NwFndGlry220: yes

    NwFndGlry220: the fag is here

    lilNats21: yes i know you're there...but is ben there?


    AnTon 2884: well ur the one that caused me to be a hoar


    lilNats21: you're gay

    AnTon 2884: excuse me

    lilNats21: you know its true

    AnTon 2884: not the last time i checked at least

    lilNats21: oh's one of those things like "i'm not gay but my boyfriend is"

    lilNats21: haha

    AnTon 2884: haha

    AnTon 2884: well kinda sorta




    lknprk21: o whatever

    lknprk21: u smilie nazi


    lknprk21: u skank


    RACHEL: (holding Dave's flashlight) I've got a Big One!!!

    ME: (didn't hear rachel's comment & walks over) Wow that thing is HUGE!


    kc babe 7: my dog was just humping his stuffed blue bunny!!!!


    AnTon 2884: chuck noris is so hot


    Wags and Jon are trying to make me a lesbian!! lol


    NwFndGlry220: check out my profile again

    lilNats21: oh my gosh!!!

    lilNats21: you jerk!

    lilNats21: i am not a lesbian!!!

    lilNats21: lol

    NwFndGlry220: lol

    lilNats21: >:o >:o >:o

    NwFndGlry220: :-)

    NwFndGlry220: thats what you get for turning me down


    NwFndGlry220: you know i was reading your webpage

    NwFndGlry220: and i saw the part bout me

    lilNats21: haha about making out?

    NwFndGlry220: and well i know you dont want to be known as someone who lies

    NwFndGlry220: so i was thinking we should make it true ;-)

    lilNats21: haha

    NwFndGlry220: o come on you dont want to lie

    lilNats21: lol

    NwFndGlry220: haha

    NwFndGlry220: no seriously


    lknprk21: its tuff being rejected by both sexes


    AnTon 2884: i should of been like yea u lil ho


    sp Ik e 2876: are you going to black mail me with my dumbness?

    lilNats21: lol

    lilNats21: of course not O:-)

    sp Ik e 2876: youll show everyone the conversation

    sp Ik e 2876: ill have to run away

    sp Ik e 2876: to a distant land

    sp Ik e 2876: and start my life over being a nun


    sp Ik e 2876: so what have u been doing

    lilNats21: hmm

    lilNats21: stuff

    sp Ik e 2876: cool

    sp Ik e 2876: me to

    lilNats21: sweet

    lilNats21: what stuff have you been doing

    sp Ik e 2876: the stuffy stuff

    lilNats21: =-O no way!!!

    lilNats21: me too!

    sp Ik e 2876: awesome

    sp Ik e 2876: that stuff was sweet'

    lilNats21: oh i know

    sp Ik e 2876: did u see the other stuff though

    lilNats21: no i didn't!

    lilNats21: you did?

    sp Ik e 2876: oh yeah man, that stuff is awesome

    lilNats21: oh my gosh i can't believe i missed the stuff :-(

    lilNats21: :'(

    sp Ik e 2876: :-(

    sp Ik e 2876: :-)

    lilNats21: :-D

    lilNats21: so hows stuff?

    sp Ik e 2876: same old stuff

    lilNats21: oh ok

    lilNats21: did you hear about the new stuff?

    sp Ik e 2876: no?!!?!

    sp Ik e 2876: where

    lilNats21: with the other stuff!

    sp Ik e 2876: no :-(

    lilNats21: awwwww i'm sorry

    lilNats21: that stuff frickin rocks

    sp Ik e 2876: NO WAY

    sp Ik e 2876: I MISSED THE STUFF AGAIN

    sp Ik e 2876: :'(

    lilNats21: yeah i'm really sorry that sucks

    lilNats21: but i'm sure there will be more stuff sometime

    sp Ik e 2876: i hope

    sp Ik e 2876: i live for this stuff


    lknprk21: remember how i always used to talk about bob barker?

    lknprk21: he's in good shape for his age

    lknprk21: ;-)


    lilnats21: why do you have to take spanish?

    sp Ik e 2876: i dont know gayness on the prowl


    lilNats21: are you gay or what?!

    lknprk21: only with dave


    lilNats21: i'm a lesbian

    lilNats21: i LOVE girls

    AnTon 2884: ok well ill become a girl for u then


    AnTon 2884: see thats why i dont bother with girls


    AnTon 2884: hey i do to have the balls!!!!


    Wags is attempting to describe himself (but fails miserably)

    AnTon 2884: do i know him

    lilNats21: yeah pretty well

    AnTon 2884: is he 6"2" very strong and sexy

    lilNats21: lol

    lilNats21: no but he's very gay and proud


    Maxam proposed to Wags! lol

    sp Ik e 2876: are you trying to tell me something

    sp Ik e 2876: you want to get married??

    AnTon 2884: haha

    sp Ik e 2876: ive been waiting for this day my whole life

    AnTon 2884: maybe:-\

    AnTon 2884: depends on what u say

    sp Ik e 2876: well with the baby on the way i think we better

    AnTon 2884: ya i dont want people to look down on us


    kc babe 7: Im died t night m the suspensi


    lilNats21: except some of the clothes are kinda skanky, only stuff that liz would wear!

    JoshIZAfox: o yeah baby!


    JoshIZAfox: yeah...hey u know what?...that was kinda intellectual....i'm proud of u


    JoshIZAfox: hold on just a sec.....i never said that i was naming my baby Natalie Junior! I don't want it 2 get picked on at school!!! & after all....such a long & painful labor...(lemme tell u)....i should definitely have the priviledge of naming my own child!!!


    Dave: I don't think you should wear white

    Rach: I don't think I should wear clothes


    Rach: I think Dave wants to make out with me!


    Me: Rachel, why did you go straight when i told you to go left?!?

    Rach: I was trying to figure out which way left was!


    AnTon 2884: hey i wear mascara


    exactodave: why would anyone want a mullet

    lilNats21: lol

    lilNats21: i have no idea

    exactodave: they're disgusting

    lilNats21: yes they are

    lilNats21: they're alive i think

    exactodave: yeah

    exactodave: but what kind of animal are they

    lilNats21: hmm

    lilNats21: they're their own species

    exactodave: well

    exactodave: noah should have left them


    "I want to have sex with that Nissan Xterra!" (Sam)

    "I have a bubble. It is my personal bubble. There are a select few who are allowed inside my bubble" (Sarah & her sexy janitor lover)

    "Well, there's little ants back there!" (Sam)

    We're not cats, Jeff!! (Sam & J-ness)

    Andrew is my knight in rusty armor! (Kristina, Andrew, & Sam)

    "School bus sex?" - "Yeah, that’s how they make little school buses." (Sam)

    Drapes (Joe)

    "What’s your name?" "Purple Sticky Punch!” (Caro)

    You always miss and go right to the same place! (Sam)

    You're supposed to close your eyes (Sam)

    Natalie beats me! (Sam)

    hey, where's your ring?!

    Bubblegum (Sam)

    she's taken, she's taken, she's taken, she's taken, SHE IS TAKEN!! - lol (Rach)

    your personal ho (Rach)

    you might wanna put some sandbags on the end of your gazelle (Jeff W & Sammy)

    you have to get up on it, as you know (Jeff W & Sammy)

    where's the lady whose tomatoes you juggled? (Sammy)

    Jizz? no wait, LINGERIE?!? (Jeff, Sammy, Theron, Jessica, Jacob, etc. etc. etc.)

    ya know, the white stuff drips from top to bottom and ends with a - EHHH! hahaha (same)

    it's painful for a guy and you can eat it! lol (same)

    do you have soft nachos? (same)

    What? Oh. (Rach

    would it be ok if I flicked them off? (Rach)

    have some coffee with your saliva! (Rach)

    MaGpLaD95: behave yourself

    MaGpLaD95: u and ur lesbien lovers

    naterfly: haha alright

    MaGpLaD95: thats hott

    MaGpLaD95: haha

    MaGpLaD95: u should tape it

    MaGpLaD95: id pay good money

    MaGpLaD95: haha no i never said that

    *oh no! Jon is taking after Wags! lol*

    NwFndGlry220: what do you want to do??

    MaGpLaD95: i want to make love to you

    NwFndGlry220: :-)

    MaGpLaD95: no not really

    NwFndGlry220: :-(

    espazzz: hey hot stuff

    Auto response from leopardy11: waiting for my baby to get back...

    espazzz: y are u waiting for me?

    exactodave: actually for a blonde your pretty intelligent

    littleleopardy11: you said actually!

    exactodave: yeah so

    exactodave: i am exactodave

    exactodave: how dumb is this

    exactodave: i had to think about how to spell exactodave and its my own screenname

    exactodave: i could have just looked an inch to the left and there it was

    SuprtnsFWC: maybe he didn't want to feel the wrath of Cory again!

    it's a good thing you're not ugly (Sam)

    3 strikes, she's out! (Sam)

    i don't mean to be mean but...she's such a skanky hobag!! (rach)

    i love you mom! (dave)

    well i don't know what is crawling up my butt? (sam)

    well i guess he's hot, if you find snapping turtles attractive (sam & rach)

    rachel, it wasn't that funny! *ralf* ewww, not the controller! lol (leah & rach)

    my cold is blossoming - gay gay gay! (sam)

    he loves his nut! (sam & rach)

    YAYUS (rach & mom)

    get your hand off my butt!-get your butt off my hand! (rach)

    well i don't know what omni-pominent is but it sure sounds funny! (rach)

    underwear junkies (Ander)

    candid camera purse (Ander)

    GHETTO BOOTY (Ander)

    wind-up toy (Rach)

    i wouldn't lie about THAT (Sammy)

    name five people who are - (ander don't you love that game?! lol)

    what's the holiday? oh yeah, happy new year! (Ander)

    sharks are soooo scary! (Ander)

    your toe was in my eye! what?? (Rach)

    an abandoned hut? (Rach)

    no brain (Ander)

    fricken crap (Timmy S)

    when the clike strocks (Rach)

    for the love of baking! you guys want some cookies? (Ander & Kristina)

    and there's the random occurrance! (Everybody)

    obviously (Sammy)

    er er er!! (Ander & Kristina - LOL)

    mission impossible in patterson (Ander)

    how's the weather? (Sammy)

    what the crap? (Becca)

    definitely (Sammy)

    blind-opening, blowdrying freak! (ahhhh i hate her! lol)

    communion pants (Rach)

    pop cans (Sammy)

    nice nice (Rach)

    i need 911! what? you have an emergency?? (Ander & Kristina)

    coooopons vs. q-pons (Wags, Rakel, & Welchy)

    bed bath and - hahaha (Ander)

    Just 5 more minutes and you can be a PRO at making out! lol (Caro)

    Let's have some Backseat Fun! LOL (Rachel)

    haha nice nicole!

    I HAVE to go to Cuhlalarado!...Union?...skank page! lol (Rachel)

    Because I'm high! lol (Wags)

    Bugars taste like Cheerios! (Maxam, Wags, & Adam)

    This house is ours! (Maxam, Wags, & Adam)

    Was she a gypsey?...Wags, tell Gregory I said hi when you go on your date tomorrow night! haha (Maxam, Wags, & Adam)

    Ok, at 8 o'clock, we're making out! lol (Chad)

    I can't even write down what Chad's version of "Adam and Eve" consists of! LOL (Chad, Dave, Sean, & Chris)

    Let's wear our devil bras!!! (Amy)

    Drop your glasses, shake your - what? lol (Ang)

    Got any toothpaste???...Yeah toast!! (Meg, James, Erin, Kauz, Ang, April, & Katy)

    right, you're shy, mhm...not :p

    "you know...that thing people know...that article of clothing...that um you wear...ummmmmm..." LOL (Sean, Dave, & Rakel)

    "I don't have two of anything!" (Dave, Chad, Rakel, Sean, Katie, & Tyler)

    "I don't hear you making out!" (Dave, Rakel, & Sean)

    What have i done?!? lol (Dave & Rakel)

    "Sleeping" is just a code name! haha (Wags)

    But the cat came back...[stupid skank! lol] (Rakel)

    I love that house!!! lol (Rakel)

    "You make me excited...even I wouldn't say that!" (Kane, Rakel, Jonathan, & Jessie)

    Rakel, your hand may be "infected" but Dave's is DEFINITELY worse! LOL! (Rakel & Dave)

    How's the Root beer? haha (Rebecca & Rachel)

    I think we'd ALL be married (Jenna)

    Driveby!!!! (Dave, Angie, Kara, & Mike)

    N squared! (Natalie...not myself guys, duh!)

    watch out for juice boy! lol! (Missie)

    Ask that pregnant woman if she has a zipper on her stomache! LOL (Adam & Caro)

    "you're really good at zipping things!" lol (Adam & Caro)

    WORKROAD ahead! lol (Caro)

    I'm not actually going to the ranch, this summer, i'm fighting crime in nigeria! haha (Wags)

    Don't mess with the vein! (Wags)

    A little dab will do ya! (Caro)

    ok now you have to become a mechanic and change your name to Bob! lol (Aaron)

    What, Adam? It's not your birthday? Wups! ;)

    You are SUCH a good driver!!!! haha (Aaron)

    hey you still got my lip gloss! lol (Wags-i did not throw your key out the window! *pinky swear*)

    ok so must be you REALLY like my love potion! haha(Wags)

    you're not a jerk, you're just confused! haha you said it first, not me (Wags)

    You remember black trucks and I'll remember Rodriguez Rodriguez! lol (Bec)

    You mean you don't have more clothes with you to take off! LOL (Bec)

    "I put in less ice this time" -wicked hot waiter at TGI Friday's! haha (Bec)

    ok you take the one in the blue shirt, i'll take the one in the orange shirt! (we should have told the waitress we were all together! haha) (Bec)

    ok the toilets did NOT do that, wags! (Wags, Caro, Welchy, & Maxam)

    ummmmmmmm no they look NOTHING alike - justin timberlake is hot! (Welchy, Wags, & Maxam)

    Those sunglasses look fuNNNNNNky (Welchy, Caro, Wags, & Maxam)

    Why is this straw so long and thin?? lol (Maxam, Wags, & Caro)

    Shat up you piece of cra! (Caro)

    Does that mean I get to be batman?! I've always wanted to be batman, he's so cool! lol (Wags)

    "i'll take care of your 6 kids while you work the streets, sound like a good plan?" (Justin)

    haha you never cracked my toes! (Wags)

    PUNCHBUG!! (Wags)

    Girls can't punch hard! (Maxam, rakel, rach, kohl, liz, welchy, wags, caro, & mike)

    "I masticated last night!" -Wags LOL!! (rach, kohl, mike, rakel, maxam, wags, welchy, caro, & liz)

    She's 84 years old, she can't grind! (Liz, Caro, Welchy, Wags, Maxam, Rakel, Mike, Kohl, Rach)

    Revelation, Revelation...(Dave)

    Liz, you have MAD skills, totally wiping out on the living room floor! lol (Liz, Caro, & Gina)

    he would be like "HAHA!" ... I don't know how else I would spell that! LOL (Caro)

    Only my toes know the rhythm! (Caro)

    I did not dance like that!! (Maxam and Wags)

    what is my address???? (Maxam)

    Gleen! (Maxam)

    You owe me like a zillion jinxes you cheater! (Wags)

    You are confused!!! (Wags)

    I kind of hear some (Maxam)

    What did you do to my pillow, Wags?! (Wags, Welchy, & Maxam)

    No wags you can't drive cuz dave is my designated driver...even though he's drunk! (Maxam, Wags, & Welchy)

    "Well what did you mean to do?"..."drive in a straight line" lol (Welchy, Maxam, & Wags)

    EVERYONE GOT A LINE EXCEPT FOR ME!!!! (Wags, Maxam, Rakel, & Welchy)

    Look, i'm wearing my tall shoes!!! Oh, wait... (Rakelephant)

    Don't you think that cars should come with pillows?!? (Welchy, Maxam)

    It means Dead On Arrival, duh!! (Maxam, Welchy, & Wags)

    You're so girly, you're a lesbian! (Wags, Welchy, & Maxam)

    Yes, that is what Gratuity means in Latin (Maxam, Rakel, Dave, & Wags)

    jeeza louisa! (Wags, Maxam, Dave, and Rakel)

    Did you take my soda?? (Maxam, Wags, Rakel, & Dave)

    I will never duck while i'm driving and then floor it ever again! lol (Dave and Rakel)

    Maxam, why do you always stand behind Wags??? (Maxam, Wags, Dave, and Rakel)

    DANG that is a big coke!! lol! Gotta love arby's! (Caro & Rachie)

    1 2 3 4 Come on baby say you love me! lol (Caro)

    Thanks for the fries! ;) (Wags)

    Are you SURE you don't like guys anymore???? (Lester)

    Predicament! (Mike)

    Rakel, beware of bugs disguised as drawstring! LOL (Welchy, Rakel, & Mike)

    Mascara on my shooooouuuuuuulder (Kohl, Shelpie, Eric, & Mike)

    Sorry, my armpit was hungry! (Kohl, Shelpie, Eric, & Mike)

    You should have barfed on him!! (Kohl)

    I'll come to your island but please, no string bikini...wait, hmm....suntan lotion??? lol ;) (Tim)

    It's ok, you can have PMS too! (Tim)

    That hurt like a mother (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    Poor Fred!!!! (Dave & Mike)

    Shu-tup, Shu-tup! LOL LOL (Mike, Dave, & Rakel)

    Oh no, I think I've made him mad! (Dave, Rakel, & Mike)

    Stupid munchkin cheerleaders (Rakel, Dave, Mike, Rachel, & the rest of the people on the bench)

    Mother Futher! lol (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    PENGUINS!! (Mike, Rachel, Dave, & Rakel)

    We're making out just fine! (Dave, Rakel, & Mike)

    DON'T TOUCH ME!!! (Nicole)

    Violence is the best policy! (Nicole)

    Vomit in my pants!!!! (Nicole)

    Do you know where DINNERS go?!? (Dave)

    Just think about the picture and smile (Dave...ya big jerk! lol jk)

    Yes I am in love with the guy on the oatmeal box! (Justin)

    Gotta love cruisin down 434! lol (Mike)

    Dave, don't deny watching the whole movie! It's ok we won't tell anyone! lol (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    Hey, that was the day you and Dave were making out! (Mike, Rakel, & Dave)

    CUZ HE CAN'T WALK! (Dave & Rachel)

    OPH! (Aaron)

    Hey, that's not yours!! (Mike)

    Four days closer to 33! (Justin)

    Too bad those people came in the theater! lol (Justin)

    No more than 7.5421 seconds, I promise (Tim)

    CARWASH!!!! (Leslea)

    Happy toaster day!! Will you be my valentine?? ;) (Joshy)

    I love you!! (Kohl)

    Glad I could make you smile! (Noah)

    haha, dave found this while working at the ranch one weekend! :p

    Take me, I am yours! LOL (Caro)

    I don't know...Whatever...It doesn't matter to me...Sure...I don't care...Maybe...I guess...YOU ARE A DOOFUS! :p (Dave)

    You made out with her, didn't you??? (Dave)

    TITLE: Extreme Sports! LOL (brought to you by niKOHL)

    Yeah, that would be a CURB!!! (Adam)


    hm...maybe we'll have an incident (Adam)

    NO, YOU'RE LYING!!! (Adam)

    And I wanna...(Adam)

    You need to turn him into a state or a bridge (Mike)

    Yeah it hurt! Ask my leg!! (Dave Rakel Mike Victoria & Tommy)

    Mike's so buff, he can beat up 9 year olds! (Dave Victoria Mike & Tommy)

    Shakeyabootie Shakeyabootie! (Mike)

    Mike you have never looked more pretty! haha

    I LOVE standing in parking lots for hours...and junking people...and freezing to death...(Dave Rakel Mike Victoria and that other person who should have shut up when we told him to! hey we warned him! lol!!)

    You're all JERKS!!! (Rakel & Mike)

    Dog!!...TREE!!!! (Mikey)

    Cappuccino Ice cream (Aaron & Ann)

    Icicles in New York (Aaron, Ann, & Grace)

    "the faucet" (Ann)

    Weiner (Serena, Nate, & Aaron)

    Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (Aaron & Matt)

    MAFIA (lots & lots of people at Crown)

    the AM radio! nice smiley face ;) (Aaron & Ann)

    WAREHOUSE!!! [how the heck did you pull that off???] (Dave, Nate, Paul, Rakel, Mike, Caro, Rachel, & Mallory)

    MY DAD, Paul! (Dave, Nate, Paul, Rakel, Caro, Rachel, Mallory, Mike & ADAM - HAHAHAHAHA!! soreeeee, not my fault!)

    Brown stuff from the ceiling of the Titanic! (Dave, Rakel, Brandon, Rebecca, Mike & Adam)

    "Running through a field..." (Liz)

    orange balderdash guy behind the soda cans (Aaron & Caro)

    How come he can't walk?? (Jessica, Caro, Kristen, Matt, Morgan, Aaron, Melissa, Margot, Megan, Carissa, & JoEllen)

    Rectangular?!? (Caro)

    I'm not quite too sure how i feel about that! (caro)

    Pictionary #1 (Caro, Liz, & Matt)

    Pictionary #2 (Paul, Caro, Rachel, Nate, Mallory, Dave, Rakel, & Mike [and adam])

    Pictionary #3 (Rakel, Mike, Dave, Rachel, & Whitney)

    Everybody says they're together! (Caro)

    Loser, Whatever! Fly Away Forver! Moron, You're On Your Way To Loserville! Population One, uh-YOU!

    Please don't catch me! (Caro)

    Maybe it's pasta?! (Cory & Gina)

    It was screaming Groundhog's Day! (caro)

    You smell funny (Dave)

    Chinese Checkers/Outburst (Becca, Josh, & Rachel)

    Throwing Knives in the Caves (Aaron & Caro)

    Chess Tease (Woodriff & Marcy)

    Booth at Nirchi's

    Celine Dion (Caro)

    Chicken wings (Timmer[tim])

    Dirty pants, dirty pants! (Gina)

    f*ing mayo (Cory, Bob, & Freshman)

    so uh we're going on a date? (Woodriff)

    No no, just kidding! (Gina)

    Ketchup doesn't have eyes (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    All i have to say is that talking til 5am definitely brought about some interesting conversation!! lol (Becca)

    What do you burn besides witches?? MORE WITCHES!!!!!!!! ~ Monty Python

    Dave's flying leap over Brandon...and onto the ground (Rakel, Brandon, Dave & Mike)

    "Chicken - has nothing to say to you" LOL (Becca)

    And...Mike, why are your ears moving?!? (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    Look at the curves! (Aaron, Sean, & Benny)

    I think I smoked myself stupid (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    the WHEELBARROW (Caro!! lol)

    My straw floated up again! (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    Hide & Go Seek in Wal*Mart (Rakel, Brandon, Dave & Mike)

    The Great Purse Chase (Brandon, Dave & Mike)

    Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Oyie Oyie Oyie Oyie Oyie!! (Brandon, Mike & Adam)

    Mike, stop hitting Dave's head against the back of the seat! (Mike, Brandon, Dave & Rakel)

    IT'S A DEER!!!!!!!! (Dave & Rakel)

    Oh, my pants broke!! (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    *and Jesus!!!! (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    French fries and Ice Spillage (Mike, Rakel, & Brandon)

    Look at the happy little couple in the Civic! (Dave & Rakel)

    DAH DAH DAH (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    That's garbage (Mike & Adam)

    Billy Bob, you're a sinner!! (Dave & Rakel)

    Waiter-gazing (Benny & Dave)

    Plate, plate, plate, Pizza Pan! (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    AND IN THIS CORNER (Rakel, Mike & Dave)

    Secret room at BK (cory)

    The Ricocheting Spitwad @ Friendly's (Brandon, Dave, & Mike)...that was CLASSIC

    JackBUTT (Dave & Rakel)

    Flopsy Opsy (Josh, Tim, Leah, & Rachel)

    It's not like he doesn't have ears...ew he was SO creepy! (Rakel, Mike, & Dave)

    Watch the shoes! (Mike & Adam)

    She scared the crap out of me! LOL (Caro)

    My ear suctioned to your (mike's!) chest! (Mike & Adam ONLY)

    awwwwwww!!! (Justin & Aaron)

    THEY go to OUR school??!!?? (Mike, Rakel, & Brandon)

    csb (aaron)

    So, what are we gonna do?? (Mike, Adam, & Dave)

    debri! (brandon)

    hey, Adam, don't let your girlfriend come downstairs! (Douglas[adam's lil bro], Dave, Mike & Adam)

    For future Reference! (Aaron, Sean, & Benny)

    This is......I think......the longest it has been since we......all of us......have gone......without seeing Adam! (Rakel, Brandon, Dave, & Mike)

    alphabeticalize (mike)

    Bodyguards (Brandon, Benny, Mike & Adam)

    don't give me your sass! (adam)

    I'll make it, it's only 5 chairs (Dave, Mike & Adam)

    Don't forget to turn your car lights off!!!! (Mike & Adam)

    Lieers go to a cold place (brandon)

    buggin' the crap out of him (Mike & Adam)

    ALICIA!! (cory! lol)

    So what kind was it? Was it a *** ****???? OH MY GOSH it was?!? LOL (Caro)

    Mike, in his element :p (wasn't that your 8th piece??)

    No, for fake!! (Brandon, Mike & Adam)

    don't be dumb (adam)

    We don't say that here at The Ranch (Justin, Aaron, Mike & Adam)

    FOUL!! (Adam)

    tu tu tu, tu tu tu!! (Steve, Paul, Mike, & Adam)

    sorry, didn't mean to smack you! (brandon)

    Kid (mike & adam)

    Mike Winters is President AND Vice President of the jerk club! If you know of anyone who might be a possible candidate for this particular club (sorry, males only) or you have any questions or comments about it, feel free to Sign My Guestbook! :)

    Clown Car Kids @ Friendly's (Dave)

    new antelope! hahaha! (caro)

    SMN (brandon)

    I just got kicked out of Circuit City! You Did??? No! (Mike & Adam)

    was that before or after SaTuRdAy?? (aaron)

    stupid payphones (mike)

    "No, i wanna stay here with my homie G's!" (Becca)

    Door 2 Door Salesman (brandon)

    Well, it's about 5:20 now (Rachel, Mike & Adam)

    Spiderman WOLVERINE!! LOL! (caro, aaron, & everyone who went to Washington D.C. with us!)

    Oh, you forgot to shave your elbows! (Mike & Adam)

    Afro-puff man! (Mike & Steve)

    Ignore method (aaron)

    I'll crack you! (Adam & Paul)

    Yellow smileyface change-holder of love (brandon)

    get outta my face! (adam)

    Grass, Axana, Minnie, Anklet, Junior, etc.! (Leah Leah Leah French! LOL)

    It'll be OK (Adam & Leah)

    Flex at them (Mike & Adam)

    Caroline's sister has that necklace and she wore it to the prom last year! (gina/caro)

    I love you, Adam!! (Mike & Rakel)

    Mac Daddy (brandon)

    I'm walkin' home (Mike & Adam)

    Isn't this picture mad cool? Adam made it!

    Get over it! (Brandon)

    You don't want none of this!! (Mike & Adam)

    So what you're REEEEEALLY tryin to say is... (aaron/caro)

    Shucho mouth! (Mike & Adam)

    Corner Cashier (brandon)

    lalalalala hmmmm! (Mike & Adam)

    Heath Ledger, Will Smith, Scott Foley, Brad Pitt

    caro the clepto (gina, caro, kohl, & aaron)

    Don't touch me! (Mike & Adam)

    Lightning bug guts (caro)

    Chop chop chop, chop chop chop!! (Steve, Paul, Mike & Adam)

    I'm a Sherman Tank!! (aaron/caro)

    SKANK!!!!!!!! (Rakel)

    ont, font, sont, vont... (brandon)

    Lost & Found on 17C (Mike & Adam)

    Ian's Song (kara)

    What now?! (Leah, Mike, & Adam)

    ten things I HATE about YOU (brandon)

    Oh, you faget! Shave your eyebrows!! (Rakel, Benny, Mike & Adam)

    lightning but guts (caro & her HILARIOUS cousins!)

    Trashrun (Mike & Adam)

    look at the beeva! (Adam, Brian, Benny, Dave, & Paul)

    tree hugger!! (aaron & caro)

    Adam's "birthday" @ TGI Friday's (Dave, Rachel, Mike & Adam)

    54 (lots of my friends LOVE picking on me for that one!)

    Maypole (Mike)

    Buttercups (Bethany & Alyssa)

    Let's go look at systems (Mike & Adam)

    Have some!! (Paul and everyone he has killed after saying this phrase)

    Gopher/Funkmaster Wiggidy/White Mike (Mike, Benny, & Paul)

    do you like apples? (aaron)

    The Titanic (Dave, Rakel, Rebecca, & Brandon, Mike & Adam)

    You smell funny (Dave)

    P-words!!! (kohl/caro/aaron)

    Why is everybody always touching my hat?! (Mike & Adam)

    Cake icing (Rachel, Tim C, Cory, Adam, Mike, & Leah)

    hey, you wanna... (brandon)

    Trampoline (Mike & Adam)

    ACTUALLY...(Exacto Dave)

    highway scopeageing!! (caro!)

    Would I lie to you, Adam? (Rakel, Mike & Adam)

    PARKWAY (Brandon, Mike, Tim, & Josh)

    Tai falling asleep at the movies (Becca & John)

    pokalish (kohl)

    Adam, leave. (Mike & Adam)

    babushka! (aaron, caro, liz, and the rest of the Wash. D.C. crew)

    Tinkey Winkey (Brandon, Mike, & Adam[poe])

    "sorry to sound like a second grader but..." (brandon)

    Do you have any jumper cables?? (Mike & Adam)

    Do you know where I can animal cracker? (cory, tim, king aruba!)

    Let's me me me! (Mike & Adam)

    Friday night e-mail quiz (Becca)

    i'll do it!...told ya so!! (brandon)

    I won't ask (Mike & Adam)

    No more football for mike! (mike)

    Christmas is practicly next week! (aaron)

    Chicken Wings! (Rachel, Mike & Adam)

    Breakfast at 2pm (Becca, Tai, & Molly)

    NO LEFT TURNS...NO LEFT TURNS...NO LEFT TURNS......(Mike, Rakel, & Brandon)

    Mike & Adam (Mike & Adam)

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::APPLICATION TO DATE MY DAUGHTER::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    Note: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your physician.

    1. What is your name, age, social security number, IQ and boy scout rank?

    2. Do you own or have access to a van? ____

    3. A truck with oversize tires? ____

    4. waterbed? ____

    5. Do you have an earring, nose ring, or belly button ring? ____

    6. Do you have a tattoo? ____

    *If you have answered YES to #3, #4 or #5, discontinue application and leave immediately.*

    7. In fifty words or less, what does LATE mean to you?

    8. In fifty words or less, what does DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER mean to you?

    9. In fifty words or less, what does ABSTINENCE mean to you?

    10. In fifty words or less, what does REAL PAIN mean to you?

    11. Church/Temple you attend: ____________________________

    12. How often do you attend: ____________________________

    13. When would be the best time to interview your mother, father and priest/rabbi _______________________

    14. Please fill in the blanks:

    If I were shot, the last place on my body I would want wounded would be ____________________________

    If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken would be ____________________________

    The one thing I hope this application doesn't ask is ____________________________

    What do you want to be IF you grow up?

    I swear that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of death, bodily harm, dismemberment, torture or mental abuse.

    Signature of applicant _________________________________

    Signature of father _____________________________________

    Signature of mother ____________________________________

    Signature of priest/rabbi ___________________________________

    Signature of State Representative _________________________

    Thank you for your interest Please allow 4-6 years for processing. You will be contacted in writing if approved. If denied, please never apply again. Don't call me, I'll call you.


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