"Called To Greatness"

By Jo Gamm Witt
Copyright 2024

I’ve taken an interest in genealogy the past few years and I find it interesting the family lines that I can follow up the tree for several generations, versus those that end early because a person’s history has been lost and/or forgotten. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately in regards to my own life—will I just be a name in a family tree with no known life history other than that? It occurs to me that it serves no purpose if we are just born and die, just another name on a family tree, without having a “story” that endures past our life’s end.

In middle age often we look back at our lives and contemplate what value our lives have served; it’s a time for introspection. We’ve all been blessed with talents and abilities—how are we using them?

I’m reminded of Jesus’ parable about the man who loaned money to his servants to invest while he would be away on a trip, yet one servant had nothing to show for it because he had merely kept the money without investing it. That’s how our lives can be, if we just are born and die and are later forgotten because our lives had served no lasting value.

And yet we are not all called to the same purpose in life. We have not all been blessed with the same talents, abilities, and opportunities. Some are called to work behind the scenes of others’ great contributions or to serve as stepping stones, such as lovingly nurturing children who grow up to serve society in valuable ways.

In the still, quiet times we hear the Spirit guiding and leading us as to the Father’s will for our lives. May we take those quiet moments to listen and then have the strength of spirit to pursue the meaning for our lives for which we’ve been called.

We are not all called to “be” great, but rather to “do” great—to do well at that which we’ve been called to do.

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