By Jo Gamm Witt
In relation to that, I was then thinking about how being surrounded with people who know and care about us not only gives us a sense of belonging, but also serves as “insulation”—insulation that lessens the depths of emotional harm. Conversely, when we feel isolated, unknown, and less cared about, we are more vulnerable to hurt with fewer resources to help carry us through the challenging times.
Jesus told a parable about the lost sheep and the shepherd leaving the flock to go find the lost one, because the one by itself was more vulnerable to harm, than the flock of several sheep altogether.
We all need to feel a sense of belonging and fitting in; we all need others to help carry us through the challenging times in life. I hope not only for that “insulation” to be available to each of us when we need it, but also for us to be that “insulation” for others.