skip riffle distro!!

im sorry, im sorry, to me mostly. i have to wait until december 15th to get my money for the stupid lumberjack shit. gotta wait gotta wait. arg. until then i will sell the stuff i already have as always.
ok so i haven't updated in a while, haven't even looked at the site in a while. i now have monty love sweatshirts and wristbands, and dreams forever drowning t-shirts. in a little bit i will be ordering lots of cds from some place. they are mostly of stuff i want so hopefully you'll want to buy. th-th-that's all folks!
after missing a good show yesterday and seeing syracuse killed by pittsburg and not be happy because its cooolder in syracuse then it is here, and see people wearing shorts and tshirts anway and wanting to kill them, i took a quiz.
You Are a Kogyaru!
If it's cute, you'll wear it. Fake and bake, hair bleach, and bright makeup line your bathroom cabinet.
As for clothes - anything that's short and cute ("kawaii!").
You are the prize object of all sorts of men - but you are really looking for a rich foreign guy.
He'll find you out hanging out in Shibuya shopping at the 109, text messaging and sending photos over your cellphone.
What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?
look!! thats me!! haha...
i've got some more treephort in. now that i have money, i'm going to try and buy a lot of cds from immigrant sun and maybe a couple other distro or labels. woo. so this is the update. yep.
hey there. it seems its been exactly 8 days since i've last updated. well here we are. the show yesterday was great and it was awesome lots of people showed. hopefully they all show for the other shows since everyone convinced cory to do more shows at dock st. anyway i wanted to know if anyone can draw, draw me a picture of a little kid any way you can to be skip riffle. he will be the icon for it and will be on pins and stickers or whatever i can get my hands on to spread skip riffle propganda. email me!! also i have melmac cds now
OK here goes. The ST.George theatre is in jeopardy of being turned into a parking garage. Not that it matters to some of you but the $10 cover is a donation, you would be helping a damn good cause instead of fattening someone's wallet. None the less I know, $10 is still $10. Doc's charges $8 sometimes, and Club Stink charges $15!!! Clubs make bands "sell" tix for $10 and people still go. We finally got an all age venue (no selling tix!) that we can have fun with, and help a damn good cause, so the $10 donation ain't all that bad. The intention is to bring in bigger bands, and me, SIHP and SI Rich are working on that. It is not just gonna be another Dock St. but bigger, there is a lot of potential here. I wanna have bands set up merch tables and vendors and get an interactive scene thing going.etc. Damn! it's worth the $10 just to hang out in the place! (check the photos on the site) www.STGEORGETHEATRE.ORG Security guards are not a problem, I school them on the "pit" etc. they work for me, so they handle things as they are told to. I am in a position to handle some guarantee's for bigger bands,and that will not change the cover for the shows. The first show will be Fri. Oct 12th, most likely WSOU street patrol night. I'll keep the board posted. And when you look at the pix, keep in mind that they wanna turn the place into a parking garage! Thats the main reason I'm involved with trying to help save it. I'm involved with much more then rock shows there. And anyone can check the place out on Saturday's from 12-6pm. It's volunteer day, and people can just walk in and look around.
-futurestar phil
just updated the cd section. not much else to update. blah blah everyone come to the SIHP show on saturday sept 7. you totally need to come. jkl, airx, goin places, and spenser!!! from cleaveland!
came home yesterday from my cruise. now i just got back from the tom tobin show which was a blast. that game of football really was the highlight of it haha. and selling lots of stuff. oh yea the bands too. tomorrow i go away again so if you email me i won't get it back for a couple days. im hoping to be home by weds, thursday the latest. you a band and want me to sell your stuff email me so i have a nice suprise when i come home to see mail. thanks, melissa

4 more days and i go away. that ends my summer. boooooooo. well i have yet to update anything. i know to tell everyone i have two treephort cds left. email me and i'll send it to ya. i have no shows to go to this week to sell stuff :o(. anyone wanna buy stuff?? oh vell. hopefully people are visiting the site. that matters much. bye bye now
THANK GOD!! I'm done with my stupid camp. Woohoo. Now all I have to do is wait for september for my paycheck. Anyway I uploaded all those show pictures finally from the temple August 3rd. Unfortuneately I didn't sell anything except for a frisbee and a ring and run cd. :o(.

we set up and everything

ok updated the shows section. i will be getting more stuff soon, woohoo!! new flyers on their way out into the world. you have a band i have room to set you up with a little section for your show dates on my shows page. hmmmmm anything else i should say? no. VISIT MY WEBSITE, BUT IF YOU READ THIS YOU ALREADY ARE SO THANK YOU.
my very first update. i put up a links page. also i will be adding more cds to the cds section one day when i recieve more cds from whoever im supposed to get cds from.
im melissa, and ill be running the distro. if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email me.
peace yo.