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9th June 2003
Closing of website

Its been a great pleasure to know other Arashi fans, as well as share with you the clips I have.

However, as times goes by, managing work, school and this website become increasingly taxing. Not enough time to concentrate on either area only results in me not been able to do well in any area.

After much consideration, even though I am very reluctant, I have decided to close this website. Really grateful for your support for the past 8 months. Arigatou ne~!

Arashi/Johnny's section will be closing on 1st June. As for the clips, they will be removed on 30th June.

** The BBS will still be alive for friends to communicate if they want to ~ you can still email me at


開站至今有八個月了 (不過感覺上好像很久了呢)﹐ 能夠和大家分享嵐的東西﹐讓 我認識了很多跟我一樣為嵐瘋狂的人﹐真的覺得很高興。

不過要兼顧工作﹐ 學業和這網站﹐時間不夠成了一大問題﹐我也覺得越來越力不從 心了。所以經過考慮 (真的想了很久。。。)﹐ 隨然很不捨得﹐ 不過還是決定要休 站。真的真的很感謝大家對本站的支持。以後還是歡迎大家跟我保持聯絡哦~

註﹕嵐和JOHNNY‘S 版面會于6月1日開始休站。檔案我會放至6月底﹐ 所以還沒下 載完的人要趕快了哦。

BBS會保存﹐ 讓朋友們繼續聯絡~ 朋友如果有事想找我的話~請至 Email