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Oh no.... our BBS has been stopped again without any warning!!!!!
Nekochan think we have better stop using that ~ so minnasan please try to join the new Yahoo Group I have created!

Hope the yahoo group is better and more stable! Anyone having any problem joining the group, please find me at
nekochan will try to locate all those which I have email ne ~ hope no one is lost ><

9th June 2003
It might be a shock to all friends who has supported this site for a long time ~ but after struggling for a while ~ nekochan has decided to CLOSED DOWN the site ~

As time goes by ~ ironically, instead of moving closer to w-inds., nekochan found herself shifting further and further away from the focus of w-inds. as she spends most of her time updating the site, uploading the clips and opening FTP server~

Many thanks to faithful friends whom has visit us regularly, sharing with us their experience of w-inds. and generously shared the information they had ~ Thanks for all your support in one way or another~

During these days, there were times of joy and times of sorrow ~ Take care everyone ~!!

The site will STOP UPDATING on 15th June, CLOSED on 1st July and information REMOVED on 15th July~

** nekochan will leave the BBS alive for friends to communicate if they want to ~ you can still email me at
  這樣突然的消息可能會讓朋友們吃一驚~可是 nekochan 想了很久之後﹐ 才做出修站的決定~

nekochan 覺得跟 w-inds. 的距離更遠了~ 多數的時間多忙於更新網頁﹐ 上傳擋按和開啟 FTP Server 給朋友下載 ~反而沒有時間關注 w-inds.

很感謝很多支持我們的朋友 ~經常遊覽我們網頁的﹐ 分享他們珍貴經驗的﹐還有一些大方于我們分享
w-inds. 最新動態的朋友 ~非常謝謝你們這些日子以來的支持~

在這段日子, 有歡樂也有悲傷 ~大家保重了~

本站在 6月15日停止更新。7月1日修站﹐7月15日刪除。

BBS會保存﹐ 讓朋友們繼續聯絡~ 朋友如果有事想找我的話~請至 Email