Blah Poem
I don’t own any of the animes that are mentioned in this poem. I know this is majorly weird, but I wrote it at like one in the morning and I think strangely when it’s very late of early. Mostly for this poem, I wrote the first thing that popped into my head that rimed. It’s very Dr. Suess, ne?....In a strange sort of way...oi...I hate writing disclaimers.
Quatre and Trowa were in the parlor having tea,
when Quatre fell down and stubbed his poor knee!
He burst into tears “Boohoohoohoohoo!”
Then Trowa smiled and said “Don’t cry! I love you!”
Quatre smiled, and said with a sigh
“Oh, my dear Trowa! I love you too!”
Then Trowa smiled and got a glint in his eye,
he threw Quatre down, and Quatre yelled “Why?”
Trowa ripped off his clothes, and let out a sigh.
He jumped onto Quatre, and started to cry!
This confused Quatre, so he went to ask Cye.
When Quatre found him, Cye said “You fool! You busted his nose!”
Quatre said “Oh!” and got Trowa a rose.
Cye poured himself some tea, and daintily sipped.
Then gasped and cried “Oh, dear me! I think there is something wrong with this tea!”
He spilled all his tea, then shrieked “Oh, my!”
Cye then let out a great big tear.
Ryo walked in, and asked “Why so glum?”
Cye looked at him sadly and asked for some bubble gum.
Ryo hadn’t any, and Cye began to wail.
Ryo couldn’t take it anymore, and kocked him out with a pail.
Heero glomped Duo, and nibbled his ear.
Then he leaned over and sent him a leer.
Duo gasped, and pointed ahead!
There lay Relena asleep in her bed!
Heero jumped to the ground and then played dead.
Duo laughed and deemed him well fed!
And dragged him home while this was being said.
Trowa smiled and sniffed at his rose.
Then he leaned over and tickled Quatre’s nose.
Trowa giggled and tittered and made such a fuss,
that Wufei scoffed, and called him a wuss.
Trowa gasped and let out a sob.
His eyes started to quiver, and filled up with tears.
It was so sad, that Wufei sighed and stole Rashid’s beard.
Trowa hugged Quatre, and whimpered in fear.
That Wufei might come and wiggle his rear.
To be continued.....BWAHAHAHAA!!!!