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Pillsbury Patch
Ships Dependent Cruise Invitation Letter

Invite to a Dependents Cruise 1958
Compliments of Robert L Turocy AG2

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DER-133 Ships Pamphlet 1958 PDF File
USS pillsbury Ships 1958 Pamphlet

Welcome To "OUR HISTORY" Page Four

Hi all:

Sometimes you get lucky, especially when you work hard and live a good life. As was indicated on many occasions, "you must earn it." From this pespective many of you have earned it!!!

My dad passed away a few years ago and my mom is now in a nursing home. During this past weekend I had the pleasure of cleaning their home making it ready for an auction. I ran across a few documents that will bring back a few good memories. I recall that my dad and his friend (former Navy member) had a great time during our short trip to Block Island and return to Goat Island. My mom and her friend did not fair so well as the waves did get the best of both of them. All in all, they had a great time being on board the USS Pillsbury in 1958.

Please find attached two pdf files. The first is and invitation for Cmdr. Harwood to the family members of the USS Pillsbury crew and the second the program providing a summary of DE or DERs, etc., printed by the USS Arcadia AD 23.

I do not recall if these documents are included on the USS Pillsbury web site or not. However, here they are a they came from my parents home.

My wife and I will be at the Outer Banks (Corolla) during the later part of this month. All of you have a great day.

Best regards,,,Bob AG2 /

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