Wow, haven't been here in a while. Can you bleive
two weeks till Holland babe! Band nerds unite
around the world! heck ya,I am soo psyched!
I probably shouldn't put an acutal date in here
casue I have a feeling I won't update it 
except for every couple of weeks. Oh well.
No time... if our days where 40 hours
instead of 24 things would be a lot different.
I miss everyone! Things are soo different
without marching season. Lol, band nerd...And 
school being alomost out.. man this year went 
bye fast. Even though after break I have a 
feeling they are going to slow down again..
Summer never comes fast enough if you ask me.
Alright I am going to go and do something
productive. Love you guys!


To the Groupie Cave!