A Moment With Melissa

Hello all!  I finally decided to update this webpage.
Well, I've been to the Netherlands and I want to go
back.  It was so beautiful.  I still talk to some of
the people I met on the trip.  I swap emails with the
guys we met in Brugge and asked where to find the 
closest lace store.  Richard im-ed me, too.  He's fun
to talk to.  I'm going to live in Maastricht one day.
Michelle is coming with me.  I'm suffering from the 
flu, so everyone I know is probably going to end up
with it.  Sorry guys.  There isn't much else to say.
Prom is coming up.  One week.  I know many of my
friends are very excited.  Well, thats about all I 
have to say.  Later, chicos and chicas.

To the Groupie Cave!