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I met Rebekah (George) last school year. We were in the same family group and we started talking... At first I thought she was really mean b/c she would be walking around school, looking evil. Me and my friend Molly thought she was like some mean person, but then when we got to know her, we know that she is the nicest person you could meet. She's always saying sorry for someting! She's really funny and a good friend.
AOL screen name: lilbeka2002

I've known Deana for a really really long time, we went to the same church and then in 6th grade we were in the same class at school. We actually became friends in 7th grade. We're obsessed with Backstreet Boys and went and saw them in concert together twice. I'M SO SORRY BRIAN MARRIED LEIGHANNE!! LOL... Deana is my best friend, even tho I don't see her as much as I used to. We go to different high schools now. I love U Deana!
AOL screen name: ryn0819 - her buddy list is screwed up tho, so you'll have to e-mail her-

I met Amanda thru Deana, she goes to Deana's school. At first me & Amanda weren't really friends b/c Deana told me that Amanda didn't like me... she was like jealous that me and Deana were friends... but she's changed since then and now we're all friends. Amanda's really sweet and we've never gotten into any arguments.
AOL screen name: Clair1625

Molly, Molly, Molly... LOL Where do I start? Hmmm we met when I was in 10th grade, she was in 9th. We hung out all the time at school... and now she's going out with my younger brother... I have a cute picture of them together that I will put up here one day. We're still friends even tho she has really bad taste by liking my brother!! LOL... I'm sorry, I just don't see it...
AOL screen name: Stormy152

I met Stacie thru Tiger Beat magazine... She was in the Pen Pals section and I decided to write her. Then I got the internet and we e-mailed each other, and still do. We've known each other awhile. I can tell her anything and not worry about it b/c she doesn't know the people I know and stuff like that. She's a good friend and I like talking to her a lot. She's really funny and always has good advice.
Yahoo! Messenger name: Stacie827

Kawika is another online friend, I met him on AOL instant messenger. He lives in Washington. He's really sweet and the funniest person I know. His uncle moved out and took the computer, so we call each other and write letters. He has a great imagination and whenever I feel bad, if I read something he's written me, it makes me smile. He thinks of the strangest things, and just isn't afraid to be himself. I love Kawika so much and I miss talking to him.

coming soon... pictures!
