"Devemos aclarar a los Alemanes que el mal por lo que sus lideres estan en los tribunales no es por que perdieron la guerra, sino por que la comenzaron.
Y no devemos de permitirnos entrar a un juicio de guerra, pues nuestra posicion es que ninguna politica o queja justifica una guerra agresiva, es totalmente condenada y renunciada como un instrumento politico.."
" Los siguientes actos, o cualquiera de ellos, son crimenes dentro de la juridiccion por la cual ay responsabilidad individual:
(a) CRIMENES CONTRA LA PAZ: llamese, planear, preparar, i iniciar o pelear una guerra agrediendo, o una guerra en violacion a los tratados internacionales, acuerdos o aseguranzas , o la participacion en un plan comun o la conspiracion para acer cualquiera de lo antedicho."
"Nadie excusa a Alemania por iniciar una guerra agresiva por tener quejas, por que no intentamos entrar a un juicio de si tiene quejas o no.
Si tubiera quejas reales, un ataque a la paz de el mundo no es el remedio....lanzar una guerra agresiva es un crimen y ... ninguna situacion politica o econimica la justifica ."
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Seven es el nuevo trabajo de Enrique Iglesias. Un disco repleto de melodías y ritmos bailables. Seven ha sido co-escrito y co-producido por Enrique, y saldrá a la venta el próximo 24 de Noviembre. ( Ver Video de Addicted ) ( Escuchar Addicted )
It's All Free! posted by JJimmyA Harvard-educated survey research analyst by professionJohn Lauritsen began reviewing AIDS research in 1983, and is now regarded by AIDS-critics around the world as their foremost journalist. His first AIDS book, Poison By Prescription: The AZT Story, has saved thousands of lives, and is in its fourth printing. The AIDS War is a collection of his major writings on AIDS, going back to February 1985.
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mildescargas gratis. Phone Booth will fit nicely on his 120-GB hard drive alongside Anger Management, Tears of the Sun and about 125 other films, not to mention more than 2,000 songs. "Basically," he says, "the world is at my fingertips." 43 commentsRead More
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aqui tenemos un archivo de los cultoscult news. La desinformacion de los estados unidos pega en los sentimientos de sus ciudadanos al decir que los odian a los estaunidences ,[cosa que ya desinforma pues nadie los odia, simplemente les desagradan las politicas de washington ]quesque por la livertad y lo buena gente que son y que los odian por lo democraticos y religiosos que son , ablemos claro el mundo odia las politicas agresivas pues, si las veces que estados unidos ha agredido a otro pais, lo hubiesen agredido a el ,como se sentiria el ? no es necesario imaginarlo con el septiembre once basta. lo que is se dedico a perseguir a quien lo, segun la politica estaunidence lo odia , y hasta la fecha esta destruyendo paises , sin pruevas de que ese odio o de que esos que el esta agrediendo tuvieran algo que ver con el ataque que sufrio, y usted que piensa amigo? ).
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Reports from Norway describe an agreement reached between the Nazi occupation authorities in Norway with the Watchtower Society whic permitted the WTBS to retain its property holdings in Norway in exchange for voluntary limitations on their evangelization work. This old skeleton was uncovered by a staff member at the WT's headquarters while researching the history of JWs in that country. His inclusion of this agreement in the article was removed by his superiors, and eventually the researcher left the corporation. The dossier will be updated as new information comes to light, although the Norwegian government lack archival material from that period, and the original documents are in the possession of the Norway WT HQ.
It's All Free! posted by JJimmy on May 07, 2003 @ 09:33pm James Phung saw Phone Booth
WHO WE ARE The changarrito locates,and sell info,. The writings are carried through in a computer with processor PENTIUM IV with the possible maximum of resources, what it guarantees the best income and the quality of our writings. We are in this market more than the 3 years, what it guarantees our professionalism. Any referring doubt the changarrito can be clarified entering in contact.
. Phone Booth will fit nicely on his 120-GB hard drive alongside Anger Management, Tears of the Sun and about 125 other films, not to mention more than 2,000 songs. "Basically," he says, "the world is at my fingertips." 43 comments | Pirates Win Again, ?The Hulk? Leaked Nearly Two Weeks Early posted by MoonMan on June 07, 2003 @ 11:07pm
P2PForums has learned that the up coming mega Hollywood blockbuster ?The Hulk? has been leaked onto the internet almost two weeks before its official release. While this has become more, and more common recently, this copy is not your common camera pointed at the screen. It appears to be a work print copy of the film. Of near VHS quality. This is yet another setback for the M.P.A.A., who has attempted to step up their battle against piracy of late. Work Prints are most likely got from someone on the ?inside?. The industry will no doubt be very upset about this leak of the film.
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NEWS UPDATES: la cosa se esta poniendo color de hormiga, yo creo que seria mejor no tener que ver nada con el gobierno , ni con sus sistemas por que nada mas la politica la usan para apoderarse de vidas y aciendas vea las noticias en ingles de lo que no ve en los diarios oficiales
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"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." Pastor Martin Niemoeller
It wont be Iraq that does this to you
Pretext for Control
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Fly it upside down , it is only proper
Waving a a flag, made by some slave child in CHINA doesn't make you a Patriot, only and idiot
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I Believe this illness was purposely induced to silence this great man
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Laboratorio de EUA reparte virus mortal La Prensa Gráfica - hace 5 horas Miles de laboratorios en todo el mundo recibieron por error una variante del virus de la gripe que es particularmente peligrosa y mortal, y ante un eventual ...