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"el Banco De Reserva Federal es una entidad privada y controla las corporaciones locales , 1241](1982)

"está muy   bien que la gente de la nación no entiende nuestras actividades bancarias y el sistema monetario, porque si lo hicieran, creo que habría una revolución antes de mañana por la mañana." - Henry Ford, fundador del Ford motor co.

la reserva federal paga $23  dolares por 1000 . billetes icluye la imprecionde papel, la tinta, el trabajo,  etc. Por lo tanto, 10.000 blletes , incluyendo la nota $100 cuestan a la reserva federal $230." - Guillermo H. Ferkler (asuntos públicos de Mannager, departamento del Hacienda, oficina del grabado y de la impresión, C.C. de Wasnington.



¿LE GUSTARIA COMPRAR DINERO $230 por millón (y la gente americana garantiza su VALOR COMPLETO, CON SUS PROPIOS ACTIVOS)? Bien, no se ace para los ciudadanos sino que lo hacemos para un grupo selecto de banqueros extranjeros. por que no se muestra esto en la educacion? , por que usted es un peon.


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Informe 2005
© AI

" Los siguientes actos, o cualquiera de ellos,  son crimenes dentro de la juridiccion por la cual ay responsabilidad individual:

(a) CRIMENES CONTRA LA PAZ: llamese, planear, preparar, i iniciar o pelear una guerra  agrediendo, o una guerra  en violacion a los tratados internacionales, acuerdos o aseguranzas ,  o la participacion en un plan comun o la conspiracion para acer cualquiera de lo antedicho."

"Nadie excusa a Alemania por iniciar una guerra agresiva por  tener quejas,  por que no intentamos entrar a un juicio de si tiene quejas o no.

Si tubiera quejas reales, un ataque a la paz de el mundo no es el remedio....lanzar una guerra agresiva es un crimen y ... ninguna situacion politica o econimica la justifica ."

El estado de los derechos humanos en el mundo

Informe 2005

Amnistía Internacional presenta su Informe 2005

A lo largo de 2004 se despreciaron los derechos humanos de la gente corriente en todos los rincones del planeta. Este Informe de Amnistía Internacional, que abarca 149 países, muestra una imagen detallada de estos abusos.

Ver el informe...


Aung San Suu Kyi, dirigente de la LND

Demasiado Tiempo Esperando. ¡Justicia Ya!

En Myanmar, donde se encarcela a las personas por su disidencia pacífica, hay más de 1.350 presos políticos. Firme nuestra petición en favor de la excarcelación de todos los presos de conciencia YA

Reino Unido: El caso Finucane

Patrick Finucane

El poder judicial no debe participar en la parodia de investigación

Patrick Finucane, abogado defensor de los derechos humanos, fue asesinado por los unionistas en connivencia con los servicios de información británicos. Una investigación sobre su caso en aplicación de la Ley sobre Comisiones de Investigación de 2005 sería una parodia.

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    Information for this story was culled from:
    http://www.chugoku-np.co.jp/abom/uran/after_e/000711.html http://nyc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=42750


    Iraqi mother:    "Allah where are you?

    US Marine:   Good thing we are superior to these muslim fanatics . . . Bush speaks to God all the time!

    and other websites

     los elejidos de Dios4
     question, question , question
    In this cropped image taken from pool video provided to the Associated Press by NBC News, a U.S. marine is seen, left, raising his rifle in the direction of Iraqi prisoners lying on the floor of a mosque in Fallujah, Iraq Saturday Nov. 13, 2004. The pool video was recorded Saturday as the Marines returned to an unidentified Fallujah mosque. The video, in a version aired by CNN showed the Marine raising his rifle toward the prisoners but neither NBC nor CNN showed the shooting itself. The video was blacked out but the report of the rifle could be heard. (AP Photo/NBC News, Pool)
    Mon Nov 15, 7:29 PM ET

    En esta imagen tomada del video de Associated Press by NBC News, un marinoAmericano. se ve, left,  levantando su rifle listo para matar a un prisionero en, Iraq

    El presidente de los estados unidos dijo . estamos aqui para amenazar al mundo como lo acemos anualmente!! aplausos, vea el video aquitambién invitó las agencias internacionales de la ayuda a enviar más fuentes.masaqui. i WEB  WEBPRENEUR  fotos artistas  notifarandula  mexnet  financial  promote
     Independent Home Business Owner!
     Isidro Lincks
     novedades gonzalez
     Bush no es nazi
     $10.000 Dolares si nos prueva que el sida existe/$10,000 IF YOU PROVE WE ARE WRONG
     Los estados Unidos es todavia una colonia inglesa/The U.S. is still a British Colony

    [Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]
    Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

    http://www.takebackthemedia.com/bushnonazi.htmlThe Insider: Reports a serious conspiracy theory.

    agrega tus comentarios / add your comments

    TV y Video el libroa href=http://www.business.grantgate.org/grants/0-SmallBusinessOwner.htm>ayuda para las minorias20 de enero del 2003- pueden visitar este sitio o leer el libro "The Art of Deception" escrito por él mismo, así como el capítulo que quedó excluido. Y en esta liga está una pequeña biografía de Shimomura.
    aqui traigo un titipuchal de lincks hispanos ,pa que no sufran raza Brown Pride Online <the OG chicano portal site>
      Chicano.org <online chicano zine>
      Azteca Net <our ISP: raza owned and operated>
      Aztlan Net <Chicano-Mexicano Arts & Letters of North America>
      Favianna.com <a xicana-designed & run arts web portal>
      American Latino <Latino News Portal-lots of headlines>
      Urban Latino Mag <Latino magazine in NYC>
      Latin Bay Area <SF Bay Area events website>
    HUMOR The Onion <somewhat funny gringo website...okay, it's very funny.>
      Fucked Company <smartass dotcom death site>
      Phil Hendrie <funniest radio show in the universe>
      Mr. Vato <Chicano advice from Mr. Vato>
    ARTISTAS Culture Clash <the OG chicano comedy group>
      Aztlan Underground <xicano indigenous rap group>
      ChUSMA <rasquachi LA Teatro/Comedy>
      Aztlan Nation <the OG political Chicano rap group founded by pocho.com conspirator>
    STORES /CAFES LatinoTshirts.com <conscious & semi-conscious tshirt designs by Lalo>
    Espresso Mi Cultura <Books & Cafe in Hollywood, USA>
      Cafe Con Libros <Books & Cafe in Pomona, CA>
      Crafts By Amistad <online tienda>
      Latin Brew <Raza cafe in Whittier, CA>
      Calaca Press <Chicano book & CD publishers>
    Tribal Gear <hip hop street fashions >
      Voz Alta <San Diego Raza Performance Space>
      Unamerican <righteous propaganda shop>
    COMUNIDAD United Farm Workers <they help those who pick our crops>
      Self Help Graphics <East L.A.'s OG Art Center>
      Latino USA <Raza Radio Show los pochos have appeared on>
      Chicano Park <virtual reality tour of famous San Diego Raza landmark>
      Zapatistas <official EZLN website>

     Hi welcome you are very lucky because you found this page acording to a research is easier to get an electrical bolth than it is to get your page seen, and like enimen said this an opportunity in a lifetime so make the best of it,since im a new here the first think to come to my mind is to ask you to tell me abouth were you came from and to guive you the mos welcome and please fell free  to get the most of this pages here you find the best lincks on the web to my knolodge abouth the importance of being , you know, the religion, science and the news,again welcome , and please come again, we update daily  isidro@zwallet. das e-Sword 10 fishies

    FreeBible 8 fishies

    Theophilos 8 fishies

    Sword Project 7 fishies

    Holy Bible 6 fishies

    Online Bible 5 fishies  TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS asks how powerful was this Nazi stormtrooper father of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Would Schwarzenegger be where he is today without a Nazi using state power to smooth his way?

    Also of note - A short video clip of Schwarzenegger taking a hit off a cannabis cigarette has surfacd on the Internet. The clip was evidently filmed at the same time a photo was snapped of Arnold for the 1976 Rolling Stone feature article unearthed by this website. That article, you may recall, featured many quotes of Schwarzenegger's megalomanical ramblings and dictatorial dreams. Schwarzenegger has not called for drug legalization for the untermensch.

    | Libertythink Perma-Link | by Total Information 12:17 PM | Send | Comments? |


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    QUE ONDA CHAVOS ESTA ES MI PAGINA POLITICA ,. Pues si fijate y muy bien , les decia que e estado bien interesado en las teorias de la conspiracion y creo que no ay un sitio que lo explique en espanol, tabvien creo que los hispanos no somos muy dados a los rodeos , y por eso les boy a decir como esta el rollo de tres patadas , pues resulta que la mano negra, la mafia , en corto los meros malos son los de inglaterra con la reina como la mera machuchona y , a que se basan estas personas para acer y desaser pues sencillamente tienen todo el poder y balla que lo utilizan , para comebzar lla saben que se sienten de sangre azul, y como no chingado si son los reyes , pero en serio segun ellos son desendientes directos de jesucristo, o sea estan gobernando bajo mandato directo de dios , y tienen unos librotes que estan sacando ahorita a la venta donde dicen con pelos y senas , eso presisamente, eso no seria lo malo, ellos tienen planeado esclavisar a los mexicanos ,? como utilizando el mal llamado libre comercio , que para lo unico que es libre es para que se vengan aqui las maquiladoras y le pagen alos mexicanos cincuenta centavos por hora , a y si no quieren les abentamos a los chinos con su mercancia para que ballan agarrando el paso,ellos son los que ponen los presidentes .mejor dicho los compran ellos son los que son duenos de el banco monetario internacional, el mismo que le da dinero a los presidentes para legalizar el saqueo de los recursos naturales y ahora el esclavismo, y elholocausto de millones de gentes que tienen programado , porque segun ellos no pueden controlar mas gente asi que se an dado a la campana , de usar tecnicas de reduccion de la gente , actualmente las estan usando con mucho exito en africa sin que los estados unidos diga esta boca es mia y como va a decir si son una y mugre, para estados unidos tienen programado , que pare la industria , y que se acabe como pais poderoso , y que entrege su poder a la onu que de paso les pertenece a ellos, la c,i.a no trabaja para los estados unidos sino para los ingleses en fin los muy mendigos se han colado enlos puntos clave del govieno y acen y desacen. ok? le seguiremos informando y dando unos lincks si pueden transcribanlos al spnishaquiestan casi todos bueno boy a acer un linck y ponerlo en las paginas de la hot mail que tengo y en varias partes ustedes cuidense y al rato les digo como le vamos a acer ok? cuidense mientras, caiganle a el lick estepuchele aquiestos tres lincks casi tienen todo mi network de lincks en la net aunque e perdido algunos y de otros no me acuerdo aqui esta el de el portal mexicoaber si jala aber si jalan por que por alguna razon a veces no quieren trabajar, quiere ver correo ajenos , ? no se preocupe pa que la cosa es sencilla consulte la seccion amarillauna satira de la dianetica muy bien echa y de muy buen gusto aquidiarretica,la ciencia de quitar el dineroquieren ver una parodia de cienciologia? aquiOperation Clambake

    14-11-2003 05:09 Novedades 14 - 11

    Novedades 14-11-2003

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    Camp Buehring, Kuwait, 8 de diciembre. Soldados estadunidenses que esperan en este país la orden de entrar a Irak se quejaron hoy ante el secretario de Defensa, Donald Rumsfeld, por la falta de seguridad, le preguntaron cuánto tiempo más durará la misión en el país árabe después de las elecciones del 30 de enero, y le dijeron que muchas veces son enviados en misiones "suicidas".

    El jefe del Pentágono visitó Camp Buehring, base estadunidense ubicada a 20 kilómetro de la frontera iraquí, y protagonizó con 2 mil soldados el más polémico intercambio de preguntas y respuestas desde la invasión de Irak en marzo de 2003.

    "Nuestros vehículos no son blindados. Recuperamos trozos de hierro y de vidrios blindados de desecho para proteger los vehículos antes de salir a combatir", se quejó entre aplausos uno de los soldados estadunidenses.

    Fallujah: Guernica De América

    Matón Carreon
    La Voz de Aztlan

    Los Ángeles, California, noviembre 10 de 2004 - (ACN) en abril 26 de 1937, el Luftwaffe nazi solto 100.000 libras de bombas en la aldea vasca pacífica de Guernica, España la mando del Generalisimo fascista Francisco Franco. Al final del día, Guernica estaba en ruinas total y habían matado a 1.654 civiles vascos y 889 heridos. El mundo en esos días estubo horrorizado por los echos. El General Franco negó inicialmente a la prensa lo ocurrido. Más adelante, cuando las fotografías de la masacre fueron publicadas, Franco fascista culpó de la destrucción de Guernica y las matanzas a los que la defendieron.

    El ataque brutal contra los civiles vascos por el bombardeo masivo e indistinto fue inmortalizado por el artista español Pablo Picasso en su 1937 "Guernica titulado la pintura". La pintura "Guernica" ahora ha sentido bien a un símbolo mundial de los horrores de la guerra emprendidos por los fascistas malvados y a los dictadores que no ponen ningún valor en vida humana en su búsqueda de metas políticas y la conquista de recursos naturales. Thomas Gordon y máximo Morgan en su libro, "Guernica: El crisol de la guerra mundial II"dice," el aire estaba impregnado con los gritos de los heridos. Vi a hombre el arrastrarse bajo la calle, arrastrando sus piernas quebradas.... Los pedazos de gente y de animales metidos por todas partes.... En los restos había una mujer joven. No podría poner mis ojos de ella. Los huesos se pegaron a través de su vestido. Su cabeza torcida a la derecha alrededor de su cuello. boca abierta, su lengüa que colgando. Vomité y perdí el sentido.

    El"Guernica"de hoy . Esta vez está no son las bombas de nazis de Luftwaffe en una aldea en España sino los E.E.U.U. que dejan caer bombas y que masacran a centenares de los civiles que incluyen a mujeres y a niños en la ciudad de Fallujah, Iraq. Como Franco en "Guernica", los militares de los E.E.U.U. están negando que están apuntando a civiles, pero los informes censurados se están filtrando fuera de Iraq que dicen que la mitad de las Mezquitas de la ciudad en ruinas y que los infantes de marina de los E.E.U.U. están utilizando gases mortales proscritos contra los defensores de la ciudad que también están causando muertes masivas entre los civiles que permanecen en la ciudad. Otros informes en los medios árabes hablan de centenares de víctimas civiles debajo del escombro de los hogares que fueron golpeados por las bombas de los E.E.U.U. durante los militares iniciales "que ablandaban" de la ciudad. Las fotografías espantosas de los muertos son evocadoras de la cuenta del sobreviviente de "Guernica" según lo ablado arriba.

    Es irónico que en de febrero el 5 de 2003, cuando el secretario de estado de estado Colin Powell hacía una llamada para la guerra contra Iraq ante el consejo de seguridad de Naciones Unidas en New York City, que la copia de "Guernica" de Picasso en el segundo piso de la construcción de la O.N.U "fue cubierta" con un gran manta. 24 horas después de que Powell falló de covencer a miembros de consejo dudosos de seguridad de U.N., presidente George W. Bush declarado "el juego esta de mas" y lanzó el ataque inspirado por el sionismo brutal o "asusta y maravilla" contra Iraq. El número de los civiles iraquíes que han estado asustados los pedazos marabillados por las bombas y los misiles de los E.E.U.U. todavía se están contando.

    Fallujah es hoy Guernica de América y los medios de los E.E.U.U. están cubriendo en la operación militar criminal . Además no hay ninguna protesta de los políticos de los E.E.U.U.. Esto señala a un malestar espiritual y moral profundo entre americanos y el decaimiento en la dirección de los E.E.U.U..

    Los medios no ponen ninguna objeciones a los crímenes de guerra en Fallujah sino que por el contrario hacen que las operaciones militares salvajes se vean como si fueran normales. Los informes de los medios encubren a los americanos y el carácter verdadero del asalto militar vicioso que es destruir una fuente significativa de la oposición a la ocupación colonialista de los E.E.U.U. y a su régimen de marioneta.

    Como el General Franco en Guernica, el secretaria de la defensa Donald Rumsfeld está mintiendo al público americano sobre el número de víctimas civiles iraquíes en Fallujah. Hay cerca de 30.000 civiles a la izquierda en Fallujah y muchos de éstos han muerto ya. El resto son blancos "justificados" en la casa para mantener asaltos de los infante de marina de los E.E.U.U.. Tomará años de los meses para determinar el grado de la masacre civil.

    ¡Fallujah es Guernica de América! ¿Quién habría previsto que el país que Europa liberara de ésos responsables de Guernica tomarían hoy su lugar? sed de sangre ahora impregna a los medios de los E.E.U.U., al establecimiento político y a porciones grandes de la gente americana. Uno se estremece para pensar que mas seguira. ¿Armageddon quizás?

    WHOS-IN is a professional in-out board program for Windows that allows everyone on your Local Area Network (especially your receptionist) know where everyone else is. There is no more time wasted checking a wall-mounted Office Board to see if someone is In, Out, or at Lunch... all the information you need is presented on screen in an easy to read format. Best of all, the 5 user version is FREEWARE. No nag screens, no disabled features, no time limitations - you can use it forever at absolutely no cost !!!

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    Miroslava Flores
    La Voz de Aztlan

    Los Angeles, Alta California - May 10, 2004 - (ACN) Today, I heard and viewed the "goody two-shoes" First Lady on ABC's "Good Morning America" and almost vomited when I heard her say that the sexual torture of Iraqi POW's and female detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison was not what the USA stands for. I ask, where did she study US history? I would like to invite her to "obtain some culture" and view the play "Ramona" that has been playing continuously for 81 years in Hemet, Alta California (http://www.ramonabowl.com/home.shtml). The rape of American Indians, Mexicans and African slaves has been an ongoing enterprise by barbaric whites ever since European savages set foot on the Western Hemisphere. Perhaps, the "First Lady" can be excused for her ignorance. White Texians are not known to be particularly "educated" nor "cultured"!

    The USA military has pillaged and raped the American Indians and the Mexicans in the southwest in the same way they are now doing to the Iraqis. Even today, naive Latinas who join the US Armed Forces are being brutalized and raped by racist Jews and white military personnel. They are being recruited for the exclusive enjoyment of depraved US Jewish and white military personnel. If they are doing this within the US military ranks, what can Iraqi men and women expect in their own occupied land? The brutalization of people of color by white military armed forces is a historical fact.

    Another "dirty secret" of the Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz run Pentagon is the shameful "raping" of women of color in the US military that has reached "epidemic proportions". There are hundreds of Mexican-American and other enlisted women in the US military whose lives have been totally shattered by a military they thought would never betray them. Their lives are now in total shambles after the Pentagon threw them out and blame them for the brutal rapes that took place while they were in uniform.

    There are hundreds of documented rapes of Latinas in the US military and thousands more that were never reported because of fear and shame of the victims. This is also true of the hundreds of rapes of Iraqi women and young girls that took place in Baghdad during the early days of the US occupation. The following five cases are just examples of the hundreds that have occurred during recent years.

    The Rape Case of Second Lieutenant Orlinda Marquez

    Orlinda Marquez, one of many Mexican-Americans brainwashed by the US educational system, dreamed of being an officer in the military ever since she was a kid in the fifth grade. Ms. Marquez confesses, "I bought a rucksack from an Army surplus store and ran to and from school with that rucksack." Naive and innocent Orlinda Marquez took an ROTC scholarship and graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden with a degree in engineering and geophysics. She fulfilled her lifetime dream and joined the Army Corps of Engineers in 1987 as a Second Lieutenant.

    Second Lieutenant Marquez was brutally raped by a non-commissioned officer while she slept in her barracks and her entire illustrious career and life completely destroyed. She has than self-destructed after a racist US command that has no respect for women of color blamed her for the rape.

    The Rape Case of Airwoman Arabella Rivera

    Arabella Rivera came from a military family. Her brother was in the Air Force and her father in the US Army. Ms. Rivera , at age 18, joined the Air Force, and was sent to Lowry Air Force Base. Naive and innocent as most Catholic girls, the white military beasts started conspiring against her. Her first orders were to wear short skirts. She had been in photography school at the base for about three months when she was set up for a sexual assault. An officer she trusted forced her to perform oral sex in his car. "I didn't know what the hell he was doing. He grabbed me and pulled me down. ... He wouldn't let me go. I was choking. I thought I would die," she recalled.

    After that night, her life was in shambles and she began to drink heavily to relieve her shame. A few days later, walking home from the airmen's club, the same man followed her to a remote part of the base and sodomized her. She said she screamed and cried until he let her go.

    The next week, when a master sergeant followed her into a bathroom and began putting his hands up her shirt, she "freaked out," she said. He stopped, and told her the incident never happened, and that life would be hell if she told anyone. Arabella Rivera was subsequently assaulted numerous times. After one incident she was forced to work with her attacker. Arabella Rivera has had intensive therapy, but had to drop out after an extremely traumatic session.

    She never reported the assaults because of the threats and feeling that no one would believe her.

    Being a female in the military, she said, meant "you had to fight tooth and nail to compete with the men. So I became one of the boys. Had a foul mouth like the men. Drank like them and became promiscuous. I didn't know how to be a lady anymore. I didn't show emotion. I didn't cry."

    The above behavior may be the same "syndrome" Lynndie England demonstrated and that is depicted in the the Abu Ghraib torture photographs of Iraqi POW's. Lynndie England reputed to be a lesbian, never-the-less was extremely promiscuous and is now five months pregnant in the brig at Fort Bragg.

    Arabella Rivera began therapy, but at first reliving the trauma was too much to take. "I crawled on the floor, cried and cried and said, 'I can't do this anymore.' "I didn't want to die, but I didn't want to live." She ended up in the psychiatric ward of VA Hospital.

    The Rape Case of Sailor Yuriria Acuna Pineda

    Yuriria Acuna Pineda of the US Navy now lives in Los Angeles . . . homeless. A young Mexican-American woman of very meager economic resources, she has been unable to find help for her mental problems due to the brutal rape inside a bathroom by another sailor by the name of Roger Northern II in June of 2001. The US Navy investigator by the name of Kevin O'Neil concluded that Yariria had "asked for it"!

    At a homeless shelter for veterans in Long Beach, Acuna Pineda has applied for benefits for post-traumatic stress syndrome and has begun counseling.

    Although she is only 24, she said it's hard to feel hopeful about her future when she had planned to remain in the Navy. "Everything I learned in there, it's useless now. I have to start all over. I feel it was all taken from me, what I had worked so hard to get."

    The Rape Case of US Army Medic Susana Armenta

    As one of the few women working in an ambulance unit at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii, 18-year-old Susana Armenta did not question a supervisor when he instructed her to wear only dresses.

    She was alone in her barracks early one morning when her supervisor walked in and sexually assaulted her. As he was leaving, Armenta, now 39, recalls his saying, "Thank you. You just made my day."

    She did not report him, she said, for fear she would be demoted or punished.

    Two months later, she left the service and eventually joined the Reserves.

    In 1991, Armenta was activated for Operation Desert Storm. She was at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs doing laundry when she walked back into her room and suddenly felt a huge shove.

    "I remember seeing a face and blond hair. I know the person was very heavy because I was hurting so bad," she recalled.

    She remembers few details of the rape itself, but can recall waking up the next morning feeling numb. "I went to the bathroom and saw the blood and the stickiness and the bruises," she said. "I took the longest shower of my life, and that was it."

    Weeks later, she realized she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease from the assault, she said, and was treated by a doctor.

    After the rape, Armenta returned to work. "I drank wine to keep myself under control. I was so scared I would see him again. One day at work I began crying hysterically. I asked for a chaplain, and the next thing I knew I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital."

    The Rape Case of Airwoman Sofia Rodriguez

    Sofia Rodriguez was 25 and had been in the Air Force one year when she became pregnant. She was in the third month of pregnancy at McClellan Air Force Base in California when she was raped. A staff sergeant brutally raped her and she almost lost her baby.

    "The next thing I remember ... he was raping me," Rodriguez said. "I couldn't move. All I could do was cry and think, 'What's going to happen to my baby?' I can remember the tears coming down my face, and he was saying I was crying because I was enjoying it. He had his hand on my throat."

    Rodriguez doesn't remember how she got away. "I went to my dorm, locked myself in my room, and my whole life changed." She says , "I blamed myself. I even thought about suicide."

    The trauma from rape, she said, "takes your life if you let it. ... I joined the military with my whole heart. You don't expect to be raped by your own peers or superior."

    The above five case of rape of Latinas in the US Armed Forces are just examples of the hundreds that have occurred in recent years. There are thousands more that never get reported or investigated. These and the known cases of rape in occupied Iraq are not mere isolated cases as the First Lady and her husband George Bush are saying. It is a pattern that has been established ever since the hordes of invaders pillaged Aztlan and are now doing in Islamic countries. This is one primary reason why many in Aztlan do not consider the stupid jock Pat Tillman a hero. He was, for us, just another "white (or Jewish) rapist" responsible for the murder of an unknown number of Afghani children. There are actually "no heros" in the current Zionist instigated war against Islam. Soldiers of Mexican descent in the US military should instead fight for the honor of the Mexican-American women that were raped as described above.

    In addition, La Voz de Aztlan is calling for all the elected Congresswomen of Mexican descent to STOP giving our community mere "lip service" and start doing something constructive in making sure, that at least, the US military cease "raping" our enlisted military women. The US military has been accused of raping a 9 year old Iraqi girl in Baghadad, a 12 year old Iraqi girl at the Abu Ghraib prison and of the sodomization of Iraqi boys in addition to adult Iraqi POW's. What is it going to take for all five of you to speak out vociferously?

    Please do not follow the example of Congressowman Loretta Sanchez of Orange County, California who shamelessly partied with the Jewish pornographer Hugh Hefner at the PlayBoy Mansion? PlayGirl Loretta Sanchez has now been instrumental in electing as a congresswoman her "do-nothing sister" Linda Sanchez because apperantly she colluded with certain questionable elements of the Califronia Jewish dominated Democratic Party. We have been witnesses of the Jewish inspired pornographic tactics that Loretta Sanchez utilized during her campaign. Her "flashing of her calzones" during opportune times is worst than what Lynddie England did to the Iraqi POW's. Our community will not stand for this! Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Lucille Royball-Allard, Grace Napolitano and Hilda Solis . . . stop "prostituting" yourselves just to be re-elected. Stand up for moral principals and human justice around the world now or you will be kicked out of office by our community! Stop the rape of Mexican women and other Latinas! Stop the rape and the occupation of Iraq now!

    U.S. Suprema corte de justicia Robert L. Jackson
    Jefe de U.S. Persecusion at en los  Tribunales  de Nuremberg
    August 12, 1945



    "Devemos aclarar a los Alemanes que el mal por lo que  sus lideres estan en los tribunales no es por que perdieron la guerra, sino por que la comenzaron.

     Y no devemos de permitirnos entrar a un juicio de guerra, pues nuestra posicion es que ninguna politica o queja justifica una guerra agresiva, es totalmente condenada y renunciada como un instrumento politico.."

    " Los siguientes actos, o cualquiera de ellos,  son crimenes dentro de la juridiccion por la cual ay responsabilidad individual:

    (a) CRIMENES CONTRA LA PAZ: llamese, planear, preparar, i iniciar o pelear una guerra  agrediendo, o una guerra  en violacion a los tratados internacionales, acuerdos o aseguranzas ,  o la participacion en un plan comun o la conspiracion para acer cualquiera de lo antedicho."

    "Nadie excusa a Alemania por iniciar una guerra agresiva por  tener quejas,  por que no intentamos entrar a un juicio de si tiene quejas o no.

    Si tubiera quejas reales, un ataque a la paz de el mundo no es el remedio....lanzar una guerra agresiva es un crimen y ... ninguna situacion politica o econimica la justifica ."

    atencion vean la pelicula los que se estan llendo a la guerra no solamente no entienden a quien estan defendiendo , tampoco no saben que van a una muerte segura pues ay mucho uranio causando enfermedades a todos los que estan ahi

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