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"The Girls"
If you've browsed through Kerry and Dinah's webpage then I think my relationship with my friends should be quite evident by this point. I have known them since I was 10, that was 13 yrs. ago. Our friendship never changed. I love them like they're my family. Friends are hard to find, and I am blessed. They all offer many different things but they are all down-to-earth.

Kerry (kerr-bear): She gives good advice-- someone who can listen to you and be supportive. She always sees the positive side of everything. The funny thing about Kerry is that she is absolutely convinced that she has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) --we just think she's absent minded. Sorry Kerr, you're all alone on that one!
Dinah (dee): She's the logical, PRACTICAL one. She gives good reasoning in most situations, but very giving and patient. She's also a newlywed and enjoys her time with her husband. By the way, Dines, I think you'll be a great doctor.

Anna Banana: She's the sweet, girly girl of the group. Extremely thoughtful and caring. She's the one who'll cheer you up when you're feeling under the weather; she seems to be the only one with that magic touch.

Joy: She's the laid back one of the group and just goes with the flow. She's quiet by nature, but very sweet and gentle.

My sis (Aileen): I know she doesn't fit the "friends" category but she's one of the girls! She's the one who will be on my side no matter what!. I love her very much, and it can back fire on us because we tend to be very protective of eachother. She's also an extremely intelligent person. She never believes me when I tell her how absolutely intelligent she is. She is without exception an EXCELLENT nurse, and I look up to her for that!