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An Itty Bitty About Me

It's been a looonnnggg time since I have updated this site - to the whole two of you who actually look at it - Sorry! A lot has been going on though and I haven't had a whole lot of time to keep things current. I am in my third year of school now (thank goodness!). I really enjoy my major, I don't have to do a lot of studying facts and figures like my roomies, it's more hands on projects, so that keeps things fairly exciting. I still plan on being out of here in four years (cross my fingers) so that I can start making the big bucks (haha) and supporting my dad, so he tells me.

I have started working at the Production House this semester and I love it. I get to help people all day and I have learned more about different software, applications, and media production in the last few months than I have in my lifetime. So yes, I'm becoming a computer nerd.

Living in an apartment with my girls is the best, we have so much fun together. I just love coming home and having someone there to talk to and act stupid with.

Really there just isn't a whole lot that is news worthy, I've been busy but that's just school stuff and work. I guess the only other thing that I find exciting is that I started taking some dance classes again after oh about nine years after quiting. I am having a really good time with that. I can't believe I waited this long to start up again.

So for now, that's all you get - I will try to keep this updated a little bit better from now on. Not that anyone ever reads this anyways, but I like to think they do :) - Later!