Do not remove ~AngelFae~ from this page.

~Angels Adopted Faeries~

These are my little Faerie friends that have come
to me from many wonderful places!
I found these faeries in need of a good home,
and all of them have relatives waiting for homes too!
Don't remove these little ones from this page.

If you click directly on the Faeries name,
you will instantly be transported to her original home!




~Tulip~ ~Larkspur~

~Forsythia~ ~Wisteria~



Dance like no one's watching.
Love like you'll never be hurt.
Sing like no one's listening.
And live like heaven on earth.
--Source unknown

AngelFae was created and is owned by ~Angel~
All rights reserved.
*She is NOT avaliable for download*

Please email me at: merbabe@hotmail.com

This beautiful background is courtesy of "Nomad".

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