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Welcome to Milo's very own web page!

If you are a cat lover then this page is for you. It is about my cat, Milo.

Milo is an American Short hair. He is a beautiful orange color with golden eyes. As you probably know American short hairs are very muscular and large. Milo turned one year old on Augest 30,2000. We did not always own Milo; we adopted him from a wonderful animal hospital on November 17, 2000, he was about 3 months old. Milo was always wonderful, never causing any trouble, well as little as a kitten can. There was always the exciting exploring that a kitten does. Milo got used to his new home and to his new owners, the whole neighbourhood. He really makes himself at home at some of their houses. As you have probably guessed Milo is an outdoor cat , I can't picture the poor kitten cooped up inside all day. He has too much energy for that. Milo enjoys relaxing on his chair in the livingroom and catching some rays and he LOVES bothering older cats (that are bigger than him ). Let's just say that Milo makes himself very much at home anywhere he goes.

If you are a first time cat or kitten owner you know that it is very hard to deny a kitten's pittiful meow and sad kitten eyes they give you. They know that they can get anything if they just ask in the perfect way! Well I know that Milo is like that, if he is bagging for a treat or something he will just sit on the floor by me and glance up and look at me with his golden eyes, you can't say no to him.I consider Milo like an angel, but I know some other people who wonder where his halo is, but if you look really colse into his eyes there is no dought in my mind that he is an angel (you just need to give him a chance).

Milo doesn't always make friends everywhere he goes. Just like humans, cats have enemies. Milo has one we like to call the "Bully". He is a BIG gray and white stray cat. He has just about beaten up all of the cats in our neighborhood except Milo. Milo knows when to run away from danger. The Bully did try to hurt Milo but one thing he didn't know about Milo is that he is fast, he is very very fast!

This is Milo as Super Cat! ( He is my super hero! )

As you have noticed Milo is wearing a coat. Some people think that cats hate wearing coats, but Milo doesn't mind; in fact he has four coats!

Milo has had many pictures taken of him, that is one thing that we will never have a shortage of pictuers of him. I ' m sure that it is like having a new baby at home you can't keep your hands off of him/her and you can't stop taking pictures of them.

One thing about cats is that they are all different and no matter if the cat looks just like one you had before they will have a different personality! Unless you got your cat cloned.

Cats grow up so fast they don't stay small for long. When we picked out Milo the vet told us that he would be a big cat, but no matter how big he gets he will still seem as small as he was the first night we brought him.

The Vets

Every cat sould go to the vets. With Milo having come from the animal hospital we didn't have to go searching for a vet, but you should be sure that you are getting the best vet possible for your cat. When ever we take Milo to the vets I think of the first time we took him home. He was meowing and meowing in the car until we stopped the car to get him some kitty litter, then he started purring. Now when we take him to the vets he is quiet, he will sit in his carrying case and wait. Milo is quite good when we are there, he will not wail and cry, but you can tell by the look he gives you that he is not having fun! When we get home he is back to his normal self! I can't stress how important it is to take your cat to the vets. If you own more then one cat then your cat could be expossed to feline leukemia!

Well I'll leave you with a few more pictures of Me!

Thanks for reading



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