I heard morphos screenshots have been banned from da web, but I managed to take my own screenmshotz(I got betatester). I got one only for now, but it give a great idea of possible.
You cleArly can see that windows can have iregular sizes and fonts not fixed, also pointer is like this. Also dock is really nice and you canb see mos amp running(a new great players for morphos). It does not run in pal screen but in very big hires 640 by 480 and so you can see much more.
Here is the screensot, I will work hard to test the pegasus board and make motre shotz. Keep tjuned. I was in a hury cause of time, so sorry for making typos.
Morphos screenshot
Here is screenshot if amigaos4, as you can see it is MUCH better and the colours are absolutely gorgeous. I hope aos4 enginees keeps it up as tghey will beats the shit out of morphs lamerz hehehe!!. Because aos is much better than morphos, aos4 rulzzzzzz!!!!!!!!111
aos4 screenshit