This is a site for all Corgi-lovers, big and small. It includes Corgi information, an informative dog health guide, fun and interactive activities, along with awards you could win, all for the breeder and pet owner a like. And it's all hosted by me, Rugby!
You find here information on Corgis:
(NEW) The Difference Between Cardigans and Pembrokes: Learn about the two different breed's ancestry, physicality, temperament, recent history, and more.
CORGI LEGENDS: There's a page telling of the Corgi Legends, the stories once secrets to Corgis, now public to humans. Find out about the Corgi's creation and their introduction to mortals. Find out about their faerie saddle and the gallant Corgi who helped a faerie.
CORGI STANDARD APPEARANCES: This includes the official, up to date breed standards for both Cardigan and Pembroke, along with the Corgi Breed Tree.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Have a Corgi question or want to learn some interesting facts about corgis? Like, "How come PEMs don't have tails?" That's all answered here and more! Plus, if you'd like to speak with me personally or have a question you'd like answered on the dot, visit here!
Informative Directories:
& AILMENTS: A huge directory dedicated to Corgi (or any dog)
disease and ailments, so you'll know what to watch for if your Corgi's sick,
what disease he/she has, if your Corgi needs to go to the vet, and what you can
do yourself to help your Corgi, plus all the how-to-dos. It also has information
on disorders, parasites, and how to treat your Corgi.
For the people who are more interested in fun activities, Rugby's site includes:
KIWI'S CRYSTAL BALL: Kiwi is a red-white Corgi who came before me, Rugby. Just ask her a yes or no question and she'll give you her mystical, yet humorous answer. Here you will find out about Kiwi and how she got her powers.
CORGI QUIZ: See how much you know about the well-loved breed, Corgi. You may know everything, or you may learn some interesting facts!
CORGI SCRAMBLE: This is a fun game where you would try to unscramble all the words relating to Corgis! See if you can unscramble all of them!
RUGBY POLLS: I (Rugby) have some questions to ask you. I want to know what your favorite type of Corgi is, what Corgis like to play with the most, and what you think would be the best name for a Corgi. Go ahead and vote!
(NEW) RUGBY'S DOGGY FORUM: You might not exactly call this fun, put here you can post up any articles relating to dogs. Whether you have a question, need some pictures, have a fun idea for the site, or were wondering where you could find a Corgi. Anything...just post it!
"Links, Web Rings, and Awards, oh my!":
CORGI LINKS AND WEB RINGS: Links for the Pembroke and Cardigan lover. Webrings for all dog loving sites. You're invited to join my webring, Dog_Love.
the Blue or Baby Bone Award, two awards of web site excellence (one the
lesser, one the greater) for pet sites.
WON: See all the awards this site has won. They sure make a Corgi
(Translation: Enjoy!)
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