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Round Worm

Round Worms

    The Round Worm is a parasite up to five inches long, and disgustingly, looks like spaghetti. Almost all puppies are born with it, because it spreads through the pregnant mom to the fetus through the blood stream. If your puppy is born with it, don't worm it right away, wait to the recommended time of six weeks to worm it, then worm again at four months.
   Puppies don't only get Round Worms, but so can an adult dogs. Round worms lay about 200,000 eggs a day and they come out in the feces of the dog, or sometimes there may be eggs contaminating the soil. That is how it spreads from dog to dog. You can tell if your dog or puppy has Round Worm if they have a dry and lackluster coat, a pot belly,  a thin neck, diarrhea, and watery eyes and nose. Your dog or puppy may also cough up a worm. An easy way to tell if he/she has Round Worm is by looking around the anus to see if there are worm segments. For a dog, you should get veterinary treatment right away to catch the worms before they mature and shed eggs. You will have to have a wormer worm it. In the meanwhile, giving your dog Ruby Remedy is recommended.