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Las Vegas Reunion

Thanks to Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky who coordinated, planned, and executed events down to the smallest detail. The Las Vegas Reunion was a TOTAL SUCCESS!! Also, thank you, Al Warshawsky, for your efforts and sacrifices!!

Las Vegas Reunion Coordinators
Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky and Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

A special thank you to Susan Ortoleva for helping to plan the wonderful event, to Don Hayes for organizing a fun-filled afternoon of laser tag, Kevin Nolan for SUGGESTING a reunion in Las Vegas and acting as a tour guide on the strip, Jimmy Cummings and Chris Bauer for the gift of your voices, Hank Berkowitz who taught in Woods Road in 1963 and attended the reunion, and to everyone who took time and traveled near and far to attended and make the event so memorable and fun.

Please send all of your photos to Don or wendy.

The only thing that would've made the weekend more special, was if YOU were there. We hope you are at the next reunion.

Here is a list of the friends who attended this magical reunion. Some wrote special thoughts in a black-and-white-covered Mead Composition Book (which Pat arranged on each table) that are shared below.

Debbie (Affenita) Weinisch
Roy Bauer
~ Thank you very much for a great time. The talks, hugs, laser tag, and banquets were refreshing and warm. I appreciate my classmates more now than I ever did when we were in school. I love you.
George Bernero ~ Thanx for the memories and thanx for the lifetime friendship. Thanx to Wendy for everything.
Don Burlingame ~ Absolutely Fabulous Reunion. It was great seeing faces of old friends from 30+ years ago. A lot of work from Pat Dragonette has made this a great success. A lot of heartfelt thanks to you, Pat, for getting this together. Thank you
Nick Dispenziere
Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky
Chris (Ferm) Wilson
Pam (Fryer) Waldman
~ Dear Class of 69ers, It's been fantastic seeing you all again. The past 33 years seem to have melted away and I felt like I was a teenager again! Thanks to Wendy for finding all of our wonderful friends. Thanks to Pat for putting together an absolutely wonderful reunion.
Vinny Gabriele
Kathy (Gordon) Moller
Chris (Grassa) Miller
~ Many thanks to Wendy for "locating" us all and Pat for organizing this mini-reunion. Had a wonderful time.
John Harbar
Don Hayes
~ They may have been great in '68... But we were mighty fine in '69! It was great to celebrate the success of each survivor of our class to this date and time. Each of us may have taken different paths to get here but the fact that we are here is worth a celebration. See you in another 50 years!! P.S. Please check your #&*+{$!@# smoke detectors!!!
Chester Hazel
Jane (Hickman) Beteille
Bill Konik
Darcy (Lawrence) Cummings
wendy (michaels) brewer
~ Pat, we are indebted to you for your hard work, dedication, love, and attention to detail. We've all had a wonderful time in Las Vegas. To all NB69ers (and spouses, friends, etc): What a THRILL to see everyone. It is so much fun to relive the past, catch up on the present, and look forward to seeing everyone in the future. It's an honor to be part of the great Class of '69!!
Kevin Nolan ~ God, I haven't seen one of these in years. Pat, you have done a wonderful job. Thank you. I appreciate all of your efforts. I had a great time, and hope everyone else did too. It was fun renewing old friendships. When in Arizona, contact me.
Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson ~ Thanks to Pat for all your hard work! This was a great way to reminisce after all these years. Can't wait until the next one in 2004! Perhaps I'll be a better golfer by then. Thanks to Wendy for finding me.
Joey (Reiners) Tierney ~ This was the best damn mini reunion ever. Can't wait till the Big 35!
Frank Sciacca
Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis
Gail (Sterler) Boyd
~ Thank you Pat Dragonette and Susan Ortoleva and Wendy Michaels for gathering us together. If it wasn't for your caring and insistance, this elegant event would not have materialized. It is so wonderful to see everyone again. We were sweet and innocent then. Now we're wiser but a little hardened by the journey. But one true ingredient remains: we were always quality. Coming together reinforces that. Who we were is really who we are. It is good.
Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly ~ Loved it (mini-reunion) and loved seeing everyone! Let's keep this up, keep it going! Love to all!
Jan Waluk
Debbie Werner
Leroy Whethers
Cheryl (Wren) Airey
~ This was fantastic. Thank you Pat and Wendy for all of your hard work. It was so good to see a little bit of my past and now my future with old friends. Thanks again.
John Zimmerly ~ It's great to get together. Let's do this more often!

...and from hearts of spouses and 6th Grade Teachers (a.k.a. "new friends")...

Chris Bauer ~ It was absolutely wonderful meeting all of you. I loved singing for you and hope I may again in the future. Take care and keep sweet.
Hank Berkowitz ~ Dear NB Alumni, I'd like to thank you for giving me (and my wife) the opportunity to share in your reunion. Somehow I still pictured you all as you were in 1963, inncocent babes of 11 and 12. I had the good fortune to know some of you then. I was a 6th grade teacher at Woods Road and you were eager learners - SOMETIMES. You've brought back innumerable, wonderful memories and made me feel younger than my 72 years. Thanks and God bless you all.
Judy Berkowitz ~ I'm Mr B's wife. I want to thank Wendy and all of you for making Mr B so very happy. He is absolutely glowing. All you children (adults) have been so very important in his life. My very best wishes to all of you. With love
Craig Skogerson ~ Jellyfish: Visible... Invisible... A Fluctuating Charm... An Amber Tinctured Amethyst... Inhabits It, Your Arm... Approaches, And It Opens... And It Closes... You Abondon Your Intent. My favorite poem, I don't know why I thought to write it down, just wanted to share. Thanks so much for the warmth and acceptance all of you have shown. I wish I had met you all and gone to schoool with you as a classmate. All the Best...

Las Vegas Amigos

Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Don Hayes

Debbie (Affenita) Weinisch

Chris (Grassa) Miller, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Chris (Ferm) Wilson

(back) Cheryl (Wren) Airey, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, wendy (michaels) brewer (front) Chris (Grassa) Miller, Chris (Ferm) Wilson

Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Jane (Hickman) Beteille

Cheryl (Wren) Airey, Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Darcy (Lawrence) Cummings

John Harbar, Kevin Nolan, Patty Nolan, Don Hayes, Pam (Fryer) Waldman

Kathy (Gordon) Moller, Chris (Grassa) Miller, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Darcy (Lawrence) Cummings

Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, wendy (michaels) brewer, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, John Harbar, Chester Hazel, Don Hayes, Jane (Hickman) Beteille

Chester Hazel and Debbie Werner

Mike & Cheryl (Wren) Airey

Roy Bauer, Don Burlingame

Nick Dispenziere, Roy Bauer, Cheryl (Wren) Airey

John Harbar, Don Hayes, Chester Hazel, Leroy Whethers

Gail (Sterler) Boyd, wendy (michaels) brewer

Don Burlingame

(top) wendy (michaels) brewer, Cheryl (Wren) Airey, Roy Bauer (bottom) Karen Dispenziere, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Chris Bauer

Don Hayes

Kathy (Gordon) Moller, Jane (Hickman) Beteille

Leroy Whethers, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Chester Hazel

Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Vinny Gabriele, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Cheryl (Wren) Airey

Nick Dispenziere, John Harbar, Don Hayes, Kevin Nolan

Laser Tag Team - John Harbar, Don Hayes, Roy Bauer, Leroy Whethers, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Chris Bauer

(Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Gail (Sterler) Boyd, Chris (Grassa) Miller

Gail (Sterler) Boyd, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Don Hayes, Chris (Grassa) Miller, John Harbar, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Kevin Nolan, wendy (michaels) brewer, Jan Waluk, Nique Waluk, Nick Dispenziere, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Roy Bauer, Frank Sciacca

Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

Chris (Grassa) Miller, Chris (Ferm) Wilson

Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson, John Harbar, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky

Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Pam (Fryer) Waldman

Kevin Nolan, Frank Sciacca, Chester Hazel, Karen & Nick Dispenziere

Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Don Hayes

(top) Don Burlingame, Craig Skogerson, Cheryl (Wren) & Mike Airey (bottom) Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Kevin Nolan, Frank Sciacca

Gail (Sterler) Boyd, Jan Waluk

John Zimmerly & Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly

John Harbar – All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace a Chance

Chris (Grassa) Miller rides her first tram

Laser Tag – (top) John Harbar, Chester Hazel, wendy (michaels) brewer (middle) Leroy Whethers, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Roy Bauer, Chris Bauer, George Bernero (bottom) Don Hayes

Hank Berkowitz, wendy (michaels) brewer, Judy Berkowitz

Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

Hank Berkowitz, Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Judy Berkowitz

Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, wendy (michaels) brewer

Patty & Kevin Nolan

Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Don Hayes, Nique Waluk

John & Joey (Reiners) Tierney

Darcy (Lawrence) & Jimmy Cummings

Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Al Warshawsky, Chester Hazel, Karen Dispenziere, Gail (Sterler) Boyd, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Nick Dispenziere (plane ride to Grand Canyon)

John Harbar, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, etc. ("da plane")

Susan (Ortoleva) & Craig Skogerson

Hank Berkowitz (6th grade teacher in Woods Road 1963)

Jan Waluk

Debbie (Affenita) Weinisch, Hank Berkowitz, Joey (Reiners) Tierney

Don Hayes

Al & Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky (Grand Canyon)

Al & Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Karen & Nick Dispenziere, John Harbar, Pam (Fryer) Waldman (Grand Canyon)

George Bernero, Jane (Hickman) Beteille

Leroy Whethers

(top) Kathy (Gordon) Moller, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Jane (Hickman) Beteille, John Zimmerly (bottom) Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis

Chris (Grassa) Miller, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Darcy (Lawrence) Cummings, Cheryl (Wren) Airey, Joey (Reiners) Tierney

John Harbar, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, Roy Bauer

"da boys" (top) Kevin Nolan, Don Burlingame, Leroy Whethers, Roy Bauer, John Zimmerly, Jan Waluk, John Harbar, Nick Dispenziere, Chester Hazel (bottom) Don Hayes, George Bernero, Bill Konik

"da girls" (top) Joey (Reiners) Tierney, Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Chris (Grassa) Miller, Kathy (Gordon) Moller, Debbie (Affenita) Weinisch, Cheryl (Wren) Airey (bottom), wendy (michaels) brewer, Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson, Chris (Ferm) Wilson

Chris Bauer gives the gift of song

Chris Bauer, Nique Waluk, Susan (Ortoleva) Skogerson

Don Hayes & wendy (michaels) brewer

Al Warshawsky, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Nick Dispenziere, Chester Hazel, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, John Harbar, wendy (michaels) brewer (Hopi House at Grand Canyon)

Don Hayes, Jane (Hickman) Beteille

George Bernero tries on a hat

...and another hat

Collection to buy George a hat

Kathy (Gordon) Moller & significant other

John Harbar’s Slot Machine Groupies (1)

John Harbar’s Slot Machine Groupies (2)

Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Chris (Grassa) Miller

(top) Karen Dispenziere, Nick Dispenziere, Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Don Hayes, Kevin Nolan, Vinny Gabriele (middle) Chris (Grassa) Miller, John Harbar, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, wendy (michaels) brewer, Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, Pam (Fryer) Waldman (bottom) Don Burlingame, John Zimmerly, George Bernero (at the Bellagio)

(top) Karen Dispenziere, Nick Dispenziere, Jane (Hickman) Beteille, Don Hayes, Kevin Nolan, Vinny Gabriele (middle) Chris (Grassa) Miller, John Harbar, Jane (Sosis) Zabielskis, wendy (michaels) brewer, Leslie (Tuttle) Zimmerly, Pam (Fryer) Waldman (bottom) Don Burlingame, John Zimmerly, George Bernero (at the Bellagio)

Gail (Sterler) Boyd, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, wendy (michaels) brewer (Grand Canyon)

Chester Hazel, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, Chris (Ferm) Wilson (Grand Canyon)

Chester Hazel, Leroy Whethers (Grand Canyon)

Leroy Whethers (Grand Canyon)

Gail (Sterler) Boyd (Grand Canyon)

Chester Hazel, Chris (Ferm) Wilson, Nick Dispenziere, Karen Dispenziere, Pam (Fryer) Waldman, John Harbar, Pat (Dragonette) Warshawsky, Al Warshawsky, Gail (Sterler) Boyd (Grand Canyon)

John Zimmerly, Jan Waluk

Kevin Nolan, Don Burlingame, Leroy Whethers, Roy Bauer

Leslie (Tuttle) & John Zimmerly

(last updated 10/27/2002)